Thanks! You are the 2nd or 3rd person to say I can't imagine why folks would think I don't have a tank

btw...I have 3 SW tanks :spin:
hmmm...seems I haven't gotten around to posting on my own tank thread in quite some time again..ummm...June of 2009 was the last time? :redface:
...and I still do have 3 SW tanks..and the 2 FW and the pond.
..and I wouldn't be posting on it tonight but I found my camera today and the battery wasn't dead, and Peter (if you're not familiar with Peter, you will be shortly...) was dancing around in the tank, doing backflips to get my I shot about 400 pics of the fish (cause I couldn't find the tripod to do FTS's) and these were decent enough to post...
My absolute favorite fish...this is Peter commonly called a Yellowtail Coris (Coris gaimard) ...he is about 8" long and near 1" thick and loaded with personality. He continues to keep me on my toes and has never stopped rolling things around in the tank. Don't even think of getting a fish like this is you have a clam, or a frag rack or anything else in your tank that is not permanently attached..he will find it & move it for you!
I give him rock rubble to roll around the tank and he happily picks pods off the rubble..and eats a fierce amount of food on top of that!
This is my newest addition a Melanarus (Halichoeres melanarus)..who I named Mel...that was easy!
And a fairly new Green Coris Wrasse (Halichoeres chloropterus) , no name for this guy yet..he is a little shy, so I couldn't get a decent pic of him.
This is one of Sanjays first spawns of Photon Clowns that I got from James :hug:. She loves this anemone and it has been desperately attempting to get my baby clown (one of Todd's from Atlantis)to play house in there, but so far to no avail...the little clown is still hosting...the
Vortech :sigh:
..and my Checkerboard Wrasse (Halichoeress hortulanus), who will hopefully honor the fact that Peter is in charge of the tank as he grows..they can get big in the wild, but I'm banking on him not getting larger than maybe 6" as most captives I have seen.
I still have my Royal Gramma (my 1st SW fish

), Purple Tang (Freckles), and my
Red Sea Cleaner Wrasse who is a cow.
I lost my Blue Spot Jawfish about 2 months ago after having him for a number of years ( I think I got him in 2007, would need to check the thread to see the date...), so i decided it was time to add a couple of new faces to the tank.
One of these days I will take some tank pics

Thanks for looking!