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Advanced Reefer
Raleigh, NC
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The support is good and for the next 3 years i can take it into a mac store w/ any issues and they will fix it.

Ever had to call Dell support? Good luck getting a hold one from America.

I ditched PC alltogether. So far i havn't had to deal with compatibility issues. It's nice to know i can run windows on this puppy if i absolutely have to (havn't had to yet).

I am diggin the new Leopard OS although i havn't had experience with the previous versions of Mac OS. I use the Safari that came with it and it works fine. I havn't had any problems with any of the websites i have visited since i got this thing. This Macbook Pro is super fast and everything just works and you don't have to be a computer wizard to disable this and that program. It just kicks butt out of the box, and that a big plus for me :)

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Rice Planter
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Insulting members and fighting is not the purpose of our forum.
This thread has gone downhill pretty quickly,
it's become mean spirited and that's not what our lounge is for.
If you want to debate operating systems that's fine.
Please do not break the site rules while doing so.


Advanced Reefer
Perth Amboy, NJ
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Bottom line is Macs bring the customer one complete package with a well engineered machine. You have everything tweeked for you - just open and use.

With the PC - you can configure and reconfigure to your hearts content.

So both machines have a place in the market just not in everyone's heart. I like the advantages both of them bring to the table. I have used both at work and they both get the job done - just depends on what job you're done.


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Exactly like Tito said. If you are looking for a doorstop, paperweight, wheel chock, etc as I have outlined before get a mac. If you want a computer get a PC :biggrin:


Rice Planter
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ghiefy NOT gonna be happy :shhh:


The U.S. Army's office of enterprise information systems is introducing Mac computers to its systems, it is hoped the move will render the Army less open to attack from hackers. Further, by having Macs as part of their system, it is less likely a single attack will take effect across the whole network. These new measures come at a time when the security of digital information has increasingly been under threat.

Hackers, in the past year, have managed to procure top-secret information directly from Pentagon computers, as well as from major military contractors, including Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Raytheon. Growing concern for the safety of sensitive information has led to the introduction of the Mac computers as a way to thwart the efforts of hackers prematurely. At present, Apple provides some 20,000 of the Army's 700,000 servers and desktops. This may be a very small proportion, but the number is growing annually. This fact sits a little uneasy with us:

Although we would not trade our Macs for Aladdin's lamp, calling them in to the Army's systems to further its security is questionable. First thing, we are not great believers that Macs offer greater protection than Microsoft's offerings; secondly, even if they did; where there's a will, there's a way. That way may not be so difficult with Apple computers, making the route of attack potentially easier. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Apple's Mac OS X license state military use of its software is forbidden?


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:rolleyes: Military Intelligence is an oxymoron. Besides the Mac world has upgraded itself to the virus world since this has occurred. Slowly but surely as this news becomes more and more known hackers will break through os Whatever with a sledge hammer.

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