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jhale said:
hmm. not sure it always works out like that. and if it does that means the "saudi" is the one winning all the marbles. that sucks.
well in the case of rising oil prices, it is the owners of the commodity that earn the profit. it does not cost them more to produce as it is a natural resource.
(i only use the 'Saudi' as an example)


Hillside NJ
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alrha said:
no comprendo

before I leave...

I don't get what you don't get...

which are more prevalent

you made a comment on DW not affording 2 but you suddenly able to afford 1 due to being able ride along the rising costs (something most can't do)...... and Jhale still sells 2...now which one seems more plausible?

Thus IMO there are alot more DW's than Alrha's...


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DRZL said:
before I leave...

I don't get what you don't get...

which are more prevalent

you made a comment on DW not affording 2 but you suddenly able to afford 1 due to being able ride along the rising costs (something most can't do)...... and Jhale still sells 2...now which one seems more plausible?

Thus IMO there are alot more DW's than Alrha's...

no no, DW and jhale are in the same position, they both sell 1 to the customer and then sell 1 to me (who profited from the Saudi who profited from the oil). so that at the end of the day, they both did indeed end up selling 2 and make enough money.


The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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alrha said:
as far as the president, he has done a phenominal job with the economy. he has gotten us out of a recession in spite of 9/11 and Iraq, and the War on Terror.

The word "phenominal" and "Bush" should never be mention in the same sentence. Thanks Albert I really needed a good laugh with the soaring price of gas which in turn makes all transportion and deliveries more expensive, just adding to the oil company profits.

:D :icon16: :icon16: :D
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alrha said:
ok, you and DW both pay more for gas (money ends up in a Saudi pocket). You both then raise the prices on your customers. since the customer does not have enough money now to buy 2 tanks (stands and plumbing) at this higher cost, he only buys one. This Saudi guy now invests in my hedge fund (with the profits you gave him) and now I have the money to buy a tank (with stand and plumbing). At the end of the day, you still sold 2 products/services, and you did not have to eat up any of the costs.
No that easy to raise prices on your customers ,home owners dont want to pay more money .its bad enuff tht ppl think plumbers are expensive ,now to raise up prices to a sky rocket ,im better opening up a fish/coral place ,
I find it harder to get money out of ppl nowadays .most ppl want cheap ,pay cheap get cheap work ,means do the works 2ce or 3 time ,instead f paying a professional (DW) :knockedou ,,to do the job once ,but thats biz guys


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I do wonder how much my costs will increase due to the rise in gas.
I have my materials that I need to buy for the jobs, then there is the cost of just moving myself and my products around.
As far as raising costs I'm at the high end already so I can't really raise them much more, so the added costs are something I'm going to have to eat. unless less there is an industry wide raise in prices, which would mean there was a national rise in prices to compensate for the additional costs. Is that not inflation, and is that not a bad thing? My head still hurts from the bush comment, either that or it's a hang over ;) :p

Missy Johnson

Masta of Disasta
Upper East Side
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there are two main 'types' of inflation - demand pull and cost push (or supply shock) - and what we're seeing with oil is the latter. with supply being decreased, price rises (duh). jon what you are talking about is the price/wage spiral that is kicked off by and feeds inflation. everyone is interested in protecting their 'real' income. if goods cost 50% more but you're making 50% more you are indifferent. deepwater is going to pass along his increase in gas cost to his customers. they, in turn, are going to demand higher salaries to live at the same standard they are accustomed to (real income) - and so the spiral begins. unfortunately the result of this is higher unemployment and falling GDP. now my head hurts.

missy (your resident hung-over economist)


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thanks Missy,

I guess the real problem is when wages don't go up, and instead people get laid off, fired, what not.

deepwaters point is also that he can only pass along the prices so much, once his hourly rate gets to the point were people freak out he will of course loose business.
I get to increase my rates a little bit easier as I'm submitting estimates that are not broken down by an hourly rate.


