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Recent content by DEADFISH1

  1. Oh No! peller busted

    Update: Fish-n-corals look a little confused, but everything seems to be ok. Note to self, keep an extra impeller assembly on hand. 8)
  2. Oh No! peller busted

    cool, thanks.
  3. Oh No! peller busted

    The shaft on my Mag drive 9.5 busted in half, my skimmer pump is now in the main tank for the time being. And the lights are off, it's a storm :) Anyway, the problem is that my refugium isn't getting any circulation, how long can algae last this away? I bought the spindle on my lunch break...
  4. Another 11 gallon nano

    I forgot to add: That is an excellent tank Void, just seeing yours makes me want to start up another Nano. Just like your doing, I moved the one I had into my 58 gal. Keeping 2 reefs and 2 babies’ at that time was getting a little crazy. :D
  5. Another 11 gallon nano

    I tried some Cyclopeeze last night for the first time. my corals went crazy for the stuff. I just added a thimble size and that was plenty, the 12 bucks I spent will go a long way. :D I'm sold. The fish store guy said that their having good luck feeding it to Mandarins, has any one had such...
  6. Thermoelectric Heaters/Chillers

    I hate being the ginny pig. :lol: maybe someone will respond that is using one, I checked out the fritz site, they have a chart showing the cooling effect in degrees, but as far as I know that could be water at normal room temperature without lights. :roll: thanks.
  7. Thermoelectric Heaters/Chillers

    has anyone used one of these? I was wondering if their any good, the price is pretty reasonable, I think it's like a heat pump. it would go on my 58 Gal. tank. http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/p ... CatId=8173
  8. glasscages

    I don't know about anyone else, but for me the most important thing is having an aquarium made by a proven manufacturer, this company may sell a very well maid aquarium, but who wants to prove that with 180 gallons of salt water in there living room. 8O
  9. Info about schooling fish!

    cool, they remind me of vintage WWII zero planes, :D if it wasn't for the corals in the tank I would say they were freshy's.
  10. Shopping list - X-Mas goodies for Reef Equipment

    nothing special really: 2-96w PFO Compact Fluorescent Retrofits. 1-55w smartlight. a Sea-Life Systems wet/dry sump & skimmer combo set. 2-K324 hospital grade dosing pumps for calcium & Buffer. 1-Wal-Mart clip on fan. 1-container for refugeum. 1- 5 gallon container & a Kent float switch for top...
  11. Shopping list - X-Mas goodies for Reef Equipment

    well, all I can say is that it's been working just fine for over a year now. 8)
  12. Shopping list - X-Mas goodies for Reef Equipment

    I have the same tank, I'm sure a mag 7 will work fine, but the Mag 9.5 that I'm using works really good, just saying that if you wanted to bump the flow up you could. :)
  13. A couple tank pics

    yea, mine change to brown in about 2 weeks from when I bought it, it's a very gradual change, it's kind of like when you have kids, people who see your kids once in a while will comment on how much they have grown since they last saw them but you don't see it due to you being with them every...
  14. Sump questions?

    well, you don't really have to have a refugeum or calcium reactor, but you do need some sort of water top off system for sanity sake, I would concentrate on that first and figure out the rest later as you go, to me, that's the fun part, figuring out how to make it all work that is.
