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Rating - 98.6%
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The apple 2c I got I dropped out a 2nd floor window cause it was a piece of cr@p :lol2:


Advanced Reefer
Park Ridge, NJ
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What i really don't like about apples is that they aren't modular enough for me. Don't like the video card? swap it out for a better one. need more storage space? add several TB hard drives. Need to run a mass specrometer to analyse the content of your sea water? plug that sucker into a PC usb port cause Macs certainly don't support random third party hardware.
The problems with windows that everyone likes to bash (not a PC problem as you can also use unix, linux, etc) is that it's trying to be a jack of all trades. If it had the luxury of only supporting a single type of hardware, any monkey on the street could come up with a simple "cat named" OS.

Dj Orion

Advanced Reefer
Suffolk 11772
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i think that if a company actually pays all that money for a mac for you to work on,

(basically a machine that is not very upgradable, has a constantly changing OS that basically makes you re-buy all the software you once had, and ergonomically retarted mouse and keyboard, and the inability to do anything except run its stock programs and adobe stuff smoothly, makes you buy an I key to store your serial numbers on, implements its own second rate programming languages that are completely behind the rest of the world i.e. apple talk, has this completely disfunctional filing method and intrusive pop up style program icons on the bottom of the screen, makes it a chore to maximize your documents that you are working on to fit the full resolution on your screen, had useless macro buttons that toggle you to a calculator widget (or some other completely useless on screen gadjet) that you are constantly accidentally hitting on an oversenitive mouse that has a roller ball on it that makes the blackberry pearl look like a good concept. etc etc etc etc i can go on and on and on..................and on and on and on...............still going.......)

deserves to have an employee that wants to use it. someone that prefers a venti mocha frapachinno with whole grain sugar cubes on the side from starbucks with a hint of cinnamon and fat free organic cow piss milk with some imported wheat germ snackola's from some obscure nation just for that fact that it is so damn free spirited that everyone around you is either intimidated by your choices yo make, or so annoyed at your aura that they want to dig a ditch for you and push you in it...

than yes, maybe a mac is the proper choice...

and maybe hillary will be our newest facist dictator..

seriously,,, who gives a crap


Rice Planter
Rating - 98.6%
145   2   0
here are more tHings to debate on, since this tHread doesnt reaLLy make any sense:

1. shampoo... what do you use?
2. caSuaL pants or dress pants
3. mercedes or benz
4. do you date giRls or b0ys... which is better?
5. do you think the moon or sun is bettEr?
6. why is grass green?
7. why are wheeLs black? why cant they be in coLor?

:D more topIcs to come... LET's aLL debate useLessly !!!


Advanced Reefer
Park Ridge, NJ
Rating - 100%
22   0   0
1 Garnier Fructis
2 Casual pants
3 none of the above Aston Martin or Bugatti
4 Chicks, they're alot hotter and P*$$y just makes me smile.
5 moon hands down
6 chlorophyll reflects green wavelengths
7 If peoples tires were colored, the rapidly changing colors from tire rotation will cause epilepsy on anyone looking, or the Japanese pokemon effect.


A Little Annoyed!
Rating - 96.6%
84   3   0
Well i have to say that i dont like them for a few reasons.....

First. I HATE THE ONE BUTTON. I need my right mouse click....
Third. YOu cant use the right side of the touch pad to Scroll.
Fourth. (and i might have done it wrong) But i need to add programs to the damn menu bar on the bottom)
Fifth: safari SUCKS
Sixth: COST TOO MUCH (yes i did pay for it, but not for me to use)
Seventh: I will think of this one, and more, as I learn more about them.

I personally have a Toshiba Laptop, Fully Size I paid about the same amout for it as the Mac, but has a 17in screen, and the display is just as nice.

So what they have to offer is not that much better than PC... And i dont want to have to run another piece of software to run my Windows Apps!!!!


Advanced Reefer
Chelsea, NYC
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56   0   0
Try to download firefox, it usually comes with the new leopard but it is much better than safari. If you use 2 fingers on the touch pad it scrolls or get the scrolling mouse. I guess personal preference.


A Little Annoyed!
Rating - 96.6%
84   3   0
I just think that they are overpriced, and now they are running Intel so that you can run windows stuff. If that is the case, why even get the mac? Just get a PC which is cheaper.

I have to say that the Macs are visually nicer looking, but other than that dont do anything for me.

It's all my wife's damn school's fault that i even let a Mac into my house.


Rating - 96.6%
84   3   0
here are more tHings to debate on, since this tHread doesnt reaLLy make any sense:

1. shampoo... what do you use?
2. caSuaL pants or dress pants
3. mercedes or benz
4. do you date giRls or b0ys... which is better?
5. do you think the moon or sun is bettEr?
6. why is grass green?
7. why are wheeLs black? why cant they be in coLor?

:D more topIcs to come... LET's aLL debate useLessly !!!

1. Head and shoulders
2. Cargo Pants
3. :mad: Where is Chevy in My choices!
4. I prefer amoebas The are soft and jelly like and when you tell them to :bunnies: themselves they can!
5. I work midnights what do you think?
6. I guess you didn't pass 5th grade biology if you asked this Dinky
7. It's a conspiracy The tire companies don't want you to see them!!!!!!

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