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my apologies- i guess i misunderstood your post :)

btw-why don't you come visit-if you're ever in clementon? :wink:

just to chat-i'd like to meet some fellow posters from the area just to 'talk tank' :wink:

ask for Al

again, my apologies



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Just wanted to post an update...

We're about a week to 10 days from getting the new store finished. Been working 15 hour days on the final painting and store fixtures.

After we're open in the new location, we'll turn our attention to this project once again.

Thanks for your patience!


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i skimmed thru some of this thread. have any raffles been organized to promote this endeavor? has their been any of the sales of reef related products that i read about at the beginning of this thread. that sounds like a great way to fund this thing. i was looking to see how much had been collected so far. im not big into handing out my hard earned cash for science but raffle off some reef stuff and i'll drop a hundred your way in a heartbeat. its the compulsive gambler that was bred into me. ok i'm gonna take the flames....... how much has been collected and when will the testing commence?


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yeah id just like to jump in and add my " whens this getting started and give us updates"

Also hows the new store from yoru previous post it shoudl have been done for about a week now


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The store is done for the most part - at least all major construction is over. We have a couple minor touch-up things to do, that's about it.

What's holding us up now is an inspection. The building inspector didn't like the balusters on our stairs during the rough framing inspection so we had to order some new ones. We haven't received those yet, and we can't get the final inspection and certificate of occupancy until they are installed. Without the certificate of occupancy, we can't let the public in...

We did take lots of photos during early construction, but for the last couple months we've been too busy to take any more and update the web page - So we ended up taking it down (I also got nervous the building inspector would look through it and find more wrong!) After the dust settles (literally) I'll work on getting a "virtual tour" posted on our web site.

Thanks for your continued patience!


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P.S. The raffles and similar ideas were being organized by the reefs.org staff, not us. You'd have ask them what the story is on this, but I assume they are waiting for us to get finished with construction and return our attentions to the salt project.


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P.S. The raffles and similar ideas were being organized by the reefs.org staff, not us. You'd have ask them what the story is on this, but I assume they are waiting for us to get finished with construction and return our attentions to the salt project.

Yep, once Inland is finished with their current project and are ready to start on the salt project we'll be ready to move forward on the raffles and whatnot.



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We are very busy preparing some things behind the scenes and our educational materials for the IMAC this weekend. Next week we will post a list of the items donated by some excellent businesses to help raise money for the Salt Study. I think you will find that it is a VERY impressive list (hint, think on the magnitude of 180g aquarium and stand type stuff).


With as long as this thread has gotten, I may have missed it, but was a list of the donated equipment ever posted? It seems Inland is waiting for more funding before moving forward, and this would seem to be the only current source for more funding.



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A list of donated equipment for auction/raffle has not been posted, and we will do so once Inland settles in their new storefront and are ready to proceed.


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Len":22u5s0vq said:
A list of donated equipment for auction/raffle has not been posted, and we will do so once Inland settles in their new storefront and are ready to proceed.

Any idea when that will be?


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We have the final building inspection scheduled for this week. If all goes well, we will have the dry goods portion of the store open by this weekend. We still have work to do on the tank room, but the workload will be a lot less and I can start to divert attention back to the salt project.

P.S. Reef.org is waiting on us to be able to devote time to this, rather than us waiting for money. We won't need to start spending until the actual testing starts -- there is still much prep work we can accomplish once we have the time.


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i have a simple question i hope it isnt taken wrong. with this project being an important step that so many want to see come to fruition; why hasnt some of the responcibility of fundraising and other legwork been delegated to others who are capable of carrying out this plan. why haven't the organizers asked for help and let someone else step in and get this thing moving. when this project was first initiated their was great interest in it. now i believe interest is waining. im willing to donate time, money, effort, as im sure many others would and already have done. i really dont know anything more than i read. so go ahead and flame me for giving my opinion i can take it. my wife has made the callouses thick


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I have received two reply notifications in the last day and neither one is a valid link. Are replies being deleted?


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JohnL":27v82s4h said:
I have received two reply notifications in the last day and neither one is a valid link. Are replies being deleted?

I just got a similar email notification but when I clicked on the link to see the latest reply I got the following message, "The topic or post you requested does not exist."

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