New to, but I wanted to share my nano before it gets taken down
11 gallon Via Aqua
64W PC lighting (32 actinic, 32 10K)
rio 90 and a hang on filter (no carbon) for flow
about 15# LS and 22# LR (tonga and fiji)
1 false perc (who is too quick for most of my pictures)
1 green clown goby (who has eluded most of my pictures)
1 rainfordi goby (loves to hover, tons of pics!)
several hermits... blues and scarlets
pom pom boxer crab
1 crown top snail
4ish margaritas
3ish ceriths
2 nerite snails
10 nassarius snails (sorry if i spelled that wrong)
Yellow Devil's hand leather
toadstool leather (sarcophyton)
kenya tree leather
2 different varities of frogspawn (euphyillia paradivisia, and i've seen the other refered to as an octopus branch)
bubble coral
sun coral
peach briariums
2 brain corals (ones not doing so well after my frogspawn took a tumble onto it)
a plethra of various mushrooms
20+ varities of zoonathids- bali pinks, peaches, teal centered, green hooped, oranges, greens, yellows, purples... I can't list them all
yellow colony polyps
larger button polyps
blue ricordia
also several different types of macros algae as well as some hair algae that refuses to leave one particular spot
the orange blur is the clown
11 gallon Via Aqua
64W PC lighting (32 actinic, 32 10K)
rio 90 and a hang on filter (no carbon) for flow
about 15# LS and 22# LR (tonga and fiji)
1 false perc (who is too quick for most of my pictures)
1 green clown goby (who has eluded most of my pictures)
1 rainfordi goby (loves to hover, tons of pics!)
several hermits... blues and scarlets
pom pom boxer crab
1 crown top snail
4ish margaritas
3ish ceriths
2 nerite snails
10 nassarius snails (sorry if i spelled that wrong)
Yellow Devil's hand leather
toadstool leather (sarcophyton)
kenya tree leather
2 different varities of frogspawn (euphyillia paradivisia, and i've seen the other refered to as an octopus branch)
bubble coral
sun coral
peach briariums
2 brain corals (ones not doing so well after my frogspawn took a tumble onto it)
a plethra of various mushrooms
20+ varities of zoonathids- bali pinks, peaches, teal centered, green hooped, oranges, greens, yellows, purples... I can't list them all
yellow colony polyps
larger button polyps
blue ricordia
also several different types of macros algae as well as some hair algae that refuses to leave one particular spot
the orange blur is the clown