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Bleeding Blue

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That is quite a specimen of warty sea rod, though not as long as mine. :D

(Okay. Sorry guys, it seems I am 10 again. I will try and behave from now on.) :roll:


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He he I thought it was rather witty, only more appealing if stated as a smooth sea rod.

I do the same thing all the time, and unfortunately its our local SeaMaiden who receives the brunt of my crude references but she is incredibly tactful and understands my concerns and intolerable buildup of testosterone.(being a rugged indoorsman has its drawbacks)

For those priveleged enough to see a picture of the SM, its clear why I like to direct my quips at such a lady. :) he he , I usually edit them anyway within five minutes so only the few quick-clickers around get to see my writings>>>even this reply may have a half-life of three-four minutes, depending on the mood at hand.


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BleedingBoo, you're right about my knobby sea rod not being as long as yours. Mine is only two inches.......

from the ground. :D


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Here are some brand new shots of my tank taken today...hope you like.

I've added a green open brain, Trachyphyllia geoffroyi to the tank. It is the only organism I have (and plan on having) that was not aquacultured or captive raised. BTW, my purple gorgonian fragment died after 3 days, probably from mishandling during attachment to its rock. :( :(


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My cerith (or nerite?) snails right after they copulated. These guys were prodigious breeders in my 30 gallon, and looks like they will be here too. I grabbed my camera too late, but the one on top stuck its "foot" into the cavity of the one on bottom. I've seen egg cases on the glass as well.

Also my Rose BTA...


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Here is my green brain, which just barely fits under the green monti on the left side of the tank. I moved this guy from my 30 gallon as well. The two "dead" spots used to house barnacles, and the tissue grew around it. The barnacles have since died (I think), but I'm not sure if the coral will fill the holes.

Also pictured is my refugium with 13W PC and Caulerpa algae.


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Good question Mike. There's still some space on the sand for the squamosa and on the rock for the 3 maximas I'm getting on Monday (They're 1-1/2"). New acropora added today. I'm not sure of the species. I also added my colony of Pocillopora damicornis and the rest of my Montipora digitata colony. If anyone wants Monti, I've got more than enough of it. I also added a few more cerith snails, two microhermits, some Ulva, Gracilaria, and Anthelia polyps to the fuge.


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Here's some interesting inverts I snapped today. The first is a bright yellow Stomatella varia (?), and the second is some un-ID'd crustacean. I'm checking with Rob to see if he knows what it is. It lives in a little cave of sand and has red antennae. Luckily it built its cave right up against the plastic.


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Here come a bunch of new pictures. I swear I'm totally done stocking my tank, except for the fish. It's way overstocked with corals as is. Seriously if anyone wants a piece of any coral in my tank I can frag it and send it to you for very cheap.


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There are two blue maximas, one gold, one baby blue, and two squamosas. They range in size from 1.5-3". I also added an Elkhorn Montipora (M. hirisuta) frag.


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One of the blue maximas. Note the toothbrush in the lower left hand corner of the last pic for scale. I should have mentioned earlier that all the maximas are laying on (and hopefully will attach to) pieces of mussel shell on the sand. Crushed bivalve shells are used as cultch--attachment points--in oyster aquaculture so I figured a tridacnid clam could use one too.


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I added a yasha whiteray goby, Stonogobiops yasha ( http://www.cosmos.ne.jp/~aoki/yasha.htm ) , today. Kimichan and I watched her promptly dissappear in the rockwork. I can see her tail but nothing worth capturing on camera. I'm hopefully getting a mate for her in the next week, along with a partner shrimp.


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Elkhorn Montipora (M. hirisuta) and hermit crab on purple digitata.


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Here's the goby. She of course came fully out for 5 seconds right when my memory card ran out...doh!


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Nice tank. I was wondering where you purchased those clams that are that small and about how much did they cost? Thanks.


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The tank is lookin good! Are you going to leave any room in there for things to grow? And what happened to Wombat? Did you have to retire him?



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! Are you going to leave any room in there for things to grow?
Yeah, I overstocked a bit.... I can always frag stuff. The Montipora takes up most of the room, and it's already starting to grow at the tips again. I don't know what I'll do with the clams....we have a 20 gallon downstairs I could always put them in. I just saw too much stuff I liked :roll:

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