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Recent content by wittyfellow

  1. Help! Im moving my tank...

    Thanks everyone for all your help... I've been able to move everything safely and the tank is back up and running.... Things look fine thus far this week, so I'm a happy camper... Everyone's personal experiences helped greatly. best...
  2. Potential Nutrients Problem...

    First of all, I want to thank everyone for their helpful advice on how to move my aquarium.... Here's the problem... I took the top 2 inches or so of my sand bed and placed it on top of 5 inches of new sand, so I'm back to 7" of sand bed again.... After replacing my live rock and filling the...
  3. Potential nutrients problem...

    First of all, I want to thank everyone for their helpful advice on how to move my aquarium.... Here's the problem... I took the top 2 inches or so of my sand bed and placed it on top of 5 inches of new sand, so I'm back to 7" of sand bed again.... After replacing my live rock and filling the...
  4. Help! Im moving my tank...

    Hi... Yes, I have a 7" DSB (about 140lbs. of Southdown)... This and the fact that I am trying to save about 70% of the water (probably 3 half full 30 gal tubs worth) is what is really making me think twice about just hiring some professionals... the tank is about 2 yrs old and I have great...
  5. Help! Im moving my tank...

    Hi everyone... I've already posted this in the manhattanreefs site, but thought I'd get some perspectives here as well. I've read alot about moving my 55 gal FOWLR tank and I'm set to get things started... BUT, comparatively, with the cost of the rental truck and guilting some of my non-fish...
  6. which online place to buy livestock from?

    i've had great service from petsolutions.com.... what are you looking to get?
  7. Looking for southdown in nyc/long island

    are you in nyc? i live in nyc, but will have to be in DC for work next week... I called one of the Home Depots there and will be picking up 140 lbs worth of SD, if you want some, I can just add the extra bags to my car and you can come and pick it up from me. let me know if this helps.
  8. Question for Southdown Sand Users

    I think SD is great for the price... Like most, however, I did get some dusty and cloudy water for a while, which was taken care of after six weeks and everything settled down nicely. Fortunately, I didn't have a contamination problem, just a bit of dust, which the mechanical filter and...
  9. Construction Finally Completed! (Fixed Now!)

    job well done... kudos..
  10. Snails to eat alge?

    try red scarlet hermits... they seem to do the job pretty well in my 55 gal, and they haven't attacked any of the snails yet....
  11. Green Hairlike alge?

    If you're going to get a clean up crew.. try etropicals.com... They have free shipping.
  12. best place for live rock?

    petsolutions.com has a nice selection... I think if you order a large quantity, they will discount. They're quite nice and you can give them a ring to discuss it... good luck.
  13. Looking for southdown in del.philly area.

    If you're willing to drive to Baltimore, I just bought 200# from the HomeDepot off 95. Midway between Del and MD. They have alot in stock... email me if you want more details.
  14. Need help cycling new tank

    HI there... Well, I think the first thing you need to do is take the fish back to the LFS and trade it in for some live rock. But before passing any particular judgement on you.... Can you tell us more about your current setup beyond the size of the tank. e.g. DSB? #of live rock, skimmer...
  15. clean sand bed

    If you have a DSB, you really don't want to suck layers off your sand. Try some sally lightfoot crabs, a combo of strombus, cerith, nassarius, and bum.bee snails, and a small conch. This should help keep it clean.
