OK Jonathan, I'll try and be serious.
My turn:
I am 36 years old, and am an Australian who moved to NYC when I was 17 years old. When I first arrived here I felt alot like the character in Crocodile Dundee but over the years I have fallen in love with this city. One day it will be very hard to leave, but leave I shall, since I still dream about studying marine ecology and symbiosis on a reef somewhere.
Ever since I was a kid I have been fasinated with biological systems and always asked myself questions like "how does life work, or how does that grow?" I am fortunate in that I pursued my dream, which is to study advanced science. I have been in school for as long as I can remember, since the career path that I have chosen to follow required alot of schooling (I've been in school for 27 years!!). Four years ago I finished graduate school and now have a PhD in microbiology.
Presently, I work for Cornell Medical center in the research wing (Weill research building). I study bacterial pathogensis specifically tuberculosis. My long term research goal is aiming towards finding new drugs and potential mechanisms to battle against this terrible disease. It kills 3 million people annually, and 1/3 of the world population is infected!!!!!!!! All day long I perform experiments on my ideas, it is humbling and exciting at the same time. I would probably not want to do anything else,

. It is also dangerous, since I work in a bio-level 3 laboratory where I need protection from the biological agents I work with.
To me, my reeftank is very much like a ongoing experiment/living work of art/manifestation of the beauty of biology and living systems that I am lucky enough to have in my home. It is a natural fit for my intrinsic love of biology and my desire to experiment.