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beaslbob":3lykkyxm said:
So vitz care to predict what will happen in ozboy's tank?

unlike you, i do not presume to be a prophet-every tank develops differently

the next question has to be whose book's does the beginner read?

THE best book, overall, for beginners, is Dr William T. Innes' book 'exotic aquarium fishes, for understanding overall principles of aquarium management (prefereably any printing before 1970) it's commonly referred to as the 'beginners bible' for FW

Your's, Lord's, or mine? Not that we have written them but the books we follow.

the optimum aquarium (FW), dynamic saltwater by Adey, the articles by Rober gasser in FAMA in the lat 70's, or the latest instruction manual included in that $100 filter?

Do we blindly do water changes without even the most rudimentary mathmetical analysis?

Do we blindly dismiss plant life and ignore scientific tests under controlled conditions?

So Ozboy just chose another book than lord and Vitz's. And know what, It's working.

Which could be the reason you and Lord hesitate to make predictions.

But that's ok after all I wouldn't last long as an employee at Lord's aquarium shop. specifically because these methods do work.

As Cal's tank showed and ozboy's tank is showing now.

your other questions and statements aren't relevant to the discussion, adey has nothing to do with small scale aquaria, and many of his observations and conclusions have been shown to be suspect (and yes, i've read 'dynamic aquaria'-there are so many presumptions in that body of work as to make it laughable)

you seem to be performing and recommending things more blindly than anyone here


Well i dont have a book, it would be nice :wink:
Ive learned from my mistakes..Unfortunately i wish i would have taken time to learn the reef hobby better instead of presuming i would have saved money, fish and corals and some sanity...thats why im such an advocate on learning and going slow and not diving into large scale keeping for neophytes..I never told ozboy to go and buy hundreds of dollars in equipment but think of it like this Beaslbob. Aqua gardening is like regular gardening. It takes some time to learn and get that green thumb.


LordNikon":3cuzm93s said:
Well i dont have a book, it would be nice :wink:
Ive learned from my mistakes..Unfortunately i wish i would have taken time to learn the reef hobby better instead of presuming i would have saved money, fish and corals and some sanity...thats why im such an advocate on learning and going slow and not diving into large scale keeping for neophytes..I never told ozboy to go and buy hundreds of dollars in equipment but think of it like this Beaslbob. Aqua gardening is like regular gardening. It takes some time to learn and get that green thumb.

:D :D :D


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If the snails in your tank are bothering you, I think the best thing to do is go buy some clown loaches. They will eat all the small snails in the tank as well as the eggs they lay. When they find a nice snail you can hear them crunching them with their mouth! They can't eat the big ones though.
If you get these fish, make sure that you get at least 2 or three of them. They are schooling fish and they always stay attached at the hip. Also, provide a hiding place for them like a cave made of stacked rocks or something. They are fairly shy fish and they will love you if you give them a sheltered home. Don't worry, they do come out often enough to visit though!

I suppose the only concern might be other territorial fish in the tank. Your red tailed shark might stress them but you'd have to ask someone that knows more about husbandry than me.

I have two in my 10 gallon and they are my favourites. They are very pretty fish. I bought them because snails were overtaking my tank too. Now there are only about 5 or six big snails left and I'm keeping them alive since they are good janitors. Snails vaccum up any mess on the substrate and they won't harm your plants.

The only drawback to clown loaches is that they are a tad expensive, for a fresh water fish. I got mine for about 12$ each. Just make sure the tank is healthy and the tank mates are congenial so they survive.


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clown loaches are also highly sensitive to ich meds, so i would NOT advise getting them until you finish the ich treatment,or until the tank is stable and cycled to accept more fish just in case -they also get quite large, and are abit pricey as FW fish go (as mentioned above) :wink:

a word to the wise...... :wink:


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vitz":3gwp8wcs said:
clown loaches are also highly sensitive to ich meds, so i would NOT advise getting them until you finish the ich treatment,or until the tank is stable and cycled

Definitely true vitz. Good advice! :D


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er- they do

any of the meds that are based on copper, malachite green, or formalin (the only ones specifically effective for ich) will also kill snails

if thye claim they're safe for snails, they CAN'T be truly effective 100% for ich

(the same way an ick med for crypto can't be also reef safe :wink: )


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OK. I was just wondering. The Loaches were to help a snail problem but the Loaches are sensitive to Ick meds. I couldn't figure out why there would be a snail problem with ick meds in the water.


