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Ellenville NY
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Thanks for the kind words guys. TimberDTI thats a lot of cigs man. emmanuel That is sick to smoke that much, you need to write a book lol.Tentacles did you ever find out the cause of the blood .

Day 3.


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I have been smoke free for the past 9yrs after being a smoker for 15yrs. Like others have mentioned before I was lucky enough to wake up one morning and figure it out and havent looked back since. Unfortunately for me I lost my older bro who was 38 to lung cancer this past year. Its one of the hardest things you will probably ever do in quitting but it will be the most rewarding.. Good luck


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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I started in the Marines and kept at it hard when I was a bartender.
Then I figured out how badly I smelled. And the first impression people had of me was that I smoked. Not who I was but by how I smelled.

You can do it because you care about yourself and the people in your life. Further more you dont want to be a tool for the tabacco companies who knowingly sell cigs that kill people.


Long Island
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Coming up on 7 years for me, the first few months were the killers but after that it's re-training your brain to do things without smokes; you'll be amazed at some of the triggers. Keep healthy snacks on you to keep your mind and fingers busy as the urges will pass quicker each time.


Ellenville NY
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Isn't it ironic the lengths we go to make our fish and coral as happy and healthy as possible, but yet we continue to poison ourselves with not only cigs but so much more.
food, excessive drinking. etc..etc..

Day 3


Advanced Reefer
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Quoting is very hard who ever has quite u have great will power.. I'm trying to quit just everyone around me smokes. It's also hard to rethink every thing you do in the day and not to smoke.. I go outside and light a cig if I'm waiting out side I light a cig.. I'm gonna try to quit this week again wish me luck this will be like the 3rd time I try..

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Ellenville NY
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Quoting is very hard who ever has quite u have great will power.. I'm trying to quit just everyone around me smokes. It's also hard to rethink every thing you do in the day and not to smoke.. I go outside and light a cig if I'm waiting out side I light a cig.. I'm gonna try to quit this week again wish me luck this will be like the 3rd time I try..

Sent from my iPhone using Reefs

Just try.. I'm using the patch and it really is working. I take my hat off to the folks that did it cold turkey. But i will not gamble this time i want this to work.
You can post ur progress here if you which. Good luck.

Day 3... $60 Saved.


Ellenville NY
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bad thing is am doing it cold turkey i also stopped being around those friends that smoke alot and i drink more coffee lol

Thats strange.. now i drink less coffee. just isn't the same without the cigs. Which is another plus i guess. I mean i drank coffee all the way to bed time.

Day 3.. $60 saved


Ellenville NY
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Hope so ... Was watching something on tv about 2012 being the end of the world. Figured what the hell i'm stopping for, Where almost done anyway.. NOT going to do it.


Advanced Reefer
long island ny
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i did it with the smoking pill never looked back just had some really bad dreams on the pill but will never smoke again look into the pill it works with no withdrull at all

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