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jhale said:
deepwaters point is also that he can only pass along the prices so much, once his hourly rate gets to the point were people freak out he will of course loose business.
so will his competition, unless they are more efficient.
people will not stop fixing their toilets because the cost went up, he can only lose business if he has to raise his prices more than his competition. if the competitive edge here means buying a more fuel efficient vehicle, then that will move the industry (and the country) to conserve more energy (and ultimatly make oil obsolete just as happened to coal).


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inflation occurs when there is more $ in circulation. The federal reserve adjusts interest rate levels to keep inflation in check while maximizing economic growth.


Bronx, New York
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who says it won't keep people from fixing their toilets??i bet there are a bunch of people out there withholding on luxuries and neccessities they they were once able to afford due to higher overall costs all around.what's bad is that alot of businesses will raise prices to pass on some of their costs, but will not lower them once the fuel costs come down I.E. lets say the lincoln town car Cabbies raise their fares, but because they pretty much have a monopoly on the cab business in many places the consumer will not see a decrease in fare once costs of business go back down.


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this is true, in general once the prices of services go up they never go back down.

i.e taxi fares, mta fares etc.


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joseney21 said:
who says it won't keep people from fixing their toilets??i bet there are a bunch of people out there withholding on luxuries and neccessities they they were once able to afford due to higher overall costs all around.

They will buy a cheaper car and fix their toilet.
would you drive a lexus only to use public restrooms?


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joseney21 said:
what's bad is that alot of businesses will raise prices to pass on some of their costs, but will not lower them once the fuel costs come down I.E. lets say the lincoln town car Cabbies raise their fares, but because they pretty much have a monopoly on the cab business in many places the consumer will not see a decrease in fare once costs of business go back down.

unless the private car service take advantage of this. if the cabbies are not worth their premium in price, people will use alternatives till they lower their price.


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alrha said:
They will buy a cheaper car and fix their toilet.
would you drive a lexus only to use public restrooms?

haha, I'm rolling in a bentley but can I come over and use your shower?


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jhale said:
this is true, in general once the prices of services go up they never go back down.

i.e taxi fares, mta fares etc.

well there is also inflation built into there. if you take the prices all the way back, it would be interesting to see how much the fares rose compared to the inflation rate.


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alrha said:
well there is also inflation built into there. if you take the prices all the way back, it would be interesting to see how much the fares rose compared to the inflation rate.

what ever happened with the MTA's surplus a few years ago.
how did that happen, at one point they had a huge surplus and actually spoke about lowering the fares, the next thing I remember the surplus was gone and fares were raised twice?
I don't think that had anything to do with inflation, how would that be tracked? :confused:

Missy Johnson

Masta of Disasta
Upper East Side
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ok i feel like dean here but i did some research. in 1904 when the subway opened a fare was .05 then in 1948 - .10; 1953 - .15; 60's - .20; 70's - .30; 80's - .60; 1986 - 1.00; 1995 - 1.50 then 2003 - 2.00

cpi in our area increased roughly 2139% over this time period (1905-2005)which means that if the .05 was a fare determined by free supply and demand forces, the fare today adjusted at cpi should be 1.07 (this analysis ignores any change in services offered and assumes you are getting the same service in 2005 as you were in 1904. so really, we are paying an extra buck for all the improvements.
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Missy Johnson said:
ok i feel like dean here but i did some research. in 1904 when the subway opened a fare was .05 then in 1948 - .10; 1953 - .15; 60's - .20; 70's - .30; 80's - .60; 1986 - 1.00; 1995 - 1.50 then 2003 - 2.00

cpi in our area increased roughly 2139% over this time period (1905-2005)which means that if the .05 was a fare determined by free supply and demand forces, the fare today adjusted at cpi should be 1.07 (this analysis ignores any change in services offered and assumes you are getting the same service in 2005 as you were in 1904. so really, we are paying an extra buck for all the improvements.

nice research.

i would not complain if they could air condition the platforms

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