Some recent & not so recent stuff...
2 of the Yumas I got from Greg Hiller, the smaller one near the bottom came with a tiny baby next to it :spin:
I just love the colors on this zoa on the right. The one on the left is also beautiful (came from Rtam through the Zoa Ring), but the picture does nothing for it...
..and another Yuma
one more time...
Still my favorite ths one from HoF at the last swap

someday I'll get the perfect picture of it :sigh:
A quickie side FTS until I redo some aquascaping ...
btw..I changed my lighting to T5's a few weeks back, missing the glitter lines but I'm happy that I can see much better in the tank now. Still need to tweak the colors of the bulbs...getting there, and so far the corals don't seem to mind the change from the 250 MH's.
Yeah..that's a Kenya tree, I've attempted to murder it a few times (ahhh..the guilt!!), but it's hung in there since the beginning. It's pushing it's luck lately by shedding..might have to send it back to the sump as punishment....
Thanks for looking