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Search results

  1. Epoxy for live rock???

    Both the Aquamend and Quick Plastic can be used underwater. I use both of them all the time. Rick
  2. where can i get live rock , the best at the best price

    Flying Fish Express....Or Jeffs, ignore the link above it is an empty page. Rick
  3. Attaching Frags ?

    I used to use Aqua-Stik from the LFS but it got to be a bit expensive. I now use a two part from Home Depot called Aqua-Mend and another called quick Plastic. The names are close, I do not remember exactly but they are like $3.00 per tube and two are the same size as the $20 Aqua-Stik. They...
  4. how do you do it

    Hello from a fellow ex-Arkansian The key to success in this hobby is to go to college and make a lot of money You also have to be sure and marry a woman who makes a lot of money as well and does not spend too much.... Rick
  5. Sally-light-foots....Good or Bad????????

    Mine is in a tank with two mandrians and many corals, snails, grazers and so on and I have never seen him intentionally mess with anything. He does sometimes get startled and shoots across the tank....and they are quick !
  6. World Trade Center just attacked by two suicide planes!

    Nobody in Afghanistan is innocent. They allow a government to exist that supports terrorist. Often innocent people must die to prove the creditability of our military might as a deterrent. Rest assured you would not be here today if it were not for our resolve to kill hundreds of millions of...
  7. World Trade Center just attacked by two suicide planes!

    I agree that we cannot blame the Palestinians for this. But we can turn Kabul into a glassy desert. And proceed to methodically destroy EACH and EVERY organization, be they private or governmental, that undertake, support or allow terrorism within their sphere of control. I do not say this...
  8. Chemi-Clean for red cyano bacteria?

    I have used Erythromyacin at 1/10 the recommend dosage (for fish ailments) and this has cleared my cyno up with no adverse affects. Rick
  9. manderine???

    I have 4 Mandarins, including a breeding pair and I would advise against your getting one. 30 gallons and a 10 gallon refugium are not going to be enough to keep the pods going. Mandarins eat ALL day, it's about all they do other than sleep Rick
  10. Lighting for Dummies

    Hello from Flagstaff... I am about to add two 250s to a DYI hood. I would be glad to help you out if I can. Rick
  11. Raising peppermint babies

    I am taking my second swing at rearing peppermint shrimp babies. They are 6 days old now and still going strong…no noticeable die off yet. I am feeding newly hatched BSB along with some 12 hour old BSB gut loaded with Selcon. Any suggestions or information anyone ? I did find a paper on raising...
  12. LOA report

    I have had two Lights of America Model 9266 on my main tank for over two months now along with 440 watts of VHO. I have been very pleased with them. Their light is a little bit on the yellow side but that is more than balanced by the actinic VHO. I have had no undesirable algae growth or heat...
  13. who has never swam at a reef?????

    I served on a Ballistic Missile I spent a fair amount of time under the ocean. Mostly the N Atlantic. Not many reefs there But there was this really cool fish that got caught in the torpedo tube once when we cycled it at test depth. Alien looking thing with teeth you would not...
  14. My copepods are so big...

    I have seen a few in that size range. Aggressive buggers too! They will actually swim up in the water column to snatch food. I wonder what the upper size limit is ? Rick
