A bit about "The dark lord of the switch"...... Darthbetta
I'm a character in this farce cartoon called Life.
Went to school to be a photographer, got degree in applied sciences, then ended up working in foodservice and construction off and on with a few retail positions here an there... decided I liked reefing,(saltwater aquariums) and got a piece of paper from FMC Florida Marine College ( spin-off from the bio program at University of Miami that is now defunct due to lack of funding and enrollment... EFFN FIGURES.... grrrrr ) in Bioaquatic engineering, and have been adept at mucking ponds, and cleaning tanks with that degree

I went back to construction, got pissed off and mad at retarded coworkers, and went back to being a chef. Ive been a chef now for the past year (again) at a 4 star french/Continental eatery in Downtown Albany, and am also the head chef at a Comfort Inn restaurant in Albany as well. I have a 1966 Thunderbird that needs to be finished with restoration. I dislike TV, and sports and almost all spectator events.
I play golf, snowboard, and occasionally jerk off. I live with a great girlfriend 7 fishtanks, 3 turtles, 2 cats, 4 ferrets, and 2 rats here in Cohoes NY. Many of us "veterans" remember I had a fiancee` for 7 years, but she was vanilla and got "old", so we parted ways amiably. I happen to have a wide array of hobbies and collect vintage 1980's TRANSFORMERS and GO-BOTS toys presently. I used to run a Sculpture and toy design studio called ESPI PRODUCTIONS... hence the "espi" , and it became a "nick"- in my name. I love high heels, latex clothing, sexy chicks, and lots of things "kink" and BDSM/ fetish related. I drive a 1989 Astro Van and the speedometer only goes to 80 MPH... yet I have had 16 speeding tickets.... go-figure

I listen to techno/club and industrial music, HATE RAP AND COUNTRY, and I tend to be cynical, smug, occasionally egotistical ( I'm a LEO, so Dauh! ), and 99 % sarcastic as hell frozen over at every possible moment but have a jovial kind heart.
People in general either Love me, hate me, or grow to understand me, and can laugh right along with the fact that Life sucks... but so does standing in line to get somewhere "else" after life is over.
now PISS OFF, or kneel at my feet and sniff my ass as I pass gas in yer face as punishment for reading and replying to this thread.
v 1.6.0