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I have a finger leather which I recently fragged One frag I attached with super glue no problem at all and it has stayed put for 2 weeks and is doing great.

A second frag I glue down came loose so I glued it again and again and again to no avail. The frag looks fine but will not stay put.

How do I attach it to a rock since super glue is useless ?

Is there a marine grade putty I can use ?

this is in my main tank and I think part of the problem was current so I moved it to a low current area No Help

I think maybe my hermits and snails (big mexican turbos) bump it until it lets looose

I have no refugium or sump to put in in so thats outta the question it looks healthy just cant get it to attach HELP !!!!!!!!!


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I attach most of my soft corals by letting the frags sit in a calm sandy spot of the substrate for a week or two, untill the cut heals and attaches to some of the sand grains. Then I use super glue gel to glue the sandy spot to any rock I want the frag on. The only coral this hasnt worked with is my cladiella which seems impossible to attach.

Jerry suggestion is also a good one. HTH


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tried the sand method...problem is the snail ect bump it so cut side is no longer down

I have some wedding veil I bought at walmart for less than a dollar a yard (go figure wife said i couldnt cut hers up) I had some shrooms growing in a cup with this over it til the attached

I moved the shrooms to the main tank and the frags to there maybe that will keep them protected

I was hoping someone could tell me what type epoxy and puttty was safe to use in my reef as these are pretty big frags 4 main stalks on each with about 10-12 nubs on the stalks
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Jerry Gonzales

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Have you ever seen those wash nets that people use to bathe thier bodies with. Well buy one and uncrinkle it and cut a piece of the mesh with scissors. Once you have about a 4 or 5 inch length of a piece. Pull out the frag and place it on a towel and let it disperce its water volume( about 5 or 10 minutes). Then you can tie it to a piece of rock. Leave it on for a couple of weeks and then cut it off once the frag has attached itself.



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I used to use Aqua-Stik from the LFS but it got to be a bit expensive.

I now use a two part from Home Depot called Aqua-Mend and another called quick Plastic. The names are close, I do not remember exactly but they are like $3.00 per tube and two are the same size as the $20 Aqua-Stik.

They work great and do not seem to make the skimmer go ape sh*t like the Aqua Stik does.



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bought the aqua atick at my LFS today along with a bottle of iodine then had to stop at the drugstore to pick up medicine for one of my kids First time I dont lock my truck and someone stole the bag containing both

What is really upsetting is the items they stole are totally useless to anyone who doesnt have a reef tank and they left a $100 pair of Binoculars and a cell phone in the truck

makes me want to slap someone


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Somebody out there is sniffing glue and using the iodine to clean a spot before shooting up....

Sorry about the theft, another method to try is to use the toothpick method. I have been finding that certain soft corals and also some hard corals don't seem to work well with the superglue method. I think that the initial bond is probably being made with some flesh with a strong mucous coat over it, and when the mucous is shed, the frag comes loose. It seems to work best after leaving the frag out of the water for a while and then wiping it completely dry of water and mucous. I have several frags of sps that this has worked great with, but the very small frags don't seem to do well with it, and a birds nest catastrophe that I had resulting in numerous tiny frags resulted in a lot of bleaching for the smaller frags. The toothpick method is skewer your frag and then rubberband it down. You could also just do the rubberband method by itself, but the coral can get sliced in half by this method, and also, it can slip out of the rubberbands. I used to use this method with xenia, but it attaches much quicker than leather.

Minh Nguyen

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I start to use fishing line to attach frags and it works like a charm. Cheap too.
Most of my frags are attached horizontal. This is perfect with fishing line.
For Xenia, I put a tooth pick though the base and tied the toothe pick to a oyster shell with rubber band.

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