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Staten Island
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TRIGGERMAN I think you should get your facts STRAIGHT and stay away from YouTube....LMAO ;)

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Ok how are my facts incorrect? I used you tube as an example. Those are clips from news broadcasts not something a teenager made. Who are any of you to say they aren't credible? It shows obama and his wife both saying he was born in kenya and he has failed to produce a birth certificate these are facts. Well him having no birth cert is a fact him being born in kenya could be a lie also. He could have been born in Afghanistan for all we know. He was also caught in video talking about his "muslim faith" and quickly scrambled to say "uh my christian faith". The guy is full of it. He can't even get the facts straight about HIMSELF let alone terrorism or anything else in this country. People talk about how stupid bush was but at least he knew where he was born and what his faith was.

I am far from a bush supporter but regardless the facts are the facts. So this alleged DNA evidence I'm sure is what you are all referring to as "the proof that's good enough for me". So we are to believe that they found him, killed him, brought him back here and did a dna test. Then they packed him up shipped him back and tossed him in the ocean all in 1 day? Highly doubtful.

Interesting excerpt from the link LFS posted
"Officials were reluctant to inflame Islamic sentiment by showing graphic images of the body. But they were also eager to address the mythology already building in Pakistan and beyond that bin Laden was somehow still alive."
There must be a reason people think he's still alive here AND there.


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Staten Island
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Well I highly doubt and I say this with extreme confidence there will be any Osama Bin Laden impersonators walking around.

I also don't know what kind of people think Elvis is alive there's no evidence to support it. Tupac on the other hand came out with plenty of songs after he was "dead" but hey that's a whole other story.


The All Powerful OZ
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I also don't know what kind of people think Elvis is alive there's no evidence to support it.

Well if you talk to some people there is plenty of evidence that he's not dead. As for the kind of people that think Elvis is alive, well it's the same type of people who will think that Bin Laden still is or Tupac or a bunch of others. Some people can see things with their own eyes, and still not believe them.
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Ok how are my facts incorrect? I used you tube as an example.

(1)Those are clips from news broadcasts not something a teenager made. Who are any of you to say they aren't credible? It shows obama and his wife both saying he was born in kenya and

(2)he has failed to produce a birth certificate these are facts. Well him having no birth cert is a fact him being born in kenya could be a lie also. He could have been born in Afghanistan for all we know.

(3)He was also caught in video talking about his "muslim faith" and quickly scrambled to say "uh my christian faith". The guy is full of it. He can't even get the facts straight about HIMSELF let alone terrorism or anything else in
this country.

People talk about how stupid bush was but at least he knew where he was born and what his faith was.

I am far from a bush supporter but regardless the facts are the facts. So this alleged DNA evidence I'm sure is what you are all referring to as "the proof that's good enough for me". So we are to believe that they found him, killed him, brought him back here and did a dna test. Then they packed him up shipped him back and tossed him in the ocean all in 1 day? Highly doubtful.

Interesting excerpt from the link LFS posted
"Officials were reluctant to inflame Islamic sentiment by showing graphic images of the body. But they were also eager to address the mythology already building in Pakistan and beyond that bin Laden was somehow still alive."
There must be a reason people think he's still alive here AND there.

Can you provide links to the above for us, especially the ones I numbered?
Also, I would like to know what's the evidence you need to see for proving our president is born in US?

As for Bin Laden, I don't think they need to DNA ID him here in US soil even though I did not hear how they DNA ID him. In real life, police force can DNA ID someone on site in minutes if they prepared the test samples already. How accurate are these tests? May be some CSI or higher level police members can chime in.

BTW, even though I strongly believe Bin Laden is killed, the conspiracy theory side of me also linger that the statement of "Bin laden body plus 1 was removed by the US" by a witness there may actually be "Bin Laden plus 1 body was removed by US" just like special agents movie. This conspiracy theory make sense as well if the team sent there were to go after intelligence that Bin Laden can provide us personally while holding him hostage in case we need him to silence his followers. The whole conspiracy scenario seems logical too. Don't you think? Well, I, for one, do not believe in this conspiracy theory of mine even though it could be a possibility.
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Staten Island
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Marrone come on..you are talking apples and oranges here man. Elvis's body was here there was proof of it it was seen he had a proper burial. Osama apparently just got killed and they dumped him in the ocean. It's only about 1000% different.

The links are there Wingo in the other post. The one where he slipped about his muslim faith I might have not put I don't rem which ones there was a bunch but the other ones are there. There is lots of videos on you tube from various news broadcasts/obama speeches etc.

What evidence do I need to prove he's born here? Well 1st he said he was born in Hawaii then him and his wife have both said Kenya..well mr. president which one is it? Why can't he show a birth certificate? He doesn't have one that's why. I don't know how that slipped through, it's LAW that you must have a birth certificate to be president.

As far as having him captive I thought about that as well because I would do that if I was president. Tell everyone he's dead so they don't try to rescue him meanwhile interrogate him as much as I want and try to get stuff out of him. I'd keep him for years if I could in an electrified box LOL.


