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What is your view of the TWU strike?

  • The TWU should strike

    Votes: 20 35.1%
  • The TWU should NOT strike

    Votes: 34 59.6%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 3 5.3%

  • Total voters


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jhale said:
I like algae, I need it to grow otherwise my snails will starve.

ever try to hand feed a snail, it's not easy.
I tried once ,but the freaking kept retracting back into its shell :irked: lol


Advanced Reefer
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Never a snail; shrimp, fish and hermit crabs yes. Tickles a little bit, but for family events it is a real crowd pleaser to have tank/pet tricks.

I just love taking a family member and making my cleaner shrimp jump on their hand, just to watch them freak! :eek: :lol:


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solbby said:
I just love taking a family member and making my cleaner shrimp jump on their hand, just to watch them freak! :eek: :lol:

I can see that back firing on you ,,one day they wil lbe freaked out to much and jump into the tank ,lol


Advanced Reefer
Vernon, NJ
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jackson6745 said:
I was looking through the gallery any many of you guys have serious algae problems. Go clean your reefs and give the discussion a rest. No one is accomplishing anything here. Of course you're free to do as you wish in a respectful manner ;)
I resent that remark! I dont have an algae problem I deliberatly grow the stuff.
It makes my basement smell.... kind of fishy! :knockedou


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it is not to difficult theoretically to come up with a fair wage (of course practically it is a little more involved).

An acceptable wage would simply be the price at which an employer is able to attract the desired amount/skill of employees - pay too much, and you will have more applicants than positions, pay too little and not enough people will be willing to apply for the job.

does everyone agree up till here?

now for the challenging part.
a strike such as this is intended to give the impression that the employees are in reality not willing to work at the current wages and that the wages will need to be improved upon to be able to retain the workforce the company requires.
so far so good?
however, in reality, the situation may exist, that if the jobs on strike were opened up to the public, and the MTA would accept new workers to replace the strikers, there is a good chance that a sufficient number of people would fill the needed positions at the current rates. at $20,000, i dont know if enough people would be interested, at $100,000 there may be too many applicants interested in a limited number of positions. At 65k, i would guess that there would be enough applicants to fill the jobs.

if that is true, then the MTA is actually paying their workers enough, but they are using their striking power to try to get even more than what may constitue a fair wage (hence the stubburness of the MTA and and understandable act by the TWU as their interests as all working people is to get as much money as possible for the work they do). as i mentioned before, i suspect this may have occured even if their salaries were double what they are, this is just a method to push even further.

that said, i still an not convinced that this is a monetary conflict, but may be a managerial one disguising itself as a monetary one.

regarding the balance of the law, it is true that the taylor law may be biased against the unions right to strike, but i believe the law is rationalized by the fact that its interest is in maintaining civil order. furthermore, based on the reasonings above, such strikes may always be used as a threat to push the envelope further than market forces would dictate. Bear in mind that there are also anti-trust laws limiting the powers of monopolies so that workers and/or consumers can not be taken advantage of by large corporations as there is always an alternative company to work for. When all the laws are considered, they should ultimately balance out. bear in mind that there is a larger percentage of voters that are workers than executives and as such their voice is present in elections.
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leo said:
it's like what roger said about rosa parks, she broke the law when she chose not to get up from her seat on a city bus but the fact that it was illegal doesn't neccessarily make wrong.
was this before blacks were allowed to vote? if so, it would explain why she really would not be subject to laws in which she was not represented.
the workers were all allowed to vote when the taylor law was passed.


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New York
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We are no longer called "blacks" !!! Insensitive to our needs as usual. African Americans is the term used nowadays. Unless you also think we didn't help build America and don't deserve to use the wording "Americans"...


The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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I also have the large earth floating magnets, either the Hammer Head shark or one of them, and it work pretty well on the acrylic but I needed the next model up, for acrylic 1", but they didn't have it in the float model. They were working on it and it was suppose to have come out last year or early this year.



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New York
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By the way what does voting have to do with the Taylor Law ?? No one voted for it. It was a legislative act. It was called the Condon-Waldin Act before it was re-written by George Taylor because it didn't work (It didn't work then and it doesn't work now). Hence the Taylor Law (act).


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Pseudo said:
We are no longer called "blacks" !!! Insensitive to our needs as usual. African Americans is the term used nowadays. Unless you also think we didn't help build America and don't deserve to use the wording "Americans"...
pseudo, please dont destroy this thread as the last one. if you are not interested in participating, dont.

last i checked "blacks" is not considered a racist term, as i dont think "whites" is considered racist. i never heard someone say that is an "italian-american" or "french-american." and as i'm sure you know, not all blacks are african, so actually saying "african-american" might be insensitive to haitians for example.
When i watch the news i often hear people described as a "black-male" or "white-male" - but then again, it could be the whole world is racist.

in any event, that is not the point of this thread, feel free to start your own thread to discuss that if you wish.


Rice Planter
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marrone said:

I also have the large earth floating magnets, either the Hammer Head shark or one of them, and it work pretty well on the acrylic but I needed the next model up, for acrylic 1", but they didn't have it in the float model. They were working on it and it was suppose to have come out last year or early this year.l

i goTTa get me oNe of tHese :approve: i saw JH's and that freaKing magnEt stuck to each other liKe gLue :eek1: :sgrin: juSt need to say uP $50 :(


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Pseudo said:
By the way what does voting have to do with the Taylor Law ?? No one voted for it. It was a legislative act. It was called the Condon-Waldin Act before it was re-written by George Taylor because it didn't work (It didn't work then and it doesn't work now). Hence the Taylor Law (act).
the law making body of this country is voted in.
if someone who believed in the death penalty were running for office, people would consider that when voting for him (and as a result control whether the death penalty gets instituted or not)
if people believe it does not work, then you are correct that it should be rewritten. efforts should then be made to rewrite it, but until then we should abide by the law.

thanks for participating by the way.
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