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Seahorses yea!
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well I had an awesome time,
great food, good cookies, made some new friends, was crowded, but hell what do you expect. I got some great frags that i Pre-ordered. but now next time, Im getting there as early as possible, to shop around.

but overall fun times with good people!

My 2 cents


Experienced Reefer
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Thank you to Josh, Randy, Mike and the rest of the MR crew for doing a great job! I plan corporate events, in my opinion.... to get an event of this magnitude and feed all these people and keep the cost at $25.00 per person is an impossible task. A venue that can hold that many people in the city will run a minimum rental cost of at least $15k-$50K plus taxes and fees. Then there are rentals of tables and chairs, etc. There is the cost of food. Lastly there is the labor and hard work involved. No one knows the sweat that is involved in executing an large scale event unless you are the planner. Please take a minute to think about what is involved before you make a comment to complain. They can't please everyone but are trying their best.


Advanced Reefer
Clifton, NJ
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Josh or a MR reps stopped by the vendors like 50 times through the day to make sure we had what we needed.
I have two suggestions; 1. Put the speaker in a different location. My ears were bleeding by the end of the day. 2. Have a booth selling water bottles. That will generate some extra cash for MR and we can buy water if needed.


Advanced Reefer
Chelsea, NYC
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well I had an awesome time,
great food, good cookies, made some new friends, was crowded, but hell what do you expect. I got some great frags that i Pre-ordered. but now next time, Im getting there as early as possible, to shop around.

but overall fun times with good people!

My 2 cents

Yea you stole my BF :rolleyes: Great swap as usual!!! Nice to see that the problem we have is of this site growing!


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Well if there wasn't enough corals there for you, there sure was a lot of chicks. We all know what unfortunately happen to Cherry Coral but what happen to the guys from Manhattan Aquariums, Wet Thumb and Frick and Frack? I enjoyed myself while i was there, saw lots familiar faces, chat with a few members and friends. Pick up my corals and jetted out of there to put my coral in my tank. Thanks to Josh, Toren,
Marrone, Kathy C and all THE HARD WORKING PEOPLE how made the swap possible.
Looking forward for the next one.
Merrick, NY
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This was my first time at an event like this and I thought it was great, I felt like a kid in a candy store, got some great frags from most of the vendors, I tried to spread the wealth around to all, People should realize that nothing is every perfect in this world. and you can't please everybody all the time.
star gazer II I thought the Got Frags girls went home with you,,LOL
Looking forward to the next event.
Thank you to all who put this together. you did a great job.


Active Reefer
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I hate to post this...but I was very disappointed. Very stuffy and my girlfriend was in a bad mood from all of the stuffiness and pushing/shoving people. I got there at 10:30am and left around 4pm. Way too hot in there and way too crowded. Cherry corals accident was a HUGE disappointment.

I was looking forward to the demo of the DIY LED's and never heard an announcement for it. I kept asking one of the organizers and he was lost and scrambling.

I say don't include food next time....more space...and sell tickets for certain time periods if space will be an issue.

There were some nice corals (not as big of a selection as I had hoped), but overall I was disappointed. This is my second event and the other event was in CT in Storrs. Way better prices...free to get in..and way more vendors and WAY more space. Sorry to sound grumpy...but that's just my opinion.


Junior Member
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I don't quite understand a lot of the negative comments and complaints. I have been to swaps all over the country and this is definitely one of the best ones out there. I have been coming to the MR swap pretty much every year, and every year it gets better and runs smoother than the past ones. So clearly, the organizers are taking the constructive comments into account and improving the event.

Thanks to all the volunteers for putting in all the hard work that goes into making such an event run. I am sure most do not realize the work it takes to pull off an event of this magnitude 2 times a year. !!



Advanced Reefer
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For what it's worth, from the perspective of a volunteer:

Lunch was WAY smoother than last swap - seemed to me that everyone had enough, and the food service folks at Pratt really worked with us to help us - Pratt is GREAT in that regard, as the kitchen where they make the pizza is just on the other side of the wall!

Several folks have complained about the heat and stuffiness in the room - well, first, it was WAY better than last year's heat. I was running all over the place, and while it was not necessarily cool in there, it also was not HOT. If you showed up in a coat, you probably fried. If you left your coat in your car and were in a t-shirt, I'm sure you're one of the folks who is not complaining about the weather in the room. Also, plenty of folks took a breather outside - great idea!

There was plenty of cold water and even iced tea to drink, and whenever I noticed that they were empty, I let food service know, and they replenished these.

