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And to add the more vendors normally mean a lower admission price as 20 vendors would absorb a price better than 10 vendors. So if a bigger place meant paying 750 as opposed to 500 for the rental than the price would be split up better through vendors. The price is just an example # not the actual price paid for the Pratt rental

House of Laughter

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Ossining, NY
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They are tolls not trolls and you only pay to get into Staten island not out, and it costs 13 from Brooklyn not 18. From nj including the round trip it is 21 dollars. And stain island is a suggestion. I think it is more that people have become complacent with Pratt and refuse to accept the truth

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Pretzel in Orange M&M
staten island
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While I understand many gripes posted, I believe that solving those problems will only create others. I agree the venue was small, and as the membership gets bigger it will get even smaller smaller and sell out quicker. For those that didn't get a ticket, be honest did you procrastinate in getting your ticket or were you unsure of being able to attend ? The food is always a problem but how can you solve this ? Put the food table in a corner so that people can't skip or get seconds, Then you take away from a vendor that can use the spot. better yet maybe a ticket so that you can redeem it for what ever food you want, since most people took one thing then came back for another. The problem with certain things is that once done another problem is created. Pratt is small but they have ample parking, this is one of the complaints at the pace swap. Maybe the search for a new venue should take into account those places suggested as well as churches or community centers, these places would already have chairs and tables and the need to rent them separately would be solved. Just a few thoughts.

BTW I had a good time and enjoyed seeing some of you again.


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I feel "our" MR family has become a real tuff crowd to please. I agree that this year there wasn't as much eye candy as the last swaps that i have attended but it was not that bad. It was crowded but i feel like i managed fine. i had a couple of members breathe down my back and bump me a few times as well but a friendly smile made things okay. :) as far as the the heat- taking off my jacket worked well..i cznt even imagine what goes on behind the scenes to get this swap up and running. i feel like it was well organized.
and as far as those that couldn't buy tickets because it was sold out: it was announced since day 1 that it will sell out and you guys waited till the end.. thats no one fault but yourselves


MR's Greatest Member
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Get rid of the food, it will cut costs not everyone eats there anyways. Or you pay less if you are not eating and those that do want to pay for food either get a wrist band or hand stamped


The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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And to add the more vendors normally mean a lower admission price as 20 vendors would absorb a price better than 10 vendors. So if a bigger place meant paying 750 as opposed to 500 for the rental than the price would be split up better through vendors. The price is just an example # not the actual price paid for the Pratt rental

Unfortunately it's just not that simple. Now all of sudden you've double the amount of vendors, which increases costs of not only the space but other resources, like tables, chairs, water, power cords, pumps, heaters, supplies and materials. Also additional people will be needed, which at the moment we barely have enough volunteer to handle the setup and breakdown. We'll probably need to hire additional help for this, not to mention additional people to help run the swap. And don't forget, we need a place where we have access the night before, which will add on to the cost.

Salty Dog

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I want to retract my earlier comments, I was not articulate in expressing my exact thoughts. I first want to thank all involved in bringing this all together. The time and effort was incredible with the fishie theme and all the extra's. My wife and I so looked forward to attending. We talked for weeks about seeing fellow reefers, catching up with the vendors and just exchanging stories as in the past. I was frustrated that there was little room to move. My suggestions for future swaps would be to arrange for a larger venue, limit the tickets or host 2 shifts the day of the swap. One from 10-1 another from 1-4 dividing the raffle in two and assuring that both time frames have a diverse selection to choose from. This way it's if you are not a part of the morning your sure to have a nice selection in the afternoon. I would also have nibbles and a cold drink thus alleviating the lunch process which always seems to be a bit chaotic and we can bring the costs down and put it into the rental. Even though crowded my wife seemed to get her pointer threw 3 layers deep of people and land some incredible pieces. Kudos to all those that volunteered, offered their product, the vendors for their diligence with the crowds and all my fellow reefers that supported the event. We look forward to next year and just want a to improve and already incredible process


MR's Greatest Member
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Vendors should supply their own power cords and heaters as well as anything to run their booth. You guys don't provide the tanks and signs. Vendors should be responsible for the materials they need. To get more volunteers allow them to cherry pick and encourage it. This is your reward for helping out. Limit the cherry picking to one coral or up to 100 dollars. This should be able to be monitored. In a small room with limited volunteers. Im sure some of the fire houses and even some union halls in the city would allow pre night set ups and charge for one day. I know my union hall has a very large meeting room able to hold 3000 people. So I know venue sizes are available.


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Overall, I had a wonderful time, as always. My little boy was entertained with the props around the room and the glostick he got when we walked in. I did pick up 3 fish and some drygoods (and this was around 1pm, so cant say it was just first thing in the morning). Always nice to see everyone.

