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A Little Annoyed!
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I hope you asked for education discount they give to teachers, as they give this for machine & software, college kids get same deal. if you are employed by the government you get a bigger discount such as mail carriers, if you happen to live with a package carrier than you might get it for free :cheekkiss

Yes i got her teacher discount. 200 bucks off. Not too bad.


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Raleigh, NC
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I love my macbook but i can't say my experience w/ the Apple Airport Extreme 802.11n base station has been pleasant.

I bought it a week ago and I am on my second base station (1st one replaced by Apple yesterday). I have spent hours on the phone with tech support trying to get this thing to work right. It is buggy as hell and i hope Apple realizes this soon because it would be awesome if it works right.

Dj Orion

Advanced Reefer
Suffolk 11772
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Yes i got her teacher discount. 200 bucks off. Not too bad.

thats good cause you gonna need extra cash to buy every piece of software you want for that thing.

I dont hate apple, I have an iphone and love it, I just think that paying that much for a machine that is basically a pc with a different operating system just kills me.

I mean, back in the day there was a major difference between mac and pc's. You paid for a system with hardware that was unnavailable anywhere else, with integrated software. now its mainly just a tempermental OS and a few bells and whistles (annoying mouse), and, oh yeah... glitches, and problems, and expensive software that you can never get cracked....

I am a computer graphics major at nyit and use both macs and pc's there, and often find myself getting mad, and frustrated when i am on the mac. When it comes down to it, I just dont see the point of having a mac. You cant play games, you are forced to have all your serial codes logged on an ikey if you plan on using any decent software plugins, which takes up a usb port, etc etc etc, thus tearing into your pocketbook. good luck finding any mac software torrent sites lmao.

Yes they say that you dont need to worry about getting a virus with a mac, however, I NEVER get viruses. If you are so concearned about spending 30 bux a year for an antivirus subscription, then you really dont wanna get a mac. enjoy paying 300 - 600 bux for photoshop, when i paid... well you get the point.

I dont hate mac's, just think i need more than an OS named after a cat, and a retro (2001 space odyssey) style case and monitor to make me make the switch.



Rating - 99.1%
225   2   0
Umm the color white is so 90's, computers now come all shapes sizes and colors. Oh and the light packackage in my PC makes the police cars look bad.


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I had 2 mini strobe and an led flasher that I had to take out cause they were too distracting.

Dj Orion

Advanced Reefer
Suffolk 11772
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i like the fact that, mine is silver, and if i dont like silver, i can make it, red, or purple, or green or whatever color, shape, or size i want it to be. Its kinda nice to have freedom over the things i spend so much money on.


Advanced Reefer
Chelsea, NYC
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Mine is white but I actually wanted the black, I just could not reason with myself to part with $200 just for a different color! But I also just got the new Imac which is silver and it is SWEET!!!!
Rating - 99.1%
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minE is an 8-coRe with 4GB of raM and it fLies :tired::sleepy: oH, its aLso siLver with my VERY tHin aluminum kEyboard :sigh:

This one definiately flies but come with a big price tag too.

I use Macs, PCs and Unix workstations too. Mac is for rich people with extra money for luxury. Me? too poor.:givebeer:

BTW, can the Mac lovers tell why Apple is not red and Mac is not teal/green? Steven Jobs must be color blind.:scratchch

the Parallels does not always work if you are a PC junkie and like to put every software ever exisited on earth in your computer, it lets you run most of the commercial big names but many niche market stuff won't work. I think it's like emulation, I don't bother to look too deeply into it cause I can use PC for my PC stuff and my DJs' Mac for the Mac stuff.
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Dj Orion

Advanced Reefer
Suffolk 11772
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minE is an 8-coRe with 4GB of raM and it fLies :tired::sleepy: oH, its aLso siLver with my VERY tHin aluminum kEyboard :sigh:

just our of curiosity, what is the point of having 8 cores with only 4 gigs of ram? What type of software are you running that requires those configurations?

I have a quad core extreme with 6 gigs of ram and it is rediculously fast.

I just dont understand what that would be used for. I use mine for game level desgin, 3d animation and music production.

Not trying to break your chops, I am just curious what that config would be needed for.

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