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I set up a new 50 gallon reef system. I have had it set up for 11 days now and my fish keep dying. So far I have 2 purple tangs, 1 damsel, 1 yellow tang, 1 powder blue and a small trigger that are still living. My anenomies already died (at least I think they are dead) as well as several other fish. I don't care if I kill the fish, but I want to have a nice looking system quickly, not have it look like crap like it does now.


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HI there...

Well, I think the first thing you need to do is take the fish back to the LFS and trade it in for some live rock. But before passing any particular judgement on you.... Can you tell us more about your current setup beyond the size of the tank. e.g. DSB? #of live rock, skimmer, water parameters, etc.

I'm not trying to be harsh, but from the limited post you have, i don't think that 11 days is sufficient for you to cycle your tank unless you've moved water, sand, rock, etc. from a smaller tank?

Give us some more info. and check out the FAQ list on the board.

Good luck


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right now i have some crushed coral at the bottom of the tank. I don't have any live rock because I believe it is a scam. what kind of fool would pay $7/pound for rock? I don't get it. what is the purpose? I have a real good canister filter I got from my cousin's old tank. I also have a lot of cool decorations (diver with bubbles, treasure chest, and vw bug). I haven't done any water tests yet because I don't have a test kit. I am really wanting a quality setup and am willing to spend money on things I truly need (but I don't believe in the live rock SCAM). Any input would be appreciated.

Expos Forever

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I don't care if I kill the fish

I think you should sell or give your aquarium to someone who actually cares for its inhabitants. And please stop buying and killing fish, they are animals- not disposable razors. :evil: If this post is true and you're not a troll (doubtfull) then you should look into another hobby.


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I am 23. I don't need to be abused by you people. I came here for help, not to be told to "find another hobby". I was told that this was a helpful bulleting board, so please be nice


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yup i agree. if not i proudly nominate for the too dumb to live award. dude if i email you a pic of my tank can you tell me what my ph is lol get a grip

Expos Forever

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I am 23. I don't need to be abused by you people. I came here for help, not to be told to "find another hobby". I was told that this was a helpful bulleting board, so please be nice

Yes this board is helpful but... When you come onto a board claiming that people can check ammonia levels by eye, LR is a scam, and that you don't care if your fish die, and that you have 4 tangs and a trigger in an 11 day old aquarium, you should expect scepticism at least.

If you're actually serious about caring for your animals: STOP BUYING LIVESTOCK until your tank has settled. For that matter I would return the fish and anemone you already have. Then read a lot, then ask your questions.
A "nice looking system quickly" just isn't the way to go.

99.9% of the people on this board will recommend:

LR for filtration
Sand as a substrate

Will you listen?


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reefsRcool":1a547tl5 said:
yup i agree. if not i proudly nominate for the too dumb to live award. dude if i email you a pic of my tank can you tell me what my ph is lol get a grip

**** you, reefsRcool!!!


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yes, save-the expos, I will listen. that is why I came here. I am looking for help. I am willing to spend money to get a good system. I have alot of money available to me from a trust account left to me by my grandparents so i can afford to do this right. Thanks for your kind response.



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ok all done being a dick?

return all animals not dead to the fishstore because the will be dead soon and go buy eric h borneman's book aquarium corals.

spend no money and ask no dumb questions fo three days just read.

then buy some live rock and put in your tank. do nothing for three days

then come back here with a better attitude and you will get all the help you need


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ok thanks for the info. If you are sure about this live rock maybe I will give it a try. My way hasn't been working so well. I will also buy that good book.


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U want a good beginner book? I strongly suggest u buy Bob Fenner's"The conscientious marine aquarist" ( i think thats the name?). It explains everything u will need to know. Read that whole book through then post any questions u have here. U will have a lot less problems then.
On a side not, you said u were here to get help and not teased but u say liverock is a scam and that people that buy it are fools. Only the successful aquarist uses liverock and i bet u will take that statement back when u realize u will need that liverock. $7 per pound? i never seen that price. Most high quality liverock is 4-3 dollard per pound. And u say u dont care if your fishes die? how rich are u?Just read the book and all will be explained.
Have nice day


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The scary part is I don't think you are kidding. First- take the fish back. Second- you've got the wrong attitude if you want a tank to look pretty and whatnot right off the bat. The books you should have read first will confirm that. In starting up a saltwater tank, I feel obligated to make it work.

If you're kidding us then you're an a-hole. If your not kidding, then get reading, and keep posting here. If you're serious, then grind through the flames and learn something from these people.


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LOL, he doesn't want to spend 7 bucks a pound for LR but he has money coming out of his ears from Granny's trust fund. I don't know who to laugh at harder, the loser with nothing better to do, or the gullible reefers eager to help.....LOL

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