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Hi Dan. Good to see you posting on rdo. You know how that second hand information is. We're trying to clean up 104th st before they put us all out. :wink:


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dizzy":2a12luq8 said:
I don't know. I never met them. I just had a customer tell me about them going under. The other all salt stores up there are not doing so hot either. The customer that told me about Evansville used to work at one of them and stays in pretty close touch.

Back 20 years ago the only sizable store there was Harp's Pets, but then that was 20 years ago.

Wayne Sallee
Wayne's Pets
[email protected]


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Wayne I met Gary Harp about 21-years ago. I used to see him once in awhile at the Storm Pet shows. I guess he is still in the biz. Storm went under though a couple years back.


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Thanks Mitch. I try to look in once and awhile but generally don't have anything new to add to the topics.

Yes Harp's is still in business but not the quality it once was. Haven't kept up with the changes in the hobby. They still use tap water in their systems and give out advise from 20 years ago.

As far as 104th st goes I have made some changes on who I buy from in the past year and may change some others. Same goes for drygoods wholesalers and manufacturers who allow etailers to whore their products to the public at wholesale prices.
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dizzy":2nraqys6 said:
There is not many left around here. I heard one that opened up in Evansville, Ind only lasted 6-months. The left coast retailers can transship in and don't need the wholesalers anyway. I think the retailers in the heartland and small market areas are struggling.

I must agree that most retailers... in the midwest to east coast have been getting it hard for awhile. Many of my clients (small pet stores) in said area have expressed major problems dealing with "left coast" supply. Along with the ease of communication, transportation has offered most mid west/east coast a better option for bringing in thier own supply and leaving the left coasters out of the "chain" of custody. Doing this causes trends of lower price and better quality. Domestic flights are quite easy compared to international though. F&W and Customs can take you for quite a ride.


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WayneSallee":21sudc9f said:
GreshamH":21sudc9f said:
dizzy":21sudc9f said:
GreshamH":21sudc9f said:
Nope, I sure don't, price is right, LFS don't care IME.

You guys are nuts. About the same percentage of retailers don't care, as the percentage of guys who don't care when they find out someone is doinking their wife.

Your nuts :lol: You have no idea of our local LFS environment, you speak for none of them Mitch :roll: This company I speak about gets a BOAT load of sales daily. Why? P R I C E, not quality, not facility, PURELY P R I C E. How do I know, I competed against them for a long time, and I know a huge chunk of the Bar Area LFS owners. Every local knows whats the deal with the place, and they still bring in loads of cash. Heck, you should see the cars they drive :lol:

Yea it is true that those in California have lower values.

But for most states, I agree with dizzy.

Wayne Sallee
Wayne's Pets
[email protected]

Wow, another blanket statement :roll: Some of the most caring people live in this state Wayne, and some of them have done more for this industry then anyone around!


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San Francisco
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Why thank you Gresham!
A few California wholesalers exposed and defined most of what is known of the most nefarious sides of our trade.
The exposes in other trades often come from the public or the press.
In our case, the public and the press have done virtually nothing.
Evidence of values and the call to reform has been largely a left-coast commercial one and largely ignored.


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GreshamH":2v3ngpvz said:
WayneSallee":2v3ngpvz said:
GreshamH":2v3ngpvz said:
dizzy":2v3ngpvz said:
GreshamH":2v3ngpvz said:
Nope, I sure don't, price is right, LFS don't care IME.

You guys are nuts. About the same percentage of retailers don't care, as the percentage of guys who don't care when they find out someone is doinking their wife.

Your nuts :lol: You have no idea of our local LFS environment, you speak for none of them Mitch :roll: This company I speak about gets a BOAT load of sales daily. Why? P R I C E, not quality, not facility, PURELY P R I C E. How do I know, I competed against them for a long time, and I know a huge chunk of the Bar Area LFS owners. Every local knows whats the deal with the place, and they still bring in loads of cash. Heck, you should see the cars they drive :lol:

Yea it is true that those in California have lower values.

But for most states, I agree with dizzy.

Wayne Sallee
Wayne's Pets
[email protected]

Wow, another blanket statement :roll: Some of the most caring people live in this state Wayne, and some of them have done more for this industry then anyone around!

Well make up your mind there. Do those in california care nor not care?
Let me know when you have made up your mind :D

Wayne Sallee
Wayne's Pets
[email protected]


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Hey! I grew up in California too Naesco........

Does that place me in the "Best" or "Worse" catagory by default?

I claim that man made global warming is silly and that a Cyanide use problem by pet fish collectors is also not supported by any real scientific data.
But in contrast , Unlike most reeformer aquarium store owners...I have no fish from the Philippines in my store, hundreds of eco friendly farmed clams , hundreds of farmed SPS corals and hundreds of pounds of concrete farmed live rock..

Kinda makes me evil and a saint at the same time.

If you were in charge of the pearly jawfish gates , which would it be ?

Thumbs up or thumbs down?


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cortez marine":1g50uc4y said:
We have harbored the best and the worst.
Gresham is still right.

I like the ocean, the mountains, and the weather in California. The funny thing about the Bay area is that people who think they are tolerant are actually intolerant. More thought policing there than any place I've ever been. But there are caring people. I'm just not sure they care more.
You guys know how I like to make predictions. I have another. California will be the first state to lose its freedom and they will do it to themselves.


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Speaking for the multitude of stores I've visited in New York state, 80% of them are purely price-driven.

For the four stores I've visited here in Myrtle Beach, 75% are price-driven.

Not a good ratio, IMHO.




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marillion":2ei72za8 said:
Speaking for the multitude of stores I've visited in New York state, 80% of them are purely price-driven.

For the four stores I've visited here in Myrtle Beach, 75% are price-driven.

Not a good ratio, IMHO.



What do you mean by price driven?


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Bebo77":3q2ctp3y said:
Hello i am Gabriel i am the one organizing the buy on Reef central... I think the ability for a fish to go from the catcher to the reefkeers tank in less than 24 hours is great.. Are there risks... yes but at the price saving you can buy 4 fish have 3 die and still come out with money on your pocket...
Now thats a good deal.

there outta be a law for a-holes like this to prevent them from keeping ANY animal :roll:

listen here, bubbeleh-you do realize what you said in the above quoted statement? it's fools like you that are 80% responsible for over collection and cyanide methods in the first place!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

what a tool-hey-if one of your kids gets hit by a car, no biggie-just have another! :idea:


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Bebo77":11c3p5lo said:
Rascal":11c3p5lo said:
That there my friends sums it up completely...It's all about the money.Who cares about quality or losses as long as I can brag that I got a coral beauty at less than retail.

Bebo77 - I don't know how to say this without crossing the line regarding posting policies, but your philosophy sucks. You truly need to get a clue.

Everyone else - The reality is that Bebo77 does not stand alone, and his type is what perpetuates this demand for poor quality and reef unconsciousness. His type is what, for example, DrsF&S live for. To Hell with quality.

you must be kidding right? do youknw what it like at the wholsellers ? do you what kind of losses they take... and the lfs as well. It has nothing to do with poor quailty .. i am not going to buy a sick fish. its about money.. hey if you want to blow $100 for a $20 (wholesale price)fish go ahead but i have better things to do with my money....

BoBo-as someone who works for a large wholesaler, and worked for a much smaller one for a short time-you are completely clueless-both about the economics of the wholesale industry, what losses/profits are involved, and how stock is cared for

i'll also bet that you're one of those hobbyists i've kicked out of retail stores that keep buying the same fish 3-4 times a year because you can't keep 'em alive to begin with anyway ;)

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