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i've done a search for it- can't find much about it. prolly just serachin the wrong words. it's prolly been asked a thousand times, just wanted to know where people bought their fish, corals, and inverts from online. there should probably be a poll on this question.


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Thanks for the link naesco. Although I find it ironic since most of their fish come from the Philippines, an area known for using cyanide.

Thanks again!



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Yes your right some of their fish come from P/I.
They are purchased from a net caught only supplier and if you read the seacrop site there is no doubt that their credible.
That's why I recomend them.


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Although I find it ironic since most of their fish come from the Philippines

Keep in mind avoiding fish from the Phillipines won't help much because cyanide is used all over the indo-pacific. What would be really helpful is a chart showing what species are most likely to be collected with cyanide and which not.

Here's a nice collection of aquacultured coral links:


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Keep in mind avoiding fish from the Phillipines won't help much because cyanide is used all over the indo-pacific.

Yeah, I realize that. However, the Philippines are known as one of the worst areas for cyanide collection so I just found it ironic (yet good to hear) that they would have a reliable net caught supplier now.

Also, some species are available from more than one area and knowing where they were caught also helps.




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thanks for the replies. really i'm lookin to get some of the more exotic inverts that my lfs doesn't carry. things like tuxedo blue urchin, red linkia star, elegance coral(maybe), and perhaps some other things. will have to see what they have.


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Unless you are buying from a guaranteed cyanide free supplier like www.seacrop.com , you are pretty well assured that all tangs ,butterflys, triggers and angels caught in Indonesia or the Phillippines are cyanide caught.
You can tell because is cheap cheap. Sometimes they use the term Indo-Pacific.
The other fish are not likely cyanide caught because they are easier to catch or not worth the investment of cyanide to catch them.

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