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What is your view of the TWU strike?

  • The TWU should strike

    Votes: 20 35.1%
  • The TWU should NOT strike

    Votes: 34 59.6%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 3 5.3%

  • Total voters


The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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Pseudo said:
By the way what does voting have to do with the Taylor Law ?? No one voted for it. It was a legislative act. It was called the Condon-Waldin Act before it was re-written by George Taylor because it didn't work (It didn't work then and it doesn't work now). Hence the Taylor Law (act).


It the rational that if you voted you elected the people that made the laws. But voting doesn't really have anything to do with the laws as all it takes is 1 person to fight the law and get it throw out.



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actually we are all african, if you go back far enough. so even my white ass is technically an african american. though back then it was not called africa.

let's try not to go there.


OG Member
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I didn't say racial (why always jump to the obvious). I really don't think that there was such a HUGE population of Hatians here at that time so I was correct in saying that we (were) are African-Americans. I didn't destroy you other precious thread and I can post were ever I want to on this board unless YOU feel like I am a threat to you and your views. ;)

You keep making mistakes when posting and say you want to learn why, when and how. So I am here to help you :)

You are not the only one with views. Until I hear from someone that you recently own this board I will do as I please. Does anyone else have any objections ?? If I wasn't interested in "participating" I would not have posted. Please be aware that I am feeling hostility towards me in your comments. Is there something specific that you want to say to me Albert ? Unless there is, you can continue on with your tirade about the strike as you please.

Thanks for your concern,



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marrone said:

It the rational that if you voted you elected the people that made the laws. But voting doesn't really have anything to do with the laws as all it takes is 1 person to fight the law and get it throw out.


well the people elect "representatives" for a reason.

in any event, i see your point michael. so then who decides which laws we follow and which ones we dont? what is the point of having laws then if we have the right to ignore the ones we dont like?
if i feel comfortable driving 100mph, why do i have to stop for the cop that pulls me over? if a court tells me i must pay a fine, why can i just say "well i dont think i did anything wrong, i didnt vote for that law, so i'm not paying it"

there has to be a respect for the law.


Rice Planter
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jhale said:
actually we are all african, if you go back far enough. so even my white ass is technically an african american. though back then it was not called africa.

...caN yoU beLieve i lived iN niGeria foR 10 years :approve: amaZing pLace, back then anyWays :shocked1: wiSh i couLd go bacK when it was stiLL under deveLop'd :yeah:


OG Member
New York
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Well you are all right in that manner. WE did elect them to represent us and as duly elected officials they are supposed to have our best interest in mind when placing thier votes... Now how often has our elected officials not done what was in the best interest of the people ?? You can see this all through history and are seeing it right now in our own country every day in the News and on the front pages of newspapers.



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Pseudo said:

I didn't say racial (why always jump to the obvious). I really don't think that there was such a HUGE population of Hatians here at that time so I was correct in saying that we (were) are African-Americans. I didn't destroy you other precious thread and I can post were ever I want to on this board unless YOU feel like I am a threat to you and your views. ;)

You keep making mistakes when posting and say you want to learn why, when and how. So I am here to help you :)

You are not the only one with views. Until I hear from someone that you recently own this board I will do as I please. Does anyone else have any objections ?? If I wasn't interested in "participating" I would not have posted. Please be aware that I am feeling hostility towards me in your comments. Is there something specific that you want to say to me Albert ? Unless there is, you can continue on with your tirade about the strike as you please.

Thanks for your concern,


thanks for clearing that up Kasei.

I can assure you i have nothing against you.
i just feel that blacks are as american as whites, and there is no reason to have to mention their origin (as if they are not fully american).

now, on with the thread...


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inkblue said:
...caN yoU beLieve i lived iN niGeria foR 10 years

that's cool, you have secret lives like herman :shhh: :approve:

I only lived in Greece for like six months, then it's been all the United States.


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Pseudo said:
Well you are all right in that manner. WE did elect them to represent us and as duly elected officials they are supposed to have our best interest in mind when placing thier votes... Now how often has our elected officials not done what was in the best interest of the people ?? You can see this all through history and are seeing it right now in our own country every day in the News and on the front pages of newspapers.


i see your point.
but how would you go about now deciding which laws we respect and which we dont? (see my prior post)


The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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alrha said:
well the people elect "representatives" for a reason.

in any event, i see your point michael. so then who decides which laws we follow and which ones we dont? what is the point of having laws then if we have the right to ignore the ones we dont like?
if i feel comfortable driving 100mph, why do i have to stop for the cop that pulls me over? if a court tells me i must pay a fine, why can i just say "well i dont think i did anything wrong, i didnt vote for that law, so i'm not paying it"

there has to be a respect for the law.


If some one decides that they don't like a certain law they can take it to court and try and fight it and get it changes or over turned. Usually to start that process people will get arrested and then have a case to bring to court. Albert this is america and if people don't like a law they can fight it, you mayn't like it but that's the facts, reguardless of who is elected into office or your opinions.

Also most of the example that you always use are like comparing apples to oranges.



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alrha said:
and there is no reason to have to mention their origin (as if they are not fully american).

now, on with the thread...

