Sorry, no FTS that I like yet, they all come out awful or the light from the other tank is an image in the center of the of these days, I promise!!
Just a quickie post to show off my new fish

I don't add fish very often but I couldn't pass up this little guy..a Blue Spot Jawfish..Opistognathus rosenblatti.
After a long acclimation, I dropped him into the tank an hour or 2 before lights out figuring I'd shut them off early if one of the bigger fish made any threatening moves towards him. He panicked at first, then stopped in the top corner and looked around & dropped down behind the rocks.
I figured I'd give him a week to settle in and be sure to drop some food back in the area he was hiding and hope that he would build his burrow where I might catch a glimpse of him every now & then.
The following morning found him in the right front corner of the tank building his new home

He couldn't seem to care less about the huge fish swimming above him or diving past him to get behind the rocks at his front door..he doesn't even flinch when they go by -- happy dance!!
He is eating very well... mysis, cyclopeeze, Omega One Pellets.. and today is comfortable enough to venture about 5 inches out of his burrow to grab some food..all good news!!
(no whammies!!)
Here is a crappy pic of the new kid on the block..
I'd like to thank Salt Water City - Lenny especially, for holding him until I could get there. He's a perfect match with my other fish!!
I'll get some better pics up soon..thanks for looking!!