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but the right equipment to keep those plants alive..kinda limited really on low light level plants...

Beaslbob":24p95p1d said:
What will happen now is the plants will take off and the aquarium will thrive.
You use this same philosophy with your SW tanks and yet the success with them are limited and not very good...Why do you think the "plant" life method is the only thing that can sustain a tank? FWIW, its not the cheapest either...You can easily run a nice 55g community fish tank without spending hundreds..a good UGF and a PF (of course lights and a heater) and you're good to go..I bet the tank will cost more then the rest of the setup minus fish and gravel..


LordNikon":a68rrx6n said:
but the right equipment to keep those plants alive..kinda limited really on low light level plants...

Beaslbob":a68rrx6n said:
What will happen now is the plants will take off and the aquarium will thrive.
You use this same philosophy with your SW tanks and yet the success with them are limited and not very good...Why do you think the "plant" life method is the only thing that can sustain a tank? FWIW, its not the cheapest either...You can easily run a nice 55g community fish tank without spending hundreds..a good UGF and a PF (of course lights and a heater) and you're good to go..I bet the tank will cost more then the rest of the setup minus fish and gravel..

so Lord why not spell out in detail exactly what you think they need.

and the maintenance required and the possible failure modes introduced by that equipment?

that way they will have the full picture of what they have to do and what to expect.

Just as I have done including the possibility the first fish during the cycle will die.

and Just outta curiosity.How's the algae problem in your reef tank?


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hi all just um update
thanks' for the advice all.
the fish seem happy no signs of ick
the tanks at temp and staying thier.
2 weeks and a bit left ,So hopefully that works.
Cant wait to try again hopefully it works better next time
I loved enjoyed this problem as i guess for a newbie you cant just setup a tank and put fish in it and never do anything to it ,
Hopefully in a few weeks i get the chance to have more fishie that live to thier full life .
got the chance to buy a hydor prime 20 600lph
anyone know of this filter ,and is she a good one ????
arrr it's nice to see the plants grow makes me all nice and happy that sumthing working right
ok one more thing got a new light on the weekend the right size so it go right accoss the tank not half ,what would be a good light for this thing tube i mean
anyway all is well now the fish seem to be happy as as thier got this huge space for two fish to swim in lol,
oh one more thing a shop a where i went to right would thier tank be or connect up to each other ,just wondering as thier a really nice yellow fish thier that my son like but not sure as due to my last vist ,note all the plattys are gone in the store lol i find it funny when you say something to the owner about the ick,anybye
thanks all again you guys rock


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Beaslbob":1ibtgy9f said:
How's the algae problem in your reef tank?
Not quite as bad as yours :wink: difference between the HA in my reef tank and yours is, that mine has matured and its not uncommon for HA to appear out of no where in a mature reef tank..You advocate that plants will cure everything, including cancer :roll: No one says plants arent beneficial to an aquarium..All i suggested was taking things slow as a neophyte and build some experience..He is obviously having some issues..You say just throw in an ish load plants and viola a beautiful tank..why dont you post some pics of your planted FW tanks to give him an idea of what it should look like :P


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hay that a a bad idea thie lord
So beasbob what the chance of seening a photo ??????
Anyway i am having doneing this so ,
why does anything have to be done by the book
surely there's an easyer way for you guys just to commet of sum tips that may help me in this as i dont wont to do water change's clean a filter srub the tank of agle i just want to look at it and do nothing so far i have do this execpt the ick problem but now it all seem's fine to me ,i keep you all posted on what happens and let's say if a tank can be maintain by just plants and for me to do nothing ?
what are the chance. the thing's i will do to it, is top up the water ,put so nice plants in and rocks in the next few weeks and thats it i will test it each week and put up a photo just to if it can be done as i still have no filter running just plants ,And for sum one thats never had a fish tank before i think i am going stong still no sign's of agle of anysort
like i said i do the test tank on can fully stock tank mantain its on just plant's and for me to do nothing
Can it be done ???????


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ok here's the start test
Ph= 7.0
Ammonia= 0ppm
Nitrate= 0ppm
Nitrite= 2.0
all test where done twice just to make sure
If there's any more test that you would like preformed just ask and i will get the kit for it .

In the tank there's one heater ,power head to move the water around as it is hard to maintain the temp ,light and that's it.there is no filter
just plants?????
there is one red tail shark in thier with one platty ok
(more fish will be add to stocking standren's in a few weeks )
ps. i put a photo later


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Will try to get a picture of my tank. I think your pictures tell the story.

your tank is doing all the talking. :lol:

nitrites_____5____________0__ edit 2

As I said I have never tested anything in my fw planted. But I do know that when the first fish is fed the first week it always died on the 6th day. But the second fish always lived. And with no feeding the first week the first fish always lived.

So these parameters just explain my experience and the experiences of others I have advised.

edit: As predicted from my SW experience nitrItes are lagging. But still on the way down. In a couple of days they should be 0 and you could start a very light feeding like a flake per day. end edit

And the only thing to cause the conditions is the plant life. And you know that because you have not changed 25 things but only had the plant life cause that effect.

If you did not have the shark, and you would add a mate for the platty, you would have a thriving tank with 30-40 fish in two months. Hopefully your plants are thick enough to allow some babies to survive. But it is pretty close to adding that mate.

