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He is trying to take over the world Pinky!

Do you know if Ink is related to any "nuclear" extremist?:skull:

There was a report in the old days, Pakistanists were using 20+ 386/486 to simulate a nuclear explosion for which our president started to required licenses for exporting 486 chips. Ink's machine should be banded to export and let me safe keep it for him.
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The only PC I wsh I never knew is Power Compact lighting. It was a waste of money.


Advanced Reefer
Chelsea, NYC
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Still waiting for a valid reason for all your mac hating and bashing besides the price. They make the price that high because people are paying for it. My reasons for liking the mac is that everything is simpler, never get pop ups, I never crash, the graphics and screen are so much better, and that I don't have to restart a million times a day like I did on the pc. Also, .mac is great for loading my files online and accessing them from any computer. Plus airport makes it much each to connect online wirelessly. I would like to hear what you think is so bad about Mac and good about PC except the reason you can play games on it, which I can do now with the intel processor I have in my mac now. Plus with Tek Serve right down the block, if I ever have a problem, I bring it in there and they ship, fix and return it all for free. I don't have to sit on the phone with Dell for 10 hours speaking to someone across the country I can't even understand who is reading prompts to me from a computer screen, which is probably a mac anyway. :)


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Can you play half life 2?

It's simple, the software world makes software in a ratio of 90/10 in favor to PC over mac. So there is a wider variety of applications and no matter where you go you can find a PC 98% of the time.


Advanced Reefer
Chelsea, NYC
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I can actually play any game I want to now...:) with parrallels, and there is also software that lets me run windows apps right on my os x mode. They also carry apple in best buy now..:)

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