Another quickie update...back in the beginning of April I'd added a female Flame Wrasse to the tank. I already had a beautiful male but he'd been stuck in the overflow for probably a good 4 months (if not more...) prior to that point.
I have gutter guard around my overflows to prevent the fish from getting in there but for whatever reason one day I'd noticed the female was missing - she is ALWAYS top front of the tank..
Didn't find her in the overflow (though the male was still in there), but did find her in the filter sock (eek!), she didn't look too good when I took her out, but she not only bounced back quickly, she started to hang around the overflow as she must have noticed the male when she passed through
Anyway, this past week I dropped some food in the overflow one morning before work (for the male) and took a second to use my mirror (the only way I had to check on him) to see how he was doing and I couldn't find him. Took a peek in the sump and there he was! After 6 months of listening to that stupid drain pipe (I'd taken the durso off hoping he'd pass down through the pipes since I couldn't catch him)..and poof, he'd taken the wild ride

I didn't have enough time to fish him out before work, so I covered the top of the sump with netting to be sure he would still be there that night.
I netted him out of the sump after lights out and put him back in the DT and then moved a few bigger corals and some rocks around to lessen any potential aggression his sudden appearance might cause. (actually I was hoping the other fish would think he was the female and leave him alone..)
All is well now, one of his eyes is a little irritated but hopefully that will clear in time.
Here's a crappy pic of him & her (she flashes at him constantly :flirt

Wish I could be home more often to watch the 2 of them sailing around in the tank...a truly beautiful sight
Thanks for looking!