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With parallels etc, So you need to add a middleman to run apps why not do it directly? If Mac is so much better than PC why has their goal been to run windows in it. And by doing so all those claims to viruses not being written for mac you leave yourself open to those viruses when running those windows environments.


Advanced Reefer
Chelsea, NYC
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Last edited:


Advanced Reefer
Chelsea, NYC
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They have other software to run windows like boot camp or others I can get the names for you, but also remember that putting an intel processor in the mac is also new, they are always finding better ways to make macs more user friendly for all


Thats Mr. Clown to you!
Clifton NJ
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I think Mac it great! My first laptop back in 92 was a mac (so long ago it had a B&W screen...lol) Then I bought a desktop I think it was a 486/75 or 100 my mac at the time was already a year or two older then the 486 and it smoked it! also if you have a small home studio you can beat it..or work a lot with video, photoshop, you're not going to tax
it as bad as a PC...Thank you Bill Gates :rolleyes:


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INtel is over rated as well, the AMD chip is a better chip hands down. I have manufactured and sold custom units to people and the benchmarks always came out better on the AMD chip. More versatile and better for gaming.


Thats Mr. Clown to you!
Clifton NJ
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INtel is over rated as well, the AMD chip is a better chip hands down. I have manufactured and sold custom units to people and the benchmarks always came out better on the AMD chip. More versatile and better for gaming.

AMD has always been like that..They over clock the chip just a bit to get more out of it...Kinda like an Ice Cap..


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The FX series has been the best thing to hit the market for gaming in years.

bad coffee

Inept at life.
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1: Price. $1000 more than a comparable pc, just to become one of the 'cult'?
2: Like Chief said "why buy a mac so you can run windows on it?"
3: You said "the graphics and screen are so much better," ARE YOU ON CRACK? 128 megs of video ram on their NEWEST machine? My 4 year old laptop has that.
4: You also said "I never crash". My afore mentioned laptop has crashed 3 times in the 4 years I've had it. Do you know why? Because I know how to set up my pc to only run what I want it to. no other 'junk' clogging it up. Now the 3 crashes have ALL been from heat shutdown. At the time I was pushing my processor 99-100% and doing 3-d CAD graphic renderings. Can your mac keep up with that? (pssst. see #3 above)
5: Macs are ugly. Crappy grey cases (how far from the old 1970's BEIGE BOXES is grey) that scratch up and look ugly. Oh, I can get it in white? um, yeah. How long before your 'white' keyboard is dirty. And don't tell me iClear can get it clean. (although iClear is ths shiznit for laptop screens) Black is alright. But take that F'ing glowing apple off the lid. I work backstage. I don't need no stinkin 'nitelite' in my pc.

ALL of the people I work with us Macs. They've been nagging me to switch for years. I honestly looked at the newest pros. They barely compare with my 4 year old laptop. so why bother?


FYI, my laptop is Ferrari Red. It goes with my stapler...


Advanced Reefer
Chelsea, NYC
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I am not on crack, but thank you for asking. I am pretty sure that for $300 which is the $1000 less that you are quoting for your PC you are not getting the graphics that you are stating. Also, just because windows runs off of a pc does not mean that it is made for pc. It is an operating system which is sold to make running a pc easier. Therefore, sold separately from a pc it is a software. Which Mac has made possible to run on its system.


Rice Planter
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Time to be mature... the machine you use really depends on your work. There is NO good or bad machine because when you are hired, you work on whatever machine is provided to you at your desk, regardless of your personal preference.

So be it ugly, expensive, virus-infected, or what not and as long as I can afford my mortgages, my boat and my car, I will stick to the machine that will earn me my lifestyle.

To each his/her own.

:tired: Am going back to RG...


Rice Planter
Rating - 98.6%
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:D i usEd to be good with DOS... i woRked with this 'racist' company who were reaLLy mean to their employees, so I created a batch fiLe to hide all my essential files and rename them and then hide the batch fiLe. i dont think they ever figured it out whEn i left them... :lol2:

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