Generally speaking, I'd share this advice - Come to the next swap because we are always making improvements. If you are annoyed by something that could possibly be fixed, look for me or anyone of the volunteers who are tooling around looking to help out and fix stuff. We are there to make the event run smoothly. We can help! (perhaps we should wear a "volunteer" sticker. hmmmmm.....)

Be patient, be polite and be positive - your turn at the vendors' tanks will come, and the guy in front of you may buy one cherry coral, but there will still be plenty left for you! (The pieces I was too late to buy, the vendor in question offered to ship me a piece when he gets more.) I think sometimes we get so caught up in our "new-yorkerness" that we feel entitled and forget how to be kind. :(

I really did think this was a great swap, and I am happy to have been part of the team that made it happen. It gets better every season.


Because Thats How I Roll.
Brooklyn, 11223
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IMO, I feel people think that they can take "ownership" over such an event that has grown from just a few guys that had reef tanks in NY.
I dont think anyone has the right to offer up complaints just becaused you happened to purchase a ticket. An event was posted, and as a consumer you purchased a $25 ticket for the opportunity to see, purchase, and learn about corals and reef systems. There is the opportunity to link people to names on MR and the inclusion of food as well. If anyone dosent like any of these aspects, DONT ATTEND the next event, its your right as a consumer.
To complain about this event that is run solely on volunteers (mostly the same people time in and time out) that this thread flies in the face of everyone and demeans the pride of all those who put in their time to give you this event and the opportunity to attend.
I would be happier if we went back and just calling each other for an impromptu meet to swap or have a beer and just forget any future events or inviting others into what was just a small get together..so Jim, my solutions are as follows...
less people now, we can just order a beer and a burger of our choosing and any bar or reef store will be sufficient space.

like others have said before me, the big picture, if you havent gotten( or you all may never get) it by now is, that its not about the corals for purchase or the food, its about the people you interact with and what you learn and take away from a swap.
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cherrycorals.com farmer!
Livonia, Mi
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In a quick scan of this thread, and in reading Dr. Mac's response.... this is indeed one of the best shows in the country. No where in the US will you find such a high concentration of high end coral, awesome speakers, hobbyists, volunteers, and vendors.

Sure some swaps have more room, more speakers, more this, more that. But none packs it in like MR!

It's slightly ironic to me that in a city that is so crowded most complaints are due to the crowds and heat (due to so many people in a small, old building). But I guess if I had to put up with NYC traffic on a daily basis I would be pretty peeved with big crowds too.

I had a much different perspective this year being an attendee instead of a vendor. There was a very constant and shifting "wall" of people in front of every booth. It was hard to see the corals, you had to either be very patient or very tall (i'm blessed with both!). I can see why people got frustrated. But as many people have posted, a bigger event does not necessarily mean more people can view or access the vendor displays... they are only so big since they must be portable.

One thing vendors might try is leaving enough room for customers to come behind the display. I routinely ask people if they would like to come behind the booth to get a better look. I know the space is tight and sometimes it just doesn't work though...

Other than a few very minor things, this swap is very well run, and i really don't see it moving to another location due to very high costs and it would kill the event to run it a lot farther away than where it is. The NJ and CT swaps are great shows too, but not many people from MR come due to the long drive thru heavy traffic.

I think the people that really hated it won't come back, the people that were annoyed will better prepare for next year, and the people that love it will always be there!
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Old School Reefer
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This is a hobby!! Don't worry, be happy!!

I am floored by the negativism from a handful of people. I'm glad to see the people with a grip on life finally speak up and be recognized. This was an opportunity for friends to get together and share the HOBBY they all love. There is absolutely no reason to attend an event with the magnitude of the MR Swap if not for the all encompassing community of the hobby. As so many of the folks who posted here with a clue about life have said, kick back, enjoy, listen to the speakers, join in on the raffle, view corals you would normally not get to see all in one venue.....even if you were SCUBA diving because so many of those corals are from different locations around the world, and buy if you are so inclined.

Expensive some say? I really have to laugh at that one. The swap was a well organized event. If you were to do something else that particular day to occupy your time, maybe you went skiing? Not too expensive :rolleyes: $50-$75 for ONE lift ticket, $30-$40 for rentals if you don't own your equipment, $20-$40 for gas & tolls to get there (as jaa continually complains about), food (because they surely won't give you food and drink for 'only' $50 spent on a lift ticket). You just spent $100-$120 PER PERSON for the same # of hours of enjoyment.

