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I don't claim to be a good speller. or is the spellerist. or spellor :D


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And what might that be ????
Just to remind you is that thier is a power head in thier to move the water around to keep the temp the right temp
. other then that thier's nothing so whats people's view's on this so far true veiw's would be nice and just flames thanks


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ozboy22":poohuh9b said:
And what might that be ????
Just to remind you is that thier is a power head in thier to move the water around to keep the temp the right temp
. other then that thier's nothing so whats people's view's on this so far true veiw's would be nice and just flames thanks


I sit corrected :lol:

You do have circulation. Just Cal's and my tanks have no circulation. I exaggerated. Sorry.

Still all in all a really really low maintenance system.


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hello all
Well coming home today the water in the tank has a bit of cloudeness to it,
it dont look that bad as i can still see to the other side widith and lenght ways .
just thought i post this up to keep it up dated with ever thing that going on
Now how to solve this problem
To me i have not turn the lights on (whoops forgot to tell you all that thier is now 2watts per gallon)
Anyway need to run


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ozboy22":3cswm3p1 said:
hello all
Well coming home today the water in the tank has a bit of cloudeness to it,
it dont look that bad as i can still see to the other side widith and lenght ways .
just thought i post this up to keep it up dated with ever thing that going on
Now how to solve this problem
To me i have not turn the lights on (whoops forgot to tell you all that thier is now 2watts per gallon)
Anyway need to run

It is not uncommon in new tanks for cloudiness to showup after 2-3 weeks of introducing fish. What sometimes happens is bacteria expand for new bioload. But afer that bioload is under control not as much bateria is needed. The "excess" bacteria dies off leaving a white cloud in the tank.

From what you describe, the plant life got behind the bioload because the lighting was reduced. so the first thing to try is just resuming the previous lighting. It should clear up in a few days if that is the case.

If the tank does not show improvement in a few days then you might reduce feeding and wait a couple of days.

If both of those do not show improvement then try reduced lighting.

It is just a temporary situation that will clear up in a week with the above.

But if the fish show signs of distress like heavy breathing then you might check ammonia. In that case you may have to take other actions. But I don't think any of those would apply when all you have is a very slight cloudiness after the lights have been off for a little while.


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Well i just did an ammonia test and it was 0ppm So beasbob you arter right on this one .
I keep an eye on it .could of this happen if the fish were over feed as my wife thinks she could of put to much in
Anyway bye


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ozboy22":16gis81m said:
Well i just did an ammonia test and it was 0ppm So beasbob you arter right on this one .
I keep an eye on it .could of this happen if the fish were over feed as my wife thinks she could of put to much in
Anyway bye

tell the wife that's ok. :D

the most common mistake is over feeding.

So just don't feed for a couple of days and see if it clears up.

Been there, done that. Just part of the learning process.


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Well the tank is still cloud eeee if not bad er !!!!!!
so anyone got any idears as i well been gone all of next week.
is thier anything anyone got to say ...


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One of the main things to do is nothing.

What you probably have is a slight increase in nutrients mainly phosphate. so you need to reduce those mutrients with less feeding and the plants have to catch up with the increased nutrient levels.

It the water starts to turn green then reduced lighting may be a good idea.

See ya in a week.


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back from work now ?
Guess what all the tank has had the lights of for one week and not beening feed and i have come home to a very clean water tank the best i have seen it .
It look like it just beaslbob left checking on this well it is his thoery of the tank and he's been right so far on all the problems well


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ozboy22":22y9k0y5 said:
back from work now ?
Guess what all the tank has had the lights of for one week and not beening feed and i have come home to a very clean water tank the best i have seen it .
It look like it just beaslbob left checking on this well it is his thoery of the tank and he's been right so far on all the problems well

that is really really good to hear.

Although I feel like a proud father, the real credit goes to ozboy.

Not many of us could do a week of doing nothing to allow the tank to clear itself up.

You may not realize it but oz now has more experience and knowledge on how to handle the p's and n's in aquariums than hobbiests with years and years of experience. And definately more than most the reefer's posting on these boards. Even if hehimself does not realize it.

congrats Oz and keep having the best tank ever.


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beaslbob":368xhnye said:
ozboy22":368xhnye said:
back from work now ?
Guess what all the tank has had the lights of for one week and not beening feed and i have come home to a very clean water tank the best i have seen it .
It look like it just beaslbob left checking on this well it is his thoery of the tank and he's been right so far on all the problems well

that is really really good to hear.

Although I feel like a proud father, the real credit goes to ozboy.

Not many of us could do a week of doing nothing to allow the tank to clear itself up.

You may not realize it but oz now has more experience and knowledge on how to handle the p's and n's in aquariums than hobbiests with years and years of experience. And definately more than most the reefer's posting on these boards. Even if hehimself does not realize it.

congrats Oz and keep having the best tank ever.

I just joined these forums and already I can see that you're so out of touch with reality that we should just sacrifice you to your filterless tank. Your fish would probably thank us, because I know I'd want to rip my caretaker to shreds if he went weeks without feeding and no filtration.

You're giving the WORST possible advice to a newcomer to the hobby. No filters, no circulation, no water changes, and not to mention providing under-par care for plants. Your techniques, however, have worked. But there are much better ways of doing things, and I'd bet my right nut that an aquarium with a filter and regular water changes is more healthy than your artificial slum.

