alrha said:why too bad? the consumer also works and earns his money by pushing his costs onto his consumer (like DW) - the buck goes around, and with this rises the field of economics.
but if you sell something, then you can buy the stand, and he can buy the chiler... and we can all drink in celebration of a thriving economy.DRZL said:Yea and w/ those great wages people earn nowadays and the price of things, I see the opposite happening. i.e. I cant buy a stand from Jhale, Jhale can't buy a chiller, Tank dies, wild drunk misery kicks in. :sgrin:
jhale said:too bad because the consumer has to cover the BS rise in gas prices, is that what were talking about in this thread?
all my costs go up due to the rise in gas, so I have to charge more, but people are not going to earn more, so how is that fair? either I eat the cost or someone else pays. at the end consumer how does the cost go around? unless they own their company how are they going to raise the price of their service or pay check?
alrha said:but if you sell something, then you can buy the stand, and he can buy the chiler... and we can all drink in celebration of a thriving economy.
alrha said:ok, you and DW both pay more for gas (money ends up in a Saudi pocket). You both then raise the prices on your customers. since the customer does not have enough money now to buy 2 tanks (stands and plumbing) at this higher cost, he only buys one. This Saudi guy now invests in my hedge fund (with the profits you gave him) and now I have the money to buy a tank (with stand and plumbing). At the end of the day, you still sold 2 products/services, and you did not have to eat up any of the costs.
alrha said:ok, you and DW both pay more for gas (money ends up in a Saudi pocket). You both then raise the prices on your customers. since the customer does not have enough money now to buy 2 tanks (stands and plumbing) at this higher cost, he only buys one. This Saudi guy now invests in my hedge fund (with the profits you gave him) and now I have the money to buy a tank (with stand and plumbing). At the end of the day, you still sold 2 products/services, and you did not have to eat up any of the costs.
alrha said:you dont have a job?
jhale said:yes, to be completely honest I'm working my ASS off, and making decent money, but why does it not feel like it? and don't say it's the reef tank, I don't spend that much on it.
argh, someone tell me what's up with the economy. I think our president sucks. what's he doing to help me? wow that's harsh, but the truth :p
DRZL said:Now whats the ratio on "Deepwater's" vs. "Alrha's?"
enough for a livable income?
The truth is there are many situations/scenarios but the most prevalent should be addressed/ considered w/ higher priority.
alrha said:everyone has to work hard to earn a living.
as far as the president, he has done a phenomenal job with the economy. he has gotten us out of a recession in spite of 9/11 and Iraq, and the War on Terror.