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What is your view of the TWU strike?

  • The TWU should strike

    Votes: 20 35.1%
  • The TWU should NOT strike

    Votes: 34 59.6%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 3 5.3%

  • Total voters


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inkblue said:
...s0 aLbert, doNt get me wRong, buT i juSt waNna asK for mY saKe (for fear oF reprisaLs)... :eek: :bigeyes2: why d0 yoU have a haRd on for thiS subJect :p

ps. juSs asKin' ok...

no reprisals here, we're keeping this thread clean.

i happen to believe very strongly in free markets and in democracies. the strike suggests that these systems are faulted somewhere, but i am having trouble figuring out which particular area failed. i was hoping to be able to figure it out by discussing it here (but apparantly the discussion did not develop very well).


Old School Reefer
Bronx, NY 10475
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inkblue said:
why d0 yoU have a haRd on for thiS subJect :p

LOL...he even changed his signature from water-related to strike related. What better way to tee-off those already angry at him, than to splash Bloomberg's statement on all his posts. :sigh1:


Rice Planter
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alrha said:
no reprisals here, we're keeping this thread clean.

i happen to believe very strongly in free markets and in democracies. the strike suggests that these systems are faulted somewhere, but i am having trouble figuring out which particular area failed. i was hoping to be able to figure it out by discussing it here (but apparantly the discussion did not develop very well).

:lol: :eek:k: yoU fuNny br0... riGht noW am juSt tryiNg to figure out how aM gonnA get homE :bigeyes2: :sigh1:


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marrone said:
Yeah so????
just pointing it out. personally it does not sound like a meager pay that would warrant such a strike.

after reviewing the case study of the PATCO vs FAA strike in '81, i fear the current issue may be more a matter of the MTA/TWU relations rather than the actual benefits. which would make this not a contractual issue but more of a managerial issue.
The problem in that case was that the FAA was operating as a monopoly and as such their employees did not really have alternatives after being trained and specialized as controllers. The MTA, while it is a large company, is not a monopoly as there are other mass transit companies in the country and other choices in NYC for those workers (at least for bus drivers and booth clerks). Lastly, the jobs of the MTA do not seem to be as specialized as those of the FAA.

just trying to pin down the issue at hand.


Senior Member
Fair Lawn, NJ
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Remember when Ronald Reagan told the Air Traffic controllers to go back to work or your fired? Same thing here. Its illegal to strike and thats it. If you dont think your getting paid enough go find a job elsewhere that will pay you what your skills are worth.


Old School Reefer
Bronx, NY 10475
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Sigh....here we go again.

Eric, as stated previously elsewhere, what happens to the monies vested away as pensions for workers leaving for better jobs?

Looks like this thread is heading for a "closed" fate as well.


Senior Member
Fair Lawn, NJ
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I didnt lose my pension when I switched jobs back in March. If you have been at a job for a while and your vested in the pension your still able to receive it.


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i dont see anything wrong with discussing it here as long as everyone remains civil (considering the current crowd participation so far, i dont think that would be difficult)

House of Laughter

Super Moderator
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Ossining, NY
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Ok, I am really going to heat things up -

What do life threatening jobs like policemen, and firemen make ? Where's the democracy in that Al? Equality is a cornerstone of democracy, so is due process, both of which are getting exercised by both sides of the strike -

So, murderers get due process too, and even released only to murder again -

one of the sad hypocracies of American democracy - so strike they can, and break the law they can, and be fined they can - BUT that too will be appealed and reduced (if not eliminated as in previous cases) by that court decision.

Whats so democratic about that? EVERYTHING - so we deal and move on.

how does any of this affect reefing? That is a conversation I'd like to have since this is a reef board



Rice Planter
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:cool3: ...good. s0 wHat i'd liKe to know are storiEs oF how peoPle made it int0 the ciTy :scratchch :afro: ...anyBody bike or bLaded in? i wanted to bring a scooTer. i saw a grandMa bLading on 6th aveNue :icon16:


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last night I was helping a friend try to get a cab to Kennedy, after the shuttle bus cancelled a half hour before pick-up. at 6 p.m. about ten cabs went by and would not take her. one finally did after he made up a price - $80 to Kennedy.
one funny part, one of the bicycle taxis rode by and asked if we wanted to hire him, I asked how much to Kennedy, he just kept pedaling.

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