i wouldn't think of going on strike as an EMT, no matter what anyone told me...union or anyone else, it would be wrong in so many ways. but how does the taylor law help us??we've had no contract for way longer than the TWU workers, try comparing a couple of days to a decade. i'm really not on either side as i don't have the magical calculator that tells me how much everyone should get paid based on the job they do and effort they put in. but i don't think the mayor and all others own one of these either, but the mayor mta governor and many others can't get the words illegal and taylor law out of they're voc. when arguing about the strike on tv trying to make the twu and it's workers look like criminals.
i believe there is an inbalance, and IMO the cause is the taylor law. the strike is neccessary, if not for other reasons for this ONE reason: the law needs to be revised to insure everyone is dealt a just deal.
maybe the mta and the union should both be fined for not being able to reach an agreement.