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Advanced Reefer
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i dont understand why you guys are brickering over the speech,take the time out & be happy for the familes that lost their love ones because of his actions instead of sounding like babies.damn, i hear him thank the troops in every speech he say(including this one),i thought it was classly of him to even quote what bush said,so for you guys who saying what he should've said or didnt say it sounds like what you feel about this goes beyon his speech


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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Some take in all the words but only listen to what they already want to hear.

I am glad that families of the fallen can put closure on this, including my own.

This won't make much of a difference to Bin Ladins terror network. He is now a martyr the highest honor he could have achieved. But, it took tens of thousands of lives on both sides, almost 10 years and over a trillion dollars that has bankrupted this nation and swayed political and social thought for years to come. Just for one man. Let us be thankful that this man has been removed. I would rather him rot in a dungeon and die a slow agonizing death as family members of his victims throw another rat in his cell. But, given what it took, I would not call this a victory. And I'm sure the families of fallen soldiers would agree, mine does.


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couple of points here-
A- im happy as hell. my flag is flying high and proud today
B) - screw you osama, im still hurt by what happened to me that day
c)- A special thanks to the special forces who did this.
D)- i look foward to seeing the pictures of his dead ass
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Advanced Reefer
Vernon, NJ
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couple of points here-
A- im happy as hell. my flag is flying high and proud today
B) - screw you obama, im still hurt by what happened to me that day
c)- A special thanks to the special forces who did this.
D)- i look foward to seeing the pictures of his dead ass
only picture you will see will be photshoped like the one I posted
Burial at sea??? now I seriously doubt this true.... really sad.... burial at sea???
come on
I dont believe we killed him
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couple of points here-
A- im happy as hell. my flag is flying high and proud today
B) - screw you obama, im still hurt by what happened to me that day
c)- A special thanks to the special forces who did this.
D)- i look foward to seeing the pictures of his dead ass

Matt I agree 100%

My own two cents :

I hope he suffered a great deal before he died. I wish he was still alive to suffer more at the hands of the families and friends of the people lost that day but dead is still dead and that makes me feel so much better. Now line up the rest of his buddies right next to him and make them a somewhat benefit and feed some alarms. Note they need not be dead to accomplish this.

God bless America and our armed forces who have given us a great gift this day!


Rating - 98.2%
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sure hope our government isnt stupid and releases the pictures. but WTF is giving our enemies burial rites? since when? they dont show a picture then this is WMD's all over again sad to say
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I highly doubt when they say "burial" they mean they gave him a service. Odds are it was more of a "we need to get rid of this thing" over the side rails. His body would only serve to give his followers something to come after and put a big target on the back of whoever handled it, the same way we will probably never see the name of the actual soldier who bagged him (and I hope we never do). It's a delicate situation and I think this was the best possible way to handle it. It basically shows that there is no way to get the body at this point and hopefully discourages any attacks for that reason.

To say that we went to war for just one man is a little careless. We went in after Al Qaeda and while Osama was the face of the war and the ultimate goal he was never the end game. Not one of our troops has died in vain during this fight. We've managed to dismantle most of Al Qaeda as an organization and eliminate several supporters and the money they were giving them. This just shows them there is nowhere they can hide that we can't get to them and hopefully those weaker followers will second guess their life choices and leave while still intact. Those left will be fragmented but I'm sure still have some sort of leadership and the ability to carry out attacks. We'll never know exactly what effect this has had on the organization but I think we can all agree that this is a great triumph and they are left far weaker than they were before.

Not to mention that our efforts have destabilized prior regimes and shown the middle east that they don't have to live under these false governments. Look at all the uprisings now and we'll soon see Libya join those that are free of their dictators. We've affected massive change but nothing worth doing ever happened over night, it takes time and manpower.
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Rating - 99.1%
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Odds are it was more of a "we need to get rid of this thing" over the side rails. His body would only serve to give his followers something to come after and put a big target on the back of whoever handled it, the same way we will probably never see the name of the actual soldier who bagged him (and I hope we never do). It's a delicate situation and I think this was the best possible way to handle it. It basically shows that there is no way to get the body at this point and hopefully discourages any attacks for that reason.

100% Agreed


New York
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took them 10 years to find someone living in a mansion, spending trillions bombing unoccupied caves. I'd say give me $20 bux and i'll google map it for you. You gave a proper burial for someone that took away innocent lives and yet can't afford to give to those who lost their lives for this country. Wake up people. Something is seriously wrong with our government. For those who wants to be educated I would strongly suggest you watch Zeigeist Part I. Free your minds.
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I'm sure when the seals got him they were anything but gentle or respectful, but the way we treated his corpse is a show of our standards as a country. We're not the same as the people that crashed planes into the world trade towers, we value human life but are more than willing to take it when necessary. This just shows that we can still respect Islam and see the difference between that and what Osama preached. I think this was handled as best as could be expected. If we paraded him through the streets of NY it would have made us look very bad.


The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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Part of the reason we disposed the body, in the way that we did, was over how the bodies of Saddam Hussein's sons were handled. We took a lot of flack in the Islam world over that, so we didn't want it to happen again, even though some are upset that the body was thrown into the ocean.
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