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how do you guys afford these 50000000 gallon tanks, i am 17 and dont work yet, i managed to have a 30 , now i feel stupid, you guys are so lucky you must be rich , cause to have tha big of a tank you the salt and sand and rock , and all would cost you out the butt


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Mine's only a 75 gallon and yes, it did cost me out the butt. Even I bought my live rock from someone taking down his tank. And I bought the tank used.

Find a good subject for college, study hard and get a good job and someday you too can be rich like us

I read your other post, but don't know anything about stars - except that I was told to stay away from green stars because they get huge and are mean.


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There are quite a few people here that have smaller tanks like yours. They are just harder to keep because the smmaller amount of water isn't quite as forgiving as larger tanks. You'll probably have to be a bit more dilligent about monitoring water conditions and topping off. I lose about a gallon a day to evaporation.

Sounds like your tank is fish only - most people here keep corals reef tanks, but there is plenty of useful information here for you. People here know their fish as well as their corals. Whenever I find a pretty new fish, I ask here about it and get great answers.


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30 is fine if you do your research. i started with a 29 and had great success. take it slow and read read read.


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ok thanx,, Do i not need to post here since it really isn't for talking about fish??????

i don't want other people to be mad at me

how long did you have your 29 ,,,, I am happy with mine, i have a clownfish and a brittle star and a firescallop right onw,,,, how many more things you think i can put in it , just wonderin how old are you


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Hello from a fellow ex-Arkansian
The key to success in this hobby is to go to college and make a lot of money
You also have to be sure and marry a woman who makes a lot of money as well and does not spend too much....



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you can post here about fish i do it all the time

17 and no job eh ? I had a job at 16 that was how I managed to buy everything I own hehehehehe

Actually I have a 37 gallon right now Ive kept salt in it for over 5 years and now Im keeping corals

I plan on at least a 125 in the spring which I will pay for by letting my wife and 4 kids go hungry

just kidding I have a good job but like everything it takes time I waited 8 years for a new pickup truck and 7 years for my big tank

work with what you got I say


Mercedes 300SL


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I was 45 before I could afford my first reef tank and do it right. I could have had one before this age but decided to invest my money instead. By being patient and looking long term I am now able to have what I want in life and not worry about that next bill that is due.


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Uhhh, i'm 18 next month, thats not much of an excuse! I work for an LFS, get great deals, learn a ton, and deal w/ the public (which ain't so fun!). Hey, i'm setting up a 120 reef right now, and theres no way in hell that i could pull if off w/out the deals i get at the shop.

You seem to have this fixation on being 17, which appears in all of your posts, apply for a job at one of your local LFS's so you can get some experience and bucks under your belt. Definitely can't afford much in this hobby w/out a job!


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Fish only people post here all the time too - I didn't mean for you not to post anymore - there's plenty of fish info around here.


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Just be VERY good at what you want to do. Get a decent education and a promising job.

I am now 31 and has a 150G. I started with a 5G hex tank when I was in highschool, upgraded to a 75G when I got my first real job. (bookkeeping at H&R Blocks doesn't count, eventhough it ain't bad pay)

Another way to go about it, get a real job and convince you boss to put a large tank in the office will work too! & make sure you make REALLY good friend with the girl at the human resoures.


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Kirt, there are also many people out there that are selling used equipment. I scored one of my 100 gallons for 30 bucks! Some people just want to get rid of the big empty glass box that is taking up sooo much space in their basement.
If you can't find a good paying job perhaps you can score a rich girlfriend who will love the hobby as much as you. Fat chance though...

Good Luck


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another option is study hard, go to college, work part time at a local fish store and bring home no pay check. that method worked well for me.


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Breed fish+trade to LFS+sell on aquabid=corals. The forumal works! Although with all the water changes in dealing with 23 tanks it is work!


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Small tanks are really neat.
Look at the pictures the reefers post. You can't tell whether they have 30 or 300 gallons.

I see tangirl is on this post. Should we say something really mean cause he has a s-e go-t comment?


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My first SW tank was a 30. I eventually broke it down to a 20. Small tanks can be a lot of fun, but I've found that they are actually more work than larger tanks.

As to the bit about you not working... Why not? I hear all these claims about unemployment and people not being able to find a job, yet everywhere I look, I see "now hiring" signs. Don't be too proud to get a "sucky" job. A smart person who is willing to work can move up fast in most fields. And once you already have a job, you have a better chance of getting a better job. Plus, if you have a job, perhaps your parents will let you live at home for cheap or even free while you work and go to college.

I'd rather have a tank set up at my parents' house than in a dorm where I have to tear it down twice a year to move....

And a quick tip... Go to www.fool.com and do some reading. You may or may not agree with their investment strategy, but many of the lessons they teach - like start putting money away when you are young - are dead on, no matter what you think of the stock market.

Work, save, budget. You'll do fine.

Just include "aquarium stuff" in your budget!


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Naesco, Tangirl and some others in the sump have raised the She Goat to an exalted status and I'm sure they would take offence to She Goat blasphemy.


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