Drew the skimmer sucks so far. A few guys with faux sandbeds were telling me that the epoxy that I used takes a few weeks to cure before the skimmer will hold a good foam???? Calireef and psuedoboy's skimmer seem to be kicking arse though. Thanks alot for the offer on the frags. I only lost one coral that I really like (pink table, blue tips). The other corals were sort of test dummies for the new system.
House, thanks. I thought that look like a table frag
Shaun, most of the heat is coming from my pumps. Actually when my halides come on, the canopy fans kick in and actually lower the water temp a degree. We need to redo your canopy for better ventialtion so your chiller can relax a bit.
Pierce, thanks for the offer for the chiller. I am probably going to order one next week so I'll make due until then. As for the heat
. On my 65gal I never had a heat problem. Yes I ran my AC all the time, and I did have a fan over my sump in the summer, but I didnt have to spend $500 extra bucks for a chiller to cool it. The heat from the mag pumps on the 65gal was nothing. I also think it is easier to get away without a chiller on a small tank because the fans really seem to cool things down fast! I guess a chiller is easier and more effective though....and on the 120 it seems to be a necessity.
PS I'll bring back your controller soon, I promise
[ April 28, 2005, 09:55 PM: Message edited by: jackson6745 ]