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when the snail eggs are still in the cases, they are impervious to the meds....

any eggs still in cases when the meds are removed will then hatch without a problem ;)


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hi all just an quick update all still the same still got to fish the shark has a very darker colour fins now and body so i kind of take it as the tank is still fine but we see when the test are in
i see a few views in wat would happen here ????but
but anyway untill tuesday
i anit got to much time any more to read a book just maybe a page or two a week
post here i can say a problem
all you great guys /ladys can give a great answer in wat to do with every one been differnt i do a quick sreach and find the right result for my tank
and boom problem gone
i have to look into those fish that eat the snails when we sove the ick problem anyway got go my son's party on bye


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One thing is for certain, hobbists will differ on advice..My methods are completely different from Beaslbobs as you can see.. my best advice is to modify the advice as you see fit..alot of the times its trial and error although i think it can be avoided..ive lost plenty of fish in my time but the more seasoned you get, the longer they will last..thats not to say when youre starting out you cant have fish survive for years...things have changed a bit since ive started the FW hobby..there are more captive bred species on the market nowadays..better equipment and better knowledge..that will always happen...Just learn learn learn, knowledge will be your best friend..good luck in the future


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and PS, not to be rude but your postings are broken and hard to understand. Maybe take more time when writing responses so the rest of us can better understand what you are conveying..please dont take it as an insult, more like constructive critisism..Makes it easier for us to better help you in the future if we know what you are saying :P

Good luck with fish keeping :wink:


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I just learning to read and write !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Sorry
Um putting words into a sentance tht makes cents is hard
23 and and doing what most 11 12 year olds learn at school
Anyway i try my best for you.
I was just a bit shitted that one person had a way of doing a fish tank
then other say has is the way to do
i am not one for a flame war just help cause i sure not every one does it by the book ???????So it was great getting othre people's thoery's on this
Any got a filter hydor prime 20 for thetank on stand bye if need be
Well i only touch the tank the to move plants since i got it and it look the same since i got alll set up
any way untill tuesday with the test result i most say bye
i like to see how long it would will work for


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Don't worry about your english. Both you tank and english are fine.

The internet draws many peoples or different cultures and backgrounds. After I attempted to learn spanish in Panama I learned how hard it is for me to learn a foreign language. And a lot of spanish words are directly equilivant to english words. At 42 I couldn't read a 1st grade reader for instance. I hate think how I would "butcher" a non latin based language.

You just keep doing what your doing. Things will be fine.


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No what i ment to is i never leanrt to write sentance and stuff and spell
doing sum classer to better myself
I am australia born and bred thats all ,i got sum good advice for you help your kids with school go to the school and see what you can do to help
out during the day i know i go to the libray(the place with the books in em)
on year's 1 2 reading times and help well try to help and read with the little ones anyway it not a bout me it's the fish i am here so lord thats why i sumtimes dont make cents and it all over the shop anyway i shore you work it out
anyway thank's beasbob for support all still looks clear and fine the fish seem happy still the shark has more bright colour fins and a blacker body
with my tuesday test result ok all chow for now


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I wasnt picking on ya..there is alot of "internet" slang where people spell things in abbreviation...It gets hard to read...also some people like to type so carelessly they make tons of mistakes and dont even care to look at what they wrote..If i was an a-hole i wouldnt be giving you advice on fish keeping FWIW. anyways good luck with your tank :D


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hi all
here's an up date on the tank
been working to much lately and have not had time to do anything untill now
the tank has not been touch since last post quit happy as i got home last night and the tank look's fine
test time
Ammonia= 0ppm
all test were done twice
well like i said i have not touch the tank in almost two weeks and it look fine just top up the water tonight ,slight alge on the man brown but nothing eslo before i went to work two weeks ago i did cut down sum plants ,and replanted them
thier is only the shark in thier and one platty ,do you guys think i could put in sum more fish now and would the ick be gone .
below is pic that where taken just after the test and the top up of water


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There is a highly technical term for your tank. Its call normal. :D

IMO one of the great things about this type of tank is it can be left alone for a couple of weeks and it just takes care of itself.

If the brown algae is just on the rocks then that is the mulm buildup and normal. You can just leave it there or suck it out for looks.

At this point it is past time to add more fish. What I would recommend is to buildup a trio of platties. a male and two females.
If the shark eats the babies then partition off a back corner with an egg crate so babies can be protected and grow up there.

Once you get the platties built up in a few months then add some different fish.

You probably will get a light algae on the glass which is brown and usually hard and crusty.
Just cleaning the glass every 6 months or so should be all that is needed.
If you get more than that you may have to adjust feeding and lighting so the plants continue to thrive but not the algae.

You could also get at this point a very dark blue almost black algae like cyano bacteria.
That is more of a problem because it takes nitrogen from sources like the dissolved air as opposed to the ammonia/nitrates.
With ammonia/nitrates at 0 cyano can take off.
The key is to keep the plants growing to limit the other nutrients the cyano needs.

But basically at this point you need to get more fish to help the plants.

And you are well on your way. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!

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