Let's apply this "It might work if we do it this way" thinking to a situation that might be a little clearer:

I might be able to have children if I repeatedly slam my gentials in a car door. But would I really want to?

Yeah, I'll admit that it works. But I'll also argue that any planted tank with good filtration, circulation, proper temperature, and nutrient levels will be much healthier and hardier than any plants sitting in 10 gallons of standing water. Not once in these 7 pages have I seen you recommend he test his ammonia/nitr*te levels. You discredited yourself just by that, ass. Had this little experiment of yours NOT worked, you'd have one pissed off newcomer with an empty wallet and a bad attitude towards fishkeeping.

Ozzboy, good work with your tank. You did come a long way, but you'll thank yourself (and your fish will too) if you invest in a quality filter and do regular water changes.


You won't see plants releasing oxygen in a setup like beaslbob's.


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yes i'm out of touch this is what you get when you drive a truck non stop for a week with no human contact so i guess your right i'm out of touch when i get back i just sleep and um i leave it to you ,oh pay bills and spend time with the kids and back in the truck.
Well you say that test have not been done i try and do them every work and post a pic when i can .
since i hvae been back the water is as clear as you need to read the post their is circulation in the tank and once a month it has a dose of plant food . i have seen the fish get bigger the plants are growing like crazye and i need to trim sum down as thier getting to look like and wild garden.
i have the tank in my room so i dont want ot hear a filter go all night long so i thought i give this a go at beaslbob way i have seen a few site's which state that it can be done like this i find them again and post the link when i get a chance to .
Anyway i not pissed of at this if it crasher and dies it s does i 'm will turn around say bob it's wrong it cant be done like that full stop. i ask you and told you every thing that's going on and you can came to the rusece of it and give you answer so in saying that so far he's been right .i not standing up for him i just like his idea of the tank that way so i went against the odds and did just to see what the out come would be .
And if it goes wrong i start again and put a filter in
Will need to run and pick up my truck i post aphota later


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Oz:Excellent reply.

Bellis: I know exactly where you are comming from. I thought the same thing until I read Robert Gasser's articles back in '79. So I gave it a try and 8 years later the tank was still running with descendants from the original two fish.

It also worked for cal in this thread: http://www.reefs.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=60020 and now Cal reads comments like yours vitz and the others and just shakes his head.

and don't forget Azrile's comments it this thread: http://www.reefs.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=73957
Azrile":1on3ab5n said:
I have a 55g with a 55g refugium and I don't do water changes, just top-offs

DSB in both, lots of live rock, low fish load and a couple different types of macro algae for nutrient/heavy metal export. I don't have a skimmer or any filtration besides the DSB and LR. Only equipment is an overflow box and a pump and a couple PH's for mvmt. I also don't feed my fish except for some occasional spinach for my yellow tang. I let the LR supply the food.

Just a natural, low maintainence, low mechanical system

All of those tanks are filtered and oxyginated Just that the filtration and oxygination is done with the plant life.And as shown in this thread http://www.reefs.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=72875 10% water changes every 10 days will not maintain any parameter in any tank. Instead results in abuild up of 100 times the daily change.

I do want to thank Oz for taking the measurements on his system. Because years of experience in many different cities have told me this works. His measurements confirmed they do work.

I do want assure you the experience of Oz and Cal not only reflect my experiences over the years but also the experiences many many highly skeptical newbies also. All of whom were amazed with the results.

Finally you may want to rethink what exactly is dangerous for newbies. And review the newbies column here and on other boards. To me it seems newbies would do well to listen to Cal and Oz.


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I started to reply to this thread with a lengthly retort, then realized how much of a waste of time it's become.

The whole point of fishkeeping is to maintain an optimum environment where animals can thrive. Your methods might work, but they aren't optimal. In nature, most species of aquarium fish deal with some form of water movement and filtration, and a regular source of food.

Throwing a bunch of livebearers in an unfiltered, immature tank is almost as dumb as keeping a betta in a 1/2 gallon bowl, IMO. Try your methods with a more demanding species of fish, and we'll see how well they work.


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Well i'm not taking side's here just haveing fun doing this for fun,
The whole point of fishkeeping is to maintain an optimum environment where animals can thrive
i seen my fish thrive,i have noticed a huge growth in my shark since i bought him and i've been back to the shop where i got him from and i dont see the growth in them as much ... :lol:
In nature, most species of aquarium fish deal with some form of water movement .
but i do have water movement my fish are feed aleast every three days .
Try your methods with a more demanding species of fish, and we'll see how well they work
once i have seen this work well and i like it i will try it just to prove you wrong .
it not here flameing you just stating the facts about this way
in saying that
here's a test and a pic
Well that's the first time there been up a bit strange how thier all went up ,wonder if it had anything to do with put sum rocks in and moveing sum plants and going the plants sum flourish and toping up the water
well that the result's so i anit going to lie .i did the above an hour ago

in other news buying a new truck and it's like a house in side lol got the works in thier,could put a 6 foot fish tank in there and still have room to move ,wonder if the water would stay in.

well that's it for me
sorry cam not working need batts i do later

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