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What is your view of the TWU strike?

  • The TWU should strike

    Votes: 20 35.1%
  • The TWU should NOT strike

    Votes: 34 59.6%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 3 5.3%

  • Total voters


Advanced Reefer
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inkblue said:
good. s0 wHat i'd liKe to know are storiEs oF how peoPle made it int0 the ciTy ...anyBody bike or bLaded in? i wanted to bring a scooTer. i saw a grandMa bLading on 6th aveNue :icon16:
I biked in today. Rode from Carroll gardens brooklyn to 68th and York. It was an interesting/full on/cool in a wierd way experience. I am not sure if the ride back will be as good, :eek: .


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Deanos said:
LOL...he even changed his signature from water-related to strike related. What better way to tee-off those already angry at him, than to splash Bloomberg's statement on all his posts. :sigh1:
Dean, i am aware that there are people on this board that hate me (i dont include you on that list) but my views will not be changed based on threats.
I do not see it as a crime to agree with and support our democratically elected mayor.
I do not hold anything against anyone discussing this, it is just a discussion. i respect everyone in this thread and would hope that my views (which is the majority view) would not ostracize me on MR.


Old School Reefer
Bronx, NY 10475
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I planned on picking up 3 "hitchhikers" this morning, until I bumped into my neighbor needing a 4th rider. I jumped in, after I was guaranteed a ride home as well. PHEWW!!


Rice Planter
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solbby said:
I biked in today. Rode from Carroll gardens brooklyn to 68th and York. It was an interesting/full on/cool in a wierd way experience. I am not sure if the ride back will be as good,

:eek: daYm... soundz faR dude :knockedou

man, tHose guYs with Segways muSt be in heaven :approve: the ultimate ciTy cruiSer in situatioNs like thiS :p


Rice Planter
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alrha said:
Dean, i am aware that there are people on this board that hate me (i dont include you on that list) but my views will not be changed based on threats.
I do not see it as a crime to agree with and support our democratically elected mayor.
I do not hold anything against anyone discussing this, it is just a discussion. i respect everyone in this thread and would hope that my views (which is the majority view) would not ostracize me on MR.

hmmm... oh-Kay ;) how did yoU get in aLbert :yo:


Advanced Reefer
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inkblue said:
:eek: daYm... soundz faR dude :knockedou

man, tHose guYs with Segways muSt be in heaven :approve: the ultimate ciTy cruiSer in situatioNs like thiS :p
8.36 miles based on Mapquest. Needless to say I got my workout for the day.

House of Laughter

Super Moderator
Staff member
Ossining, NY
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Don, I don't think Segue's can make it that far on thier charge, can they?

A friend of mine rode his track bicycle (he used to be a messenger in Germany) and made it to manhattan from 5th ave and 16th (near you Shaun) into downtown without any trouble.

Me, I am plugging in my PC, connecting to the University by VPN and BAM, working as if I am there. I love telecommuting - in person service is so 20th century :)

You know we love you Al.



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inkblue said:
hmmm... oh-Kay ;) how did yoU get in aLbert :yo:
yesterday i stayed home and telecommuted.
today my sister had to have surgery in the morning, so we drove in at 5am (with my parents).
My wife is driving in now (stuck in traffic) to pick me up.
tomorrow is another day, who knows what will be.


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Hitsnorth said:
Remember when Ronald Reagan told the Air Traffic controllers to go back to work or your fired? Same thing here. Its illegal to strike and thats it. If you dont think your getting paid enough go find a job elsewhere that will pay you what your skills are worth.
In the FAA situation, they really couldnt find a job elsewhere which is what gave them a little better of a case.
Regarding the TWU, it seems that the concern of switching jobs is a loss of their pension. this i might add must be considered as a benefit of working for the MTA. If the pension is large enough to make it not worthwhile to switch jobs, that is included in the calculation - sort of like golden handcuffs.


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inkblue said:
d0 yoU tHink theR wiLL be slimmEr peePs after thiS striKe :scratchch :afro:

I thought if there is an upside some people might loose weight.

some of my friends have commented that walking or biking to work was not bad, and almost just as fast, and they plan to do it a couple of days a week :knockedou


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House of Laughter said:
how does any of this affect reefing? That is a conversation I'd like to have since this is a reef board
it doesnt, that's why it is in the 'off-topic' forum.
this site encourages freedom of browsing.
nobody is being forced to participate in this thread. those who are interesting in debating the issue are welcome to, and those who could care less could find more than enough valuable reefing info in all the other threads.


Rice Planter
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alrha said:
it doesnt, that's why it is in the 'off-topic' forum.
this site encourages freedom of browsing.
nobody is being forced to participate in this thread. those who are interesting in debating the issue are welcome to, and those who could care less could find more than enough valuable reefing info in all the other threads.

:bigeyes2: i feeL the hardNess... i mean hard feeLings coming baCK :lol: :joke: :)

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