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I have been doing some reading up on bob's past posts; here and on RC and have noted some interesting stuff.

Here is a linky to a thread on RC, regarding bob's usual response to tap water issues. Note a few things: bob's status on RC as "moved on" meaning banned, the date of 07/19/2004 at which time bob speaks about his 'lack of experience' in response to a post by Agu and lastly (page 2) Beanpoles' late response defending bob. Sounds familiar.

http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthrea ... genumber=1

*edited for stupidity... ;)


Law, honey, you mean RC.

I also would like to see a more recent picture of Bob's tank. Not FW and not FO, tho


Righty":278wukee said:
How can you say that when you admit to 10% loss since you added plant life? How can you advocate plant life first when you have never done it?

I retract that statement, and will remove it from my post. Not because I think it is wrong but because this is a typical side track of Bobs. Perhaps with it gone Bob will address the other points I raised. I doubt he will, but hope is free.

My current 55g is the only tank since 1979 that I have not started with plant life first.


knowse":3tbxiswz said:
Law, honey, you mean RC.

I also would like to see a more recent picture of Bob's tank. Not FW and not FO, tho

edited..... :oops:


beaslbob":1up4yfm2 said:
Simply put the addition of macros is what have kept my fish and corals alive.

You keep forgetting that your animals are still dying at an unacceptable rate. Don't worry, I'm here to remind you :)


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Len":1in3953q said:
Bob is ignoring me :? 8) Let's both start a nano, Bob!

I certainly hope you're not surprised by that....lol!

I'm gonna put some daisies in pots next to my nano....think that'll help?


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HClH2OFish":3haui7xz said:
Len":3haui7xz said:
Bob is ignoring me :? 8) Let's both start a nano, Bob!

I certainly hope you're not surprised by that....lol!

I'm gonna put some daisies in pots next to my nano....think that'll help?

Actually, that might, ... that is.. provided you aren't skimming. :roll:



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Guy":xufuepss said:
beaslbob":xufuepss said:
Simply put the addition of macros is what have kept my fish and corals alive.

You keep forgetting that your animals are still dying at an unacceptable rate. Don't worry, I'm here to remind you :)

and just what is an acceptable rate? I know you have had fish live for up to 15 years. But you never never last a single fish for any reason? Never never lost a coral for any reason?

Are you implying that if I lose single fish regardless of age, regradless of how long it is in the tank, regardless of what it was fed, regardless of any preditors present or any other reason, that loss in unacceptable and because I use an in tank refugium? Are you saying that is unacceptable because I use tap water? Even though you have no analysis on the condition of the tank water, no knowledge of the tank environment, no knowledge of the parameters?

All the while you system was running a large refugium, chocked full of macros and using your well water.

meanwhile, numerous newbies have emailed me that the same exact thing happened to them. Numberous fish losses until they added macros to their system. then the fish and corals started living.


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beaslbob":19s54x02 said:
Righty":19s54x02 said:
How can you say that when you admit to 10% loss since you added plant life? How can you advocate plant life first when you have never done it?

I retract that statement, and will remove it from my post. Not because I think it is wrong but because this is a typical side track of Bobs. Perhaps with it gone Bob will address the other points I raised. I doubt he will, but hope is free.

My current 55g is the only tank since 1979 that I have not started with plant life first.

Here we go again with Bob focusing on minutiae instead of the actual issues.

You have never done it with a reef. Sorry I was unclear - I cant imagine that someone would consider a freshwater tank relevant in a discussion about reefs in anything but the most general way.

Care to address any points brought up?


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Ok righty bring up a point I have not already answered.

I guess if i point out where your post is wrong then that becomes minutia. :lol:

some ideas to have very general applications. The concept of closed systems having a balance between plant and animal life is one of those ideas.


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beaslbob":b392p9wx said:
Guy":b392p9wx said:
beaslbob":b392p9wx said:
Simply put the addition of macros is what have kept my fish and corals alive.

You keep forgetting that your animals are still dying at an unacceptable rate. Don't worry, I'm here to remind you :)

and just what is an acceptable rate?

With the way you talk about your 'method' as a panacea, I would think none.

meanwhile, numerous newbies have emailed my the same exact thing happend to them. Numberous fish lossed until they added macros to their system. then the fish and corals started living.

As a system stabilizes, it get, um, stable, and you begin to lose less things. The plants may or may not have had anything to to with it. To claim it was the plants is the fallacy of post hoc ergo propter hoc - it happened after, therefore was caused by.


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beaslbob":1tp7hknk said:
Ok righty bring up a point I have not already answered.


I guess if i point out where your post is wrong then that becomes minutia. :lol:

No, when you bring up minutia it is minutia. But nice sidetracking!

some ideas to have very general applications. The concept of closed systems having a balance between plant and animal life is one of those ideas.

The devil is in the details Bob, and your details are sorely lacking.


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beaslbob":idyrc8wk said:
and just what is an acceptable rate? I know you have had fish live for up to 15 years. But you never never last a single fish for any reason? Never never lost a coral for any reason?

That's actually a really good question... what is an acceptable rate? That could be a whole new post. Repeatedly losing and replacing Anemone is not acceptable in my opinion, I suppose it's subjective but it seems to me that common sense would dictate that you should stop killing Anemone by placing them in your tank.

I do a lot of digging to find the cause of problems and then I do a lot of digging to correct the problem. You seem to blame some external happening and then pat yourself on the back that you use tap water, oyster shells, and shun the use of a skimmer. I'm not pointing out that you lose animals for "Any Reason", I'm pointing out that you never acknowledge that your methods could possibly be a contributing factor. You snub all suggestions that remotely mention your methods as a cause of failure. This stubborness is fine for your tank but you insist on polluting the minds of others without sharing all of the facts.


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BOB, Can you stop ignoring us and SHOW US THE TANK?

Oh wait - do you actually have a tank or a figment of your imagination. I am beginning to think that. Until you show us what YOU have accomplished then evrything else you say is BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH.

The picture you show is of your so called tank 2 years ago. Was that tank staretd with a plant ONLY?


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I realize it is frustrating, but lets all really work at keeping it civil.


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Since nothing is being accomplished and there is no proof of bobs success and too much pussyfooting around, I think this is a dead issue...His rhetoric is the same over and over with out actual proof so I think you guys have proved your point...


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...only because he refuses to answer LEN of all people.

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