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I'm sure when the seals got him they were anything but gentle or respectful, but the way we treated his corpse is a show of our standards as a country. We're not the same as the people that crashed planes into the world trade towers, we value human life but are more than willing to take it when necessary. This just shows that we can still respect Islam and see the difference between that and what Osama preached. I think this was handled as best as could be expected. If we paraded him through the streets of NY it would have made us look very bad.
100% agreed


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Part of the reason we disposed the body, in the way that we did, was over how the bodies of Saddam Hussein's sons were handled. We took a lot of flack in the Islam world over that, so we didn't want it to happen again, even though some are upset that the body was thrown into the ocean.
that's very true but sometimes i wish we could stoop down to their level for once,lets not forget the several be headings they did over the net for the world to watch


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some take in all the words but only listen to what they already want to hear.

I am glad that families of the fallen can put closure on this, including my own.

This won't make much of a difference to bin ladins terror network. He is now a martyr the highest honor he could have achieved. But, it took tens of thousands of lives on both sides, almost 10 years and over a trillion dollars that has bankrupted this nation and swayed political and social thought for years to come. Just for one man. Let us be thankful that this man has been removed. I would rather him rot in a dungeon and die a slow agonizing death as family members of his victims throw another rat in his cell. But, given what it took, i would not call this a victory. And i'm sure the families of fallen soldiers would agree, mine does.



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Thanks to everyone who was a part of taking him down.

That said, if this thread is any sort of sampling of Americans, we don't need Osama to destroy us. Stop the fighting and revel in the fact that he's dead, and that a lot of wounded families can sleep a little more soundly tonight.


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Staten Island
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I'm sorry but I'm not buying it. It's a little too convenient since Obama who SUCKS as a president is about to be up for re election and is TERRIFIED of Donald Trump taking his job which I hope he does. I can't wait for him to win the election and be like "Hey Obama..YOU'RE FIRED!" LMAO I think bin laden is dead the same way tupac is dead lol Tupac has been dead since 95 yet he dropped a new album and had hit singles way after. I believe NOTHING w/o proof. Come on the only picture is some terrible photoshopped thing? If he was really killed by soldiers believe me there would be pics all over the internet. When they were doing all that torturing to random people it leaked all over the internet immediately. Can we really believe that a group of CIA guys killed the biggest terrorist,most wanted man in history and not one of them took a picture of it? So there is no proof whatsoever and we are supposed to just take his word for it?

Here's a little food for thought
There's a million other interesting videos out there too


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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Great job of keeping politics out of this.

If you really believe the well financed smear campaign against Obama you need to wake up and stop being a tool for the extremely wealthy.
At one time a solid respectable republican message was taken over and twisted by selfish interests and spoon fed to a gullible portion of the constituency to distract you from their real motives. Making themselves very wealthy at your expense. Well played sucker.
If you want a true platform against Obama you need to focus on that instead of being a tool for the Koch brothers.

Obama may not the best president but he did replace the worst one so we are already on a better path.


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ok good I'm stupid,I'm a tool whatever you idiots want to say. So you believe that osama is really dead and that obviously photoshopped and quite badly might I add is a real picture? COME ON! It's terrible and if you think it's real then you are definitely the stupid ones. Great George Bush was the worst..ANYONE looks good compared to him. It's not really saying much now is it? It doesn't make him good he's just less of a screw up. This great president lies all over the place and gets caught..he shouldn't have even been president in the 1st place because he doesn't have a right to be. He wasn't even born in this country..he claimed to be born in Hawaii and produced some ridiculous document from Hawaii saying so which was NOT a birth certificate and he can not produce a birth certificate because he doesn't have one. He himself and even his wife have admitted on video that he was born in KENYA. He has been caught in so many lies already, I don't know how anyone can believe anything he says. People will believe anything.


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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Paranoid much?

You openned this door with your posts that are supported by Youtube videos that have no obligation to the truth. Mine is a rebuttal. Fox talk show programming also has no obligation to the truth. As they admitted only a very small percentage of what they broadcast has. And Mike Huckabee is not covered.

Im not calling you stupid, you said that. Im calling you a gullible tool of the extreme right wing conspiracy to undermine the authority of a freely elected president of this country. This agenda goes against the pure thought of the original Republican message of fiscal responsibility and that is what needs to be communicated. Otherwise the birther message or the photoshop messages run the risk of becoming the next aluminum hatted mad man on the web.

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Aside from catching him sooner, I don't think this situation could have been handled any better.

For the doubting Thomas's out there that NEED proof, consider this:

Scenario A- Exactly what has transpired. No land burial = no place for terrorist to assemble and pay homage. Some people might be pissed because of lack of evidence...then again, those people (some MR members) are harmless.

Scenario B- Any other type of situation where the body was displayed and such. Images which will act as a catalyst to enrage those who aren't pissed off enough by the news of Osama's death. And their threats carry much more harm than any pissed off doubting Thomas's.

Killing Osama is awesome news. Killing his "legend" is equally important.
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