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Well i see people are at the point of fighting again
here are sum test
Well may i remind people that nothing has been do to this tank execpt me toping up the water and the plants are starting to grow very well right now i can even see little's one growing of the bigger one's now.
as said before the tank now has a few fishie in their and i now have finshed putting plants in so that it for me now .
i will be only toping up with water and testing for now as i can see thiers nothing for me to do at this point .
will the test are in
all test where done twice to confirm the result's
Ph =7.0-6.8 (had to match the colour but its the middle of them )
well so far so good
if thiers anything anyone would like to know all want me to check i will do that .
i post a pic when i get the phota taker back
any bye


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sound great!!!!!!!!

And thanks for posting your experiences here.

To recap you started the tank 2 months and two weeks ago.

Now you have vastly increased the bioload with no ammonia/nitrIte/nitrates and ph just a tad below 7.0. Sure sound like you have nice soft water in the tank.

Plants are growing, there is no algae, and I'll just bet the neons are schooling and look awesome with the plants in the background.

If it is anything like Cal's experiences, your neighbors and friends are amazed with the tank.

Sure you will have fish losses. Sure you will have to do a cleanup every six months or so. But you are already past the point where most are getting extremely fustrated.


I think everyone entering this hobby should read this thread.



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this thread rocks! i love the bashing. all i have to say about this is this hobby is kind to some and cruel to others. there is no recipe and this is proof. if i tried this tank, it would crash for sure. good luck. i can barely keep my reef alive and i play by all the rules.


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zombiereef":z3tg862k said:
this thread rocks! i love the bashing. all i have to say about this is this hobby is kind to some and cruel to others. there is no recipe and this is proof. if i tried this tank, it would crash for sure. good luck. i can barely keep my reef alive and i play by all the rules.

I want to thank ozboy for starting the thread and keeping it updated also.

I agree there is no single method the must be absolutley followed. But this method is a viable option.

If you could afford a 10g or even a pickle jar, you might find this would work for you also.

And thanks for the positive feedback on this thread. It is very interesting.


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y'all miss the point entirely.....

there are certain ways of doing things that should be tried first, merely because they are more SENSIBLE, and PROVEN

following a trolls advice, and lucking out, is NOT a reason to advocate following the advice

nor is it proof the advice is good advice :wink:

i currently have about 30-40 one inch fish in a 12 gallon bow front nano on my desk 8O :) with beautiful lush plant growth and healthy fish (spawning rams, guppies, tetras filling with eggs, rasboras are 'courting'). It's a 'fw minireef' . :wink:

does that mean i recommend a stocking rate to anyone of 40 1" fish to a tank?


i still recommend, especially to beginners, 1"/1gal because it's SENSIBLE, and ups the odds in favor of the beginner, until they reach a better understanding of what goes on, and what can go on, when the 'rules' begin to get 'bent' abit.

i certainly don't recommend they follow incorrect math for calculating water changes :lol:

the issue is not one of an 'exact recipe', but one of sensible guidelines- the troll's problem is that the only experience he uses to formulate his guidelines is his own, and not the combined years of thousands of hobbyists who know better :wink:

the dead giveaway are the pictures the troll posts to 'bolster' his 'claims' -they are NOT healthy thriving tanks, or even remotely indicative of mature healthey thriving tanks the secondary giveaway is the avoidance/inability of his answering questions posed to him directly, followed by confusing gibberish smokescreens of 'bogus math' scenarios that make no sense to anyone reading his 'refutes'

it still doesn't change bad advice to a beginner being bad advice to a beginner, regardless of the outcome, which may be more of a credit to the beginner's 'luck' than to the troll's 'advice' :wink:


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they should just call these opinion forums.

most posts i find on most forum websites are just a collection of people's opinions. there seems to be very few facts stated from a "collective fact pool".

that is what we should really do on these forums. collect the facts and repackage it as a fact book. the only problem is everyone has an opinion about what the real facts are. a good one to explain this is the question,
" does carbon leech bad things into the water if it has been in there too long?" you will get a zillion answers and are any of them right? who knows. seems like every question doesnt have an answer. i have read answers from "scientists" that swear that testing proves carbon wont leach back into water. there are still people that will argue it to the end. so i dont know. at least on this post there was someone to point to the other end of the opinion spectrum.

this is great. seriously!


