P pezcados New Reefer Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Mar 30, 2003 #1 Any fellow new yorkers if you've seen any sothdown sand in the city or out on the island please let me know where....thanks
Any fellow new yorkers if you've seen any sothdown sand in the city or out on the island please let me know where....thanks
W wittyfellow Active Reefer Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Mar 30, 2003 #2 are you in nyc? i live in nyc, but will have to be in DC for work next week... I called one of the Home Depots there and will be picking up 140 lbs worth of SD, if you want some, I can just add the extra bags to my car and you can come and pick it up from me. let me know if this helps.
are you in nyc? i live in nyc, but will have to be in DC for work next week... I called one of the Home Depots there and will be picking up 140 lbs worth of SD, if you want some, I can just add the extra bags to my car and you can come and pick it up from me. let me know if this helps.
A Anonymous Guest Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Mar 30, 2003 #3 they usually have it at the brooklyn HD, but you might just have to wait untill the spring planting season rolls around . . . a month or so. B
they usually have it at the brooklyn HD, but you might just have to wait untill the spring planting season rolls around . . . a month or so. B
P pezcados New Reefer Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Mar 31, 2003 #4 wittyfellow: Thank yoiu, that is very nice but im in no rush, ill wait till spring and see if I can pick it up local. Bingo: Thanks ill check it out in a month or so.
wittyfellow: Thank yoiu, that is very nice but im in no rush, ill wait till spring and see if I can pick it up local. Bingo: Thanks ill check it out in a month or so.