I agree I don't like all the labels people have to use here.
But with the african american name I think it's because people
were tired of being labeled by thier skin color. so that label worked.

but I wish all th eother groups would stop hyphonating "whatever I used to be" - American. your here, you live here, you were born here, your american, leave it at that.


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marrone said:
If some one decides that they don't like a certain law they can take it to court and try and fight it and get it changes or over turned. Usually to start that process people will get arrested and then have a case to bring to court. Albert this is america and if people don't like a law they can fight it, you mayn't like it but that's the facts, reguardless of who is elected into office or your opinions.
ok, and if the court still rules against them. then what?


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jhale said:
I agree I don't like all the labels people have to use here.
But with the african american name I think it's because people
were tired of being labeled by thier skin color. so that label worked.
but I wish all th eother groups would stop hyphonating "whatever I used to be" - American. your here, you live here, you were born here, your american, leave it at that.
i agree, but at the time, it was the skin color that decided who votes. hence the relevence.


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Boston Tea Party Illegal, Civil War illegal, Iraq War Illegal (had to throw that in) There are instances where when individual rights must be defended at the cost of income and sometimes lives. That is why this is a democratic society. When we feel there is need for change we do have the option of voting on specific issues (not always) or vote for representatives that will vote for us. We also have an impeachment process for the self same reason. As a last resort, our Constitution gives us the right to bear arms in order to protect out civil liberties. Our Forefathers thought about that when they drafted the Constitution "just in case" our elected officials stopped looking out for the individual rights of the people under the governing body.

Small talk= Kill them and start over. We are all human. Therefore susceptable to mistakes. Our legal system gives us a chance to right wrongs before we have to resort to extremes. (my 9mm Sig). All of the bickering and moaning in the world doesn't help unless someone decides to stand up for their rights and say" hey your full of **** and I am not going to take it anymore". It sometimes only takes 1 sometimes 33,700.

The MTA and the City use the Taylor Law in thier own favor because there is no provision making them accountable (well somewhat) but no fines for them and only for Municipal workers. They are supposed to bargin in good faith. They did not. They were "NEVER" supposed to place Pensions on the bargaining table. It is against the Law. Hmmm... Against the law... Thats right.

No matter how you feel about the strike some good things may come from it.Maybe the City will start treating Municipal workers like human beings instead of indentured servants and stop holding their wages hostage for 3 years or more while bills pile up and increases in taxes skyrocket while the bigshots get $30,000 - $100,000 raises. Since Bloomy likes to tell everyones business. That what he just gave his admins for getting him elected again ahem... for doing a great job.

Lets be fair. Name calling is childish and debates over law can go on for centuries. I can do this all day long. There are reasons behind reasons here. Some political and some financial. Keep that in mind and dont follow but lead.

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Pseudo said:
Boston Tea Party Illegal, Civil War illegal, Iraq War Illegal (had to throw that in) There are instances where when idividual rights must be defended at the cost of income and sometimes lives. That is why this is a democratic society. When we feel there is need for change we do have the option of voting on specific issues (not always) or vote for representatives that will vote for us. We also have an impeachment process for the self same reason. As a last resort, our Constitution gives us the right to bear arms in order to protect out civil liberties. Our Forefathers thought about that when they drafted the Constitution "just in case" our elected officials stopped looking out for the individual rights of the people under the governing body.

Small talk= Kill them and start over. We are all human. Therefore susceptable to mistakes. Our legal system gives us a chance to right wrongs before we have to resort to extremes. (my 9mm Sig). All of the bickering and moaning in the world doesn't help unless someone decides to stand up for their rights and say" hey your full of **** and I am not going to take it anymore". It sometimes only takes 1 sometimes 33,700.

The MTA and the City use the Taylor Law in thier own favor because their is no provision making them accountable (well somewhat) but no fines for them and only for Municipal workers. They are supposed to bargin in good faith. They did not. They were "NEVER" supposed to place Pensions on the bargaining table. It is against the Law. Hmmm... Against the law... Thats right.

No matter how you feel about the strike some good things may come from it.Maybe the City will start treating Municipal workers like human beings instead of indentured servants and stop holding their wages hostage for 3 years or more while bills pile up and increases in taxes skyrocket while the bigshots get $30,000 - $100,000 raises. Since Bloomy likes to tell everyones business. That what he just gave his admins for getting him elected again ahem... for doing a great job.

Lets be fair. Name calling is childish and debates over law can go on for centuries. I can do this all day long. There are reasons behind reasons here. Some political and some financial. Keep that in mind and dont follow but lead.




OG Member
New York
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Thank you. Now can we get this site back to where we were. Freindly...Truce. I hate being bitter. Takes all the fun out of drinking. PLUS you should thank TWU for giving you a real reason not to go to work ....:shhh:

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Pseudo said:
Thank you. Now can we get this site back to where we were. Freindly...Truce. I hate being bitter. Takes all the fun out of drinking. PLUS you should thank TWU for giving you a real reason not to go to work ....:shhh:



anyway the strike just ended, so now the excuse not to work is gone.

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