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I am far from a bush supporter but regardless the facts are the facts. So this alleged DNA evidence I'm sure is what you are all referring to as "the proof that's good enough for me". So we are to believe that they found him, killed him, brought him back here and did a dna test. Then they packed him up shipped him back and tossed him in the ocean all in 1 day? Highly doubtful.

I did not want to participate in this thread because most of the ideas here are ludicrous and ill-informed, but I have to chime in here because I have first hand experience in studying these matters.

They would not need his entire body, nor even a piece of tissue to run a DNA test. DNA can be gathered off the most minute surfaces- all they would need is a few cells (perhaps from a piece of hair). With the recent advances in genetic sciences, it is completely feasible for a DNA profile to be done quite quickly.


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Staten Island
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I did not want to participate in this thread because most of the ideas here are ludicrous and ill-informed, but I have to chime in here because I have first hand experience in studying these matters.

They would not need his entire body, nor even a piece of tissue to run a DNA test. DNA can be gathered off the most minute surfaces- all they would need is a few cells (perhaps from a piece of hair). With the recent advances in genetic sciences, it is completely feasible for a DNA profile to be done quite quickly.
I'm aware of this ..you can get dna off a glass,a can of soda, cotton swap someone's mouth the list goes on..all you need is to see 1 episode of any cop show and you know these things lol but I heard that they supposedly did bring him here and then back. Sure they will release footage or photos probably more photo shopped crap or perhaps a movie they made in the last few days..maybe they got prince on stilts to play osama bin laden lol. Just the fact they are taking this long is fishy. Like I said before either he isn't dead because they didn't find him or they want people to think he's dead because he's captured. Who knows what our shady government is up to now.
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What evidence do I need to prove he's born here?
Why can't he show a birth certificate? He doesn't have one that's why. I don't know how that slipped through, it's LAW that you must have a birth certificate to be president.

Is this the one you think the one you are looking for?

I have an argument when trying to open an account with a Florida supplier who insisted my Business Certificate is not proper when I present them the colorful one that every retail business in NYC is required to post on the premise by the law of NY and the licenses from Consumer Affairs to post in the premise by the law of NYC. I explained to them that these are the business papers we use in NY in particular in NYC. They don't believe me. They send me a copy of the form they want and it's the receipt of application for conducting business in New York. The receipt, by law of NY, can be used as TEMPORARY Certificate of Business until the "printed" one is received. So to Florida people, they think my genuine Business Certificate is not proper while the TEMPORARY one is the real deal. To Hawaiian, the short form of the birth certificate is all you need to prove you are US citizen. I asked a former worker of mine from Hawaii told me that why would anyone need to go for the so called long form of the birth certificate when their short form is already a legal version in their state. I have not seen her short form vs the long form in person, so I cannot tell you the difference. May be you can ask Hawaii government which one they consider legal. Let me give you yet another story, when I was at Kansas renting apartments for my company employees and myself, the agent do not accept US passport as proof of US citizen. They would readily accept a driver's license as proof. My personal assistant who has LOST social security card was accepted by showing of the driver's license. What the hack?
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Staten Island
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Well it was argued by other politicians on some show on cnn I believe that it wasn't valid to be the president. I don't know how hawaii works or what kind of documents they give but regardless it took him over 2 years just to materialize that. If it wasn't such a big deal and he had that all along then why didn't he produce it earlier? Because he just had it made lol Seriously who the hell doesn't have a copy of their own birth certificate? I mean come on you need it for so many things. How did he get a driver's license or passport w/ no birth certificate? I guess when we are so used to being lied to by our government how can we believe anything?


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Vernon, NJ
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well it was argued by other politicians on some show on cnn i believe that it wasn't valid to be the president. I don't know how hawaii works or what kind of documents they give but regardless it took him over 2 years just to materialize that. If it wasn't such a big deal and he had that all along then why didn't he produce it earlier? Because he just had it made lol seriously who the hell doesn't have a copy of their own birth certificate? I mean come on you need it for so many things. How did he get a driver's license or passport w/ no birth certificate? I guess when we are so used to being lied to by our government how can we believe anything?

the NYCPD does a more through background check to be come a police officer, I had to provide an original Birth certificate with the raised seal, I was finger printed, photographed and my investigator visited every job I had, all my neighbors, my schools,and all my school records
jeez they even found an aided card(paperwork police keeps when they respond to a medical emergency) from when I was 4 and had to be rushed to the hospital that I failed to disclose.. because I was 4 and had no clue it existed. need I say more
whats wrong with the picture when a person has to go through an investigation for a 55K year job and none of that is done to screen a person who is going to be the most powerful and influential leader of the most powerful nation and military in the world!
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DNA results take quite a bit of time to complete. Quickest I have ever experienced the results come back was 14 days. But what do I know.


The All Powerful OZ
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Actually you can do DNA testing in as little as 12 hours, some even in as little as 6 hours, especially if it's a prioritized task. They also had a sample Bin Laden family DNA for comparison, which help with completing the testing, as it cuts down on the number of tests needed.
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Advanced Reefer
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DNA results take quite a bit of time to complete. Quickest I have ever experienced the results come back was 14 days. But what do I know.

No wonder it takes you 14 days...
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