Jeez! This is some thread!!!
After reading the 81 post here I am seeing
Domboski, one question! What type of plate coral is it that you are interested in keeping? Long tentacle plate, short tentacle plate, acropora plate, montipora plate?
I've kept, and keep montipora plates & ltp. The ltp I had for well over a year until it kept moving next to a trachy which eventually took it out.;( It had grown from a quarter size to about 4" even before the change over of the 155 last year. Meaning; it was growing/thriving in a disgusting tank, and continue to do very well in a much rehabilitated tank.
The montiporas where introduced after the change! They also did very well until last summer (approx. 6months) when I lost two out of three. I think the heat had something to do with that. The one that survived is still with me, and doing well. I've since added 3 others which are also doing well!
Domboski, I run a very simple system! RO/DI, 30g sump, hob turboflotor 1000 multi skimmer in sump fed by oceanrunner ph2500, (2) two little fishes phosban reactors w/2 mj400 - 1 runs phozar, 1 runs activitated carbon, dosing BIonics 2 part via Aquamedic duo doser, ATO (which sometimes works, sometimes doesn't), two return pumps - eheim 1262 submerged & external Iwaki WMD 40 RLT, and a small ball of chaeto just floating in the sump, sump light is alternated with the main display lights.
I don't know if this helps in anyway, just thought I'd share.
I still stick with I Love Your Tank!!!!!