I think it is time to sit back and enjoy.

And let all your friends and neighbors be amazed and jealous.

Not to mention the beaslbob flamers here :lol:

but I hope you don't get too bored because there is so little to do to maintain the tank.


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LordNikon":1in03o1l said:
beaslbob":1in03o1l said:
Not to mention the beaslbob flamers here
:wink: we wont get into that.. Plant life theory :roll: its funny

I'm sorry. I just couldn't resist an "I told you so".

I do want to thank ozboy for not only using these methods but also doing the measurements. Hopefully that combination will help all of us to understand the process of planted tanks.

We all should be very interested in why ammonia and nitrates are 0 yet nitrItes still lag. Especially with no filtration, no water changes, after a couple of cycle fish died.

but then I am not surprised as I noticed the same thing in a salt tank.

The obvious explaination is the plant life consumed ammonia first, nitrates second. Therefore nitrItes have lagged behind. But will soon be 0.

So that after all are 0 and say something goes bump in the night, the plant life will immediately consume ammonia preventing the deap tank threatening nitrogen cycle.

Oz thanks.


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Beaslbob":1e767atf said:
I'm sorry. I just couldn't resist an "I told you so".
You told me what? The real test will be on how long his fish live :wink:

Beaslbob":1e767atf said:
We all should be very interested in why ammonia and nitrates are 0 yet nitrItes still lag. Especially with no filtration, no water changes, after a couple of cycle fish died.

but then I am not surprised as I noticed the same thing in a salt tank.
Im not surprised either :wink:


Ill get fresh pics of both my reef and FW tank tonight :wink: (at work now)


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Yes I guess it was asking too much to keep an open mind and actually analyze the results.

no water changes, low light, no circulation results in:


  • 20041225calsfw.jpg
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Heres my reef tank..

Considering my silver dollars (Uday and Qusay) have eaten most of my swords, cabomba, anarcharis, ludwiga and various other plants its pointless to post my FW..but i can if you really insist...


  • update.jpg
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well it still the same.that we're all just have to wait and see what happens ,if this tank will live ,fish live ect ,and the problems that might happen !!!!!!!!
So lord how long do you think the fish will live ????(just want to know thank's )
As soon as the wifey bring's back the photo taker , i post a new photo
How fast do snails breed ,as i posted earlyer that i had sum snail that i got with the plant's i now see a few more :x so thier's 7 that i see know :twisted:
anyway i keep you all post on the outcom's so keep checking but for updates
Man this is like i am back at school proving to the teacher thats he's wrong ???
will i having fun so stick around all and be proved wrong(i think)


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most fish will could live for years if they are properly cared for..neon tetras can live anywhere from 5-7years...my neighbor has a Texas Cichlid at 8yrs old, all 8 of my blackskirt tetras are almost 3yrs old, my pleco is 4 going on 5..im not sure on my silver dollars as they were given to me..

your snail population may overtake your tank..they will continue to breed and multiply..it can be a nuisance if anything


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My experience and predictions:

Years from now there will be plattys in the tank from the originals.

Snails will reach very large population then the number will decline as the snails have less food. With no tank crash because the plants are there consuming ammonia directly.

Mulm will build up on the substrait. Which can be left there or removed for looks.

6 months from now there will be a very light crusty algae on the glass which can be scrapped off.

3 months from now you may notice dark blue green cyano bacteria. As nitrates are being consumed by the plants cyano occurs because it takes nitrogen from other sources. Increasing the bioload, harvesting some plants, and other methods help limit cyano.

3-6 months from now you may have a hair algae attacking the broad leaved plants. Manual remove for a few months usually clear up that problem.

You could get cloudy/brownish water. Reducing lighting and feeding usually clears up the water in 2-3 days.

As long as you maintain the balance and plants are in control, there is no reason all normal fish would not live long lives. But you will have some problems maintaining the plants with say goldfish or african cichlids. Simply because they attack the plants.

And you will be able to leave the tank alone for up to three weeks with no problems. So no fish setters needed when you go an vacation.


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i'll be posting some pics of my minibow planted tank here (FW forum)in a week or so.

ozboy wrote:

why does anything have to be done by the book

because, my dear friend, breaking or bending rules sometimes carries consequences, both good, and bad

in order to deal properly with those consequences, you need to first understand what the rules are, and how to deal with those consequences

the only way to do that is through education, which is best obtained for beginners by books

i don't consider a beginner, by any means (been doing this for over 30 years)and yet i STILL read and learn from books ;)


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So vitz care to predict what will happen in ozboy's tank?

the next question has to be whose book's does the beginner read?

Your's, Lord's, or mine? Not that we have written them but the books we follow.

the optimum aquarium (FW), dynamic saltwater by Adey, the articles by Rober gasser in FAMA in the lat 70's, or the latest instruction manual included in that $100 filter?

Do we blindly do water changes without even the most rudimentary mathmetical analysis?

Do we blindly dismiss plant life and ignore scientific tests under controlled conditions?

So Ozboy just chose another book than lord and Vitz's. And know what, It's working.

Which could be the reason you and Lord hesitate to make predictions.

But that's ok after all I wouldn't last long as an employee at Lord's aquarium shop. specifically because these methods do work.

As Cal's tank showed and ozboy's tank is showing now.

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