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MattM":2pnu082h said:
We'll start getting the first set of samples together and we'll be talking to the salt manufacturers at the trade show on April 11-13.

Since we want to get samples a couple months apart, there should be plenty of time to get the funding in place.

Sounds like to me, we need to be a little more patient. Perhaps Matt can update us on how the talks with the manufacturers went.


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baseman":cvyhk4ao said:
Perhaps Matt can update us on how the talks with the manufacturers went.

While they were mostly all present, we only spent time talking with Omega Sea and Fritz.

Omega Sea mostly because they don't advertise their salt very well (it's not on their web site), so we wanted to confirm they actually made it.

Fritz was very interested in the study, but we did not discuss funding.

As I mentioned somewhere in this long thread, I don't want to involve the manufacturers unless we absolutely have to -- it's too easy to give the appearance that the results are tainted by their influence.


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John -

For the plans, read this thread!

As far as a timeline, there are two factors:

1) We are knee-deep in moving the store right now. Nothing will happen until after that is done. We are planning on 1 May, but that could slip a bit with construction delays.

2) When we start is also, to some extent, determined by the finances. There are currently plans for auctions and/or raffles to raise money, it would be premature to create a schedule while these activities are still in the planning stages


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I tried to read back through the novel that this thread has become and I couldn't really get a good feel for exactly what the current plans are. There was a post with the current plans that was then edited but some points were addressed after that that seemed to never be addressed in the original post or the edited post. Boy that sounds confusing even to me! ;) At one point I thought there was a rough timeline but I couldn't find it looking back through the thread.

Maybe when you guys get a chance it would be possible to summarize the information in this thread and give the current plans along with a timeline, etc. Maybe even start a whole new thread with this one used as a reference for questions.

I would think IMAC would be a good place to try to drum up some more $$ for the project and maybe shoot for results to be available for MACNA in Louisville or something.

Oh well, just thinking out loud.

FWIW, Nathan


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npaden":2hvid7uj said:
I tried to read back through the novel that this thread has become and I couldn't really get a good feel for exactly what the current plans are.

Cool, at least I'm not the only one :?


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I would just like to say the project is definatly going forward. We , rdo ops, are getting all the details worked out. We want to have all our ducks in a row first. Thanks for your patience all.


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I just wanted to add that I am not concerned with the speed with which this project takes. I am much more concerned with getting it done right. It needs to be comprehensive and accurate and I believe, from following this thread from the beginning, that it is heading in the right direction.


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John, et.al.,

Matt and Tom have been working 7 days a week 12+ hrs a day trying to get moved to their new location. Rest assured that they are 100% behind this project and "are more than anxious to get started on this project" (their words exactly). They are very busy with the move and will discuss things further when they finally come up for air. They are trying to open their doors at the new store sometime in the next 7-10 days and thus are really under the gun to get things finished.

Thank you for understanding. :)



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Bill2":3b8kzpnt said:
I would just like to say the project is definatly going forward. We , rdo ops, are getting all the details worked out.

OK, now I’m confused. Is RDO doing this study, or IR? We have 2 RDO site administrators that are not agreeing with each other. Just earlier CJ posted this:

cjdevito":3b8kzpnt said:
Speaking on behalf of Reefs.org.... This is the Inland Reef salt study

So what is the story? Is this an RDO study, or an IR study?

Bill2":3b8kzpnt said:
We want to have all our ducks in a row first.

Do you not think this would have best been done before asking for $10,000?


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Arg, my bad epon. I inadvertently deleted my post when I went to edit it. :/

To quickly sum up what I said:

This is Inland's project and Reefs.org is simply trying to help them raise the capital to fund the study. Hobbyist donations have taken things only so far so now we are investigating additional routes of funding.



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hello epon,

The Salt Study was proposed and will be conducted by Inland Reef Aquaria. Reefs.org is assisting Inland with getting this information out to the public as well as attaining possible funding sources for this expensive but worthwhile project. We would like to make this clear: This is Inland's Salt Study - one which they conceived and will administer. Reefs.org is here only to help Inland in their venture.

Charles and Bill do not have conflicting messages. There is a lot of work being done by Reefs.org operators behind the scenes in correspondance, procurement, and implementation of possible vendor and manufacturer donations. That was what Bill was referring to.

It is only with member's donations in conjuction with vendor and manufacturer support that we can gather enough funds for Inland's project. Thus, it is not feasible for Inland to align all the details before publically announcing this project. FYI: The details of the study itself was exhaustively worked out by Inland prior to posting this study, with a good deal of considertion given to the suggestions of people who've participated in this thread.

Please refer to the following post .....


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General Update: Reefs.org has successfully procured several very popular products (from large aquarium setups to skimmers!) from leading manufacturers and vendors that will go a long way in funding Inland's Salt Study. We plan on auctioning and raffling these items to our members in a few short weeks, and will keep you all updated when the auction/raffle system is implemented. We are still aiming for the target goal of $11,000 for a comprehensive salt study, which reefs.org believes is attainable through further support.

Inland is still busy moving their storefront, but have made good progress and will soon be back online to answer any questions and provide updates. They thank you for your patience and understanding.

Direct donations to this study are still highly appreciated. If any vendor or manufacturer would like more information about supporting the salt study, please contact James Wiseman([email protected]) and he will be more then happy to answer any questions you may have.

Inland and Reefs.org appreciates all the donations received thus far from members, vendors, and manufacturers. It is you that makes this important study possible.



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Hi Gang,

I'm just back from a trip to Trinidad and Tobago for work (yes, for work) and wanted to check in on this thread.

We are very busy preparing some things behind the scenes and our educational materials for the IMAC this weekend. Next week we will post a list of the items donated by some excellent businesses to help raise money for the Salt Study. I think you will find that it is a VERY impressive list (hint, think on the magnitude of 180g aquarium and stand type stuff).

For those that don't want to read back in this thread, the folks running this study have a funding goal in mind. They can't decide on exactly which tests to run until they have a reasonable estimate of the budget. That makes sense, right?

For example "We have $6,000, and to do a comprehensive test of one salt mix costs $600, therefore we will test these ten mixes"

Therefore, we are doing our darnedest to help them raise money to test as many mixes in as many meaningful ways as possible.

Raising money like this doesn't happen instantly but we are sincerely trying to help.

James Wiseman


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Salt Study Update:

Matt and I and the rest of the Inland Reef Staff are currently heavily involved in trying to get our new store open. http://www.inlandreef.com/construction1.html As the initial flurry of donations has died down and all of our time has been consumed by the construction project, RDO's staff has stepped in to help raise funds.

We plan on sending off the first batch of salts to the lab soon after we finish the major construction here at the new store - probably 30 days from now.

As we said from the beginning, this study was going to be a drawn out process so that we could be sure to obtain different lots of salt and obviously the necessary funding. Your patience is appreciated.


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MickAv8r":egcdyxim said:
We plan on sending off the first batch of salts to the lab soon after we finish the major construction here at the new store - probably 30 days from now.

Which salt brands are going to be included in the first batch of testing? Has a final testing protocol been determined?

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