EmilyB":39o7akfj said:I was just acting like a mad cow.... :lol: Sorry !
golfish":snt11om5 said:It kind of seems like this project has fizzled out...it was real easy for me to donate............is it going to be as easy to get my money back?
golfish":10fs3gf1 said:Matt,
Your way past being "there".........I didn't see anything about "arguments/discussions" in your first thread. No credit for me please, just return my money.
bowfront":2eolwj5m said:Hey when you start something be ready to finish it regardless of personal problems.
Louey":9l27tqyf said:Remember, Inland is doing this voluntarily. I think you guys should give them some slack. I don't hear anyone else offering to do this study for free.
MattM":9l27tqyf said:We'll start getting the first set of samples together and we'll be talking to the salt manufacturers at the trade show on April 11-13.
MickAv8r":9l27tqyf said:We'll post the totals here on a weekly basis. To Start we currently are at $280 for the past 24 hours.
In order to get different lot numbers on the salt samples, it will take many months before we can start testing. We expect that by that time, the funding will be all lined up. (posted in mid-March)
MattM":9l27tqyf said:I think we will begin acquiring salts next week. (posted in mid-March)
MattM":9l27tqyf said:As far as a timeline, there are two factors:
1) We are knee-deep in moving the store right now. Nothing will happen until after that is done. We are planning on 1 May, but that could slip a bit with construction delays.
2) When we start is also, to some extent, determined by the finances. There are currently plans for auctions and/or raffles to raise money, it would be premature to create a schedule while these activities are still in the planning stages
liquid":9l27tqyf said:Matt and Tom have been working 7 days a week 12+ hrs a day trying to get moved to their new location. Rest assured that they are 100% behind this project and "are more than anxious to get started on this project" (their words exactly). They are very busy with the move and will discuss things further when they finally come up for air. They are trying to open their doors at the new store sometime in the next 7-10 days and thus are really under the gun to get things finished. (plea for patience from 4/25/03)
len":9l27tqyf said:General Update: Reefs.org has successfully procured several very popular products (from large aquarium setups to skimmers!) from leading manufacturers and vendors that will go a long way in funding Inland's Salt Study. We plan on auctioning and raffling these items to our members in a few short weeks, and will keep you all updated when the auction/raffle system is implemented. (posted 5/1/03)
MickAv8r":9l27tqyf said:We plan on sending off the first batch of salts to the lab soon after we finish the major construction here at the new store - probably 30 days from now. (posted 5/15/03)
MattM":9l27tqyf said:As far as the test protocol, I have an outline, and will post the latest version sometime in the next 2 weeks or so. With all the work on the new store, I am only online from about 1 to 2 AM. (posted 5/15/03)
MattM":9l27tqyf said:We're about a week to 10 days from getting the new store finished. Been working 15 hour days on the final painting and store fixtures.
After we're open in the new location, we'll turn our attention to this project once again. (posted 6/15/03)
Louey":9l27tqyf said:Patience folks. The study will be well worth it end the end.
Louey":ww2toqsd said:Remember, Inland is doing this voluntarily. I think you guys should give them some slack. I don't hear anyone else offering to do this study for free.
Patience folks. The study will be well worth it end the end.
Ikarus5150":3q5bu277 said:Has anyone seen this study?
http://www.animalnetwork.com/fish2/aqfm ... efault.asp