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have you been reading any of the 'facts' beasle has been stating about plants and what they do, or any of his water chemistry statements, his water change math 'statements', and compared them to KNOWN scientific facts?

what's been going on with his posts goes waaaay beyond an opinion forum, it's spread of MIS information-something that i take very very seriously, for it gives the hobby(ists) a bad name, and endangers beginners' success at the hobby


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One problem is that facts or truths are based upon the assumptions we accept based upon our experiences and education.

therefore facts vary from person to person.

Therefore what I "know" is true may or may not agree with vitz's or anyone else's.

But dispite all that ozboy has an excellent tank. Dispite following my advice.

No surprise to me. But that may be very surprising to vitz and others.


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that is my point too- facts are different to different people.

this thread is only one link in what should be a network of information.
if i have a question, i go to a few different sources and make a viable decision based on the multiple opinions i get from the different threads.

i recommend that strategy for anybody trying to get answers on forums.
you all have a good time. i am outta here. good luck with your tanks everyone.


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a fact is a fact-and can be proven repeatedly through independent duplication 100% of the time (taking into account experimental error)

an assumption is an assumption, and while it may be partially based on observed facts, must be proven and tested in order to become a fact

anecdotal experience is anecdotal experience, and the relaying of observation

beaslebob hasn't stated one direct fact about his 'methods' ( :lol: ) yet, and the ones hes used to attempt to feebly bolster the appearance of his knowing what he's talking about are even either misquoted, or not even relevant to his point

example-his statement about cyano fixing 'N' from an aquarium, without showing one shred of evidence as to how he determines where the 'N' the cyano gets is actually coming from

almost every statement he's made about plants and how they work is either simply false, or a gross misunderstanding/misrepresentation of what they actually do.

i'm just making sure he's outed every time he does it, to ensure that the spread of misinformation that could very well screw up beginning hobbyists is kept to a minimum, and identified publicly as such :wink:

i can now see why beasle is the way he is....

he doesn't know the difference between any of 'em


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hi all
One's assumption and ways of doing thing's is many there is more then one way of doing it .
I have chosen this way to see if it is a way to maintain a tank and to prove one's wrong .
that's why i doing this i been posting ever thing i done to it .weekly test result's.like i have stated before if their's anything you want to now ask i will tell it as it is .
well i noticed today that plants have growen a lot heaps of roots coming away and planting them self's in the gravel with more plants growing from them .have not lost a fish as yet and have not seem any problems with them .
i have noticed that on the gravel that thier is sum green stuff on it in sum place's .
Anyway until test time bye
i post a pic with it after i resize it to keep you happy


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I am glad the fish are still there.

The plants are spreading and you are getting a green algae as the plants have not spread fast enough to keep up with increased nutrients from the bioload. A slight reduction in lighting may help discourage the algae.

The cyano I warned you about is a much darker blue-green color.


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thanks bob
its green and up the front where no plants are anywhere near it.i see a plant getting close to it but i will let it go for now


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Well lets see .i dont see much fighting this week .
what's going on here .Well got nothing to do today so i give a post and a pic .oh and sum test
well it no differnt even with fish in there .look like the plant have under control so far i been keeping a closer eye it and spot green agle up the front of the tank near the log


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Well let's see.
You are doing no water changes.
Using tap water.
No circulation not even an air stone.
No added filtration.

yet the fish and plants are thriving, water is clear, no algae on the glass, and only a very small amount of algae where the plants have not expanded too.

Anyone that can do that must be a highly skilled, advanced aquariumist.


And thanks for this thread and your updates.

(I'm still not suprised. Same results happen all the time with this method.)

I did find a "cool" way of resizing pictures but it may be for windows xp only. You right click on a picture and one of the options is to resize that picture. The windows add in power tool can be downloaded from the microsoft web site here:

http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/usin ... fault.mspx

Again congrats on an excellent tank.



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beaslbob":2bbl46v4 said:
Well let's see.
You are doing no water changes.
Using tap water.
No circulation not even an air stone.
No added filtration.

yet the fish and plants are thriving, water is clear, no algae on the glass, and only a very small amount of algae where the plants have not expanded too.

Anyone that can do that must be a highly skilled, advanced aquariumist.


And thanks for this thread and your updates.

(I'm still not suprised. Same results happen all the time with this method.)

I did find a "cool" way of resizing pictures but it may be for windows xp only. You right click on a picture and one of the options is to resize that picture. The windows add in power tool can be downloaded from the microsoft web site here:

http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/usin ... fault.mspx

Again congrats on an excellent tank.


you're just ridiculous

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