Thanks gals & guys are always welcome to come by and please bring your violin, want to see if my fish love hearing at as much as yours do! ..and me too!!
Wanted to get some pics up as I'd done the lights off for 3 days thing to battle some cyano that I couldn't get a fast enough grip on through ramping up my GFO changes and water changes.
I also changed skimmers within the past couple of weeks from my MRC2 (moved that to my 33 cube where it's producing copious amounts of skimmate..woo-hoo!) and went with a ASM G3 this time. (thx Mike!)
When I had the MRC on this tank it was plumbed to be an external skimmer that was in the room next to my office (will see if I can dig out a pic of it and add it here).
Found is now plumbed the same way onto my 33 cube but using an Iwaki instead of the Gen X pump
I had a heck of a time installing the G3 as I had to cut down a baffle in the sump (while it was running!) to get the proper water level for the skimmer to sit in. All worked out well and will get some pics up after I get all of the old PVC pipes put of the stand

- have to move my desk to do that

Anyway...aside from the new skimmer, the biggest difference I noted was my tank temp dropped a full 3 degrees from the difference in pumps between the 2 skimmers. The MRC was powered by a Gen X-55. Almost hard to believe an external pump added that much heat. I have had - for the first time - to add a heater to the 120.
A few new pics..
Blue spotted jawfish (Opistognathus rosenblatti). This guy is like that Whack-a-mole game, you never know where he is going to pop He currently has 4 'doors' to his burrow right at the front of the tank, this one being in a rock I didn't expect he could get inside of..
Sanjays efflatounaria that I picked up from's growing like crazy :splitspin
..and a FTS
Thanks for looking!