Perhaps rather than the "all you can eat buffet" one should consider "selling food" at a table. Get pizza, sandwiches, drinks, snacks, etc, and set up a table where those who want can buy food. 1) this may help quell the food commotion, 2) this may help with the admission cost, 3) if priced at a slight markup, can be another source of revenue for the swap.
Another option, break up the admission to morning/afternoon session to break up the crowd in two, and be able to accommodate more people.


Experienced Reefer
Manhattan, NY
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I’ve attended 3 swaps, and it’s ALWAYS very hard to get a look at the corals because of the crowds, people not moving, blocking, etc. (Fellas! Ya gotta stop working out so much – those broad shoulders really block the view, lol!)
I purchased from both club members and vendors in advance, and it’s very convenient to get delivery all in one place – plus no shipping charges! If I hadn’t spent $250 already, I would have bought some other nice corals I saw there. But then, I’m not looking for rare animals, just beautiful healthy ones I like.
I’m sure it’s a lot of work for the organizers & volunteers, and I for one wish to thank them for their efforts.


Advanced Reefer
Kings Park, NY
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I want to retract my earlier comments, I was not articulate in expressing my exact thoughts. I first want to thank all involved in bringing this all together. The time and effort was incredible with the fishie theme and all the extra's. My wife and I so looked forward to attending. We talked for weeks about seeing fellow reefers, catching up with the vendors and just exchanging stories as in the past. I was frustrated that there was little room to move. My suggestions for future swaps would be to arrange for a larger venue, limit the tickets or host 2 shifts the day of the swap. One from 10-1 another from 1-4 dividing the raffle in two and assuring that both time frames have a diverse selection to choose from. This way it's if you are not a part of the morning your sure to have a nice selection in the afternoon. I would also have nibbles and a cold drink thus alleviating the lunch process which always seems to be a bit chaotic and we can bring the costs down and put it into the rental. Even though crowded my wife seemed to get her pointer threw 3 layers deep of people and land some incredible pieces. Kudos to all those that volunteered, offered their product, the vendors for their diligence with the crowds and all my fellow reefers that supported the event. We look forward to next year and just want a to improve and already incredible process

Now THAT'S how you add to a discussion. Part of me was breakin' your hmm hmm's before and another hopefully contributed to your post. Well said! No hard feelings I hope :)

House of Laughter

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Ossining, NY
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I’m sure it’s a lot of work for the organizers & volunteers, and I for one wish to thank them for their efforts.

This is why I started the "Solutions" thread. The only reason why we have these facilities at our disposal is because we stepped up to help - not to get the accolades we get from doing so, but as friends of the membership in an effort to run a great event.

I am sure MR would welcome ANYone who's family has a hall, or connections to a good facility - we would definitely step up to assist in the planning -

So what says you out there with solutions? I say, go large or go home!

Let's see how many "tap out"

Brooklyn, NY
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I find this "discussion" very interesting--- really, really irritating in many ways, but interesting none-the-less.

Rather than comment on the above, I thought I'd simply add another perspective to the discussion. I find it fascinating that our 3 or 4 national vendors and our speakers and other attendees with national profiles ---those that attend many, many events throughout the country year round ( there were about 15 of them at this swap by my accounting) go out of their way to compliment us on the events we run ( see Mac's current thread as an example) and ALL of them consider MR swaps ( yesterday included) as one of their favorite events of the year. Maybe they are just being polite, but I don't think so.


MR's Greatest Member
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I find this "discussion" very interesting--- really, really irritating in many ways, but interesting none-the-less.

Rather than comment on the above, I thought I'd simply add another perspective to the discussion. I find it fascinating that our 3 or 4 national vendors and our speakers and other attendees with national profiles ---those that attend many, many events throughout the country year round ( there were about 15 of them at this swap by my accounting) go out of their way to compliment us on the events we run ( see Mac's current thread as an example) and ALL of them consider MR swaps ( yesterday included) as one of their favorite events of the year. Maybe they are just being polite, but I don't think so.
Don't take this the wrong way Randy, But if you go read other sites they post the same things about their swaps and the comments made by the attendees you are refering to.
I honestly don't see a point in these threads. Just be happy with what we had, I thought it was a great event. I don't see anything needing to change, the only unfortunate thing about this swap is what happened to Cherry Corals, aside from that it was my first spring swap after attending 3 fall swaps and my gf and I found this one more enjoyable than the last one even with the fact that I spent just $60 on livestock, the speakers were great and talking to people like Rick (NYReefNoob) and Jeff (skatezen) was the best part which is what I think these events are mainly for. It takes a lot to put these swaps together and to throw in comments on what could have been done better is just unnecessary in my eyes. I feel like people always want more or better, why can't we just appreaciate what we have and just have it be good enough for what it is.
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Actually the Westchester County Center would be a good place to consider. One small room and one large room. Close to Metro north and many parkways.
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