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What is your view of the TWU strike?

  • The TWU should strike

    Votes: 20 35.1%
  • The TWU should NOT strike

    Votes: 34 59.6%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 3 5.3%

  • Total voters


Advanced Reefer
Vernon, NJ
Rating - 100%
35   0   0
marrone said:

I also have the large earth floating magnets, either the Hammer Head shark or one of them, and it work pretty well on the acrylic but I needed the next model up, for acrylic 1", but they didn't have it in the float model. They were working on it and it was suppose to have come out last year or early this year.

I got the "Tiger shark float" I tried them on a 1" piece they work pretty well.
the great whites are designed for 1" but dont float


The All Powerful OZ
Staff member
The Big City
Rating - 98.8%
80   1   0
I just checked, just got home from work, and I have the Tiger Shark float which does 5/8" and 3/4" thick acrylic. I use the felt attachment on the acrylic and it does a pretty good job but doesn't get every thing off specially if it's tough algae. I have the nylon hook patch, which is similar to the Mag-a-float magnets, but I've been afraid to use it on the acrylic and it may scratch it.

When I spoke with the company about a year or so ago they told me that they would have the Great White Floating magnet within a couple of months but it seems from their website it's not ready yet.


Advanced Reefer
Vernon, NJ
Rating - 100%
35   0   0
marrone said:
I just checked, just got home from work, and I have the Tiger Shark float which does 5/8" and 3/4" thick acrylic. I use the felt attachment on the acrylic and it does a pretty good job but doesn't get every thing off specially if it's tough algae. I have the nylon hook patch, which is similar to the Mag-a-float magnets, but I've been afraid to use it on the acrylic and it may scratch it.

When I spoke with the company about a year or so ago they told me that they would have the Great White Floating magnet within a couple of months but it seems from their website it's not ready yet.
I'm going to have tony at reef exotics orderthe "great white" for me


Advanced Reefer
Rating - 100%
60   0   0
After all is said and done, do you know who I have the BIGGEST PROBLEM with. It is the taxi cab drivers. Last night I tried to get a cab home, they wouldn't do it, they said they are only staying in one area. Then all the extra charges, i.e. dividing the city into zones and charging as they cross each zone.

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