Yes hermits, IMO, are a more effective choice for hair algae on LR. Even better would be a Yellow Tang. I can't recommend this highly enough. However, without knowing your tank specs I don't know if this would be an option for you...but...FWIW...I had a horrendous hair algae outbreak in my 20g early on. As a result, I was able to borrow a Yellow Tang from my LFS for a couple of weeks. Within 1 and a half weeks the Yellow Tang was able to completely rid the tank of all hair algae. I returned the Tang to the LFS "fat and happy"...HTH....
IF you have green hair algae on your back glass also..turbo snails works well...I had one in my 100 and I was sure it was going to weigh 40 lbs by the time he was finished with the back I went and bought it some more fellow turbo's and they did a wonder on the back glass, and even made my hang on the back skimmer pump look like new again