If he really is dead, awesome F*** him and everyone he knows. I'll keep my opinions to myself about taking almost 10 years to do so and the fact we've wasted trillions of dollars which could've been used on infrastructure, education, etc. How does his death change anything in our country? Our economy is still in the crapper, the real estate market is still crashing, unemployment is still up, we're still in a 10 year war with no end in sight that is draining our tax dollars and our economic strength based on whatever people want to believe the reason is, our middle class is disappearing, our borders are for sh**, our dollar is weakening by the day, inflation is up, gas prices are up, raw materials are up, China is going to surpass us in the next 10 years as the leading economic power. Shall i go on??? Great we killed bin Laden, now focus on the real damn problems of our country and fix this.