You can always go to a movie for only 2 hours of your day for $12 per ticket, + $10 food + gas/tolls or subway another $10, or parking $20. Remember though, you still have another 6 hours of your day left to spend money on things to occupy your equivalent amount of time.

Not into a movie or skiing? Maybe you want to go bowling? Chelsea Piers is 'only' $7 per game per person. We normally bowl 3 games per person. There's $21 don't forget to add $4 for shoes per person. Still have to get there! Subway, cab, car, whatever.......

A concert? A Yankees game? A Mets game? Don't get me started on those costs!

Anyway, I think you all get my point by now. The MR swap is an event just like all those other 'events'. The MR swap is run by volunteers for ALL OF YOU to enjoy yourselves. Not paid employees like these other activities. For a whopping $25 which includes lunch, parking at Pratt is free, big deal add the gas and tolls and you're spending less than, or unless you're traveling from a great distance, very rarely equal to any of the activities I've listed above.

I think everybody collectively knows that reefing is an expensive hobby. A $25 entry fee to gather all the vendors in one place for everyone to view and/or buy from so that you don't have to travel from one place to another to another and keep going until you hit about 15 different vendors, then include lunch, speakers, demonstrations, hanging with friends, raffles, etc., and an entire 8 hour fun filled day was had, by most people with a good attitude. Really, that's all it takes. When my wife and I took our kids to Disney World, I can tell you I wasn't a fan of standing on 45 minute to 1 hr lines for a 3 minute ride. Do 5-6 'amazing' :rolleyes: rides for a total of 15-18 minutes of actual rides and spent about $78 per CHILD and $87 per ADULT and it really isn't my idea of a day well spent. Well I put my mind to a certain place, conditioned myself to know I was having fun with my family, and that day on paper that doesn't look all that inviting turned into a lifetime memory of fun. I can't imagine that our MR swap would require such 'pre-conditioning' for someone in the hobby to actually enjoy their day at Pratt with all of us.

Josh, Kathy, Turan (with two boys sprouting their 'wings' no less), Randy, Janine, cupcake (sorry Frank :) ), and all the same volunteers from each of the last 1/2 dozen swaps did an amazing volunteer job to pull this event off. These people all have 'day' jobs. No one makes money on this event (if any small profit is turned, believe me, the site just sucks that up in a heartbeat), these folks all do it because of the size of their hearts......which is huge. A great group of people that I am proud to call friends.

If all the naysayers were to have seen the first MR swap at Pratt they'd surely have a bit more complaining to do. WE HAD THE ENTIRE SWAP, ALL VENDORS, EVERYTHING, IN RANDY'S OFFICE!!!!!! I think this group of fantastically well intentioned volunteers need to be applauded, thanked and held in the highest regard. For it is through their tireless efforts that we are all able to get together so organized twice per year.

If you have any problems with the way the swap was pulled off, don't complain. Take all that energy you're radiating and volunteer for the swap committee. For it is obviously you that we need to make it better.

One last time, in case I didn't say it, THANK YOU JOSH, KATHY, TURAN, JANINE, TAHL, MIKE, JAMES, FRANK, and please forgive me if I didn't mention your name specifically, I truly do appreciate all of your efforts.

And if there were any doubts about the Fall Swap, Saltwater Critters is now formally responding, we'll be there!!!! :)

Thank you to all the members as well. The MR members/attendees that were able to visit our booth, Jim, myself, Patrick, and Errol thank you from the bottom of our hearts.



Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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LOL EXACTLY Russ..I don't think 25 bucks is such a big deal at all..it's the same price as a decent frag. People are always going to ***** about everything especially an entrance fee..think about NYC clubs. They are bangin you out for atleast 15-20 usually more at the door and that's just to walk in and buy over priced drinks. At least there is things to learn and a good selection of food at our swaps as well as being able to have conversations w/ people about something we love along w/ speakers and everything else. You actually get something for your money. I really feel that if you think 25 measly bucks is too much to help support your reef community then you shouldn't be a member and definitely don't bother coming to our swaps.

I think all these dumb threads should be closed and deleted already. We get the point some of you were hot ,mad you couldn't buy every frag that was cheap,you had to pay to get in,your pants were too tight,and the people were smelly cry me a river that's life you don't get everything you want and sometimes you gotta sweat to enjoy life.

Can we set a strict no D-bag policy for the next swap?(Sorry Kat I had to say it lol) How bout if you bitched about this swap you aren't allowed to attend the next one? We would have enough space for sure =]
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