Not to start another debate, but AAron, you're saying that QTing a fish is a real pain, but going through hoops to find meds, treat your entire tank which can sometimes be unsuccessful including garlic, shutting down skimmers, reactors, all the things we need for our corals to survive, for a disease YOU introduced is isn't a pain in the a$$? Gimme a break. A 10 gallon QT sounds a lot easier to me. BTW, if it keeps comming back, it obviously isn't erradicated.
Pecan, thanks for the post on NSF. Detailed info that people can use to treat if need be.
Me and Herman agreed with this on another thread. Our husbandry kills a lot of stuff. QUARANTINE! Since I do not go out and buy enough fish to stock my entire aquarium in one day, I am able to keep my QT small. They go in for observation for a week. Fish is eating, looks healthy, doesn't scratch, I'll continue to watch until I feel they are starting to "fatten up"(meaning I can't see rib cages like you can on most tangs and the body looks fuller). Then I will put them in my main display. If it's sick, it gets treatment. I'm not going to try to say that there is not ich in my tank, I'm assuming it is in everyones tank. But I have no outbreaks. I don't worry about catching a fish that's in my display. I don't worry about finding meds that won't effect corals and clams. I don't have to shut down my skimmers. I really feel that if more people are influenced to QT and do so properly, we will stop seeing these threads on, OMG... HELP...ICH!!! A lot of people in here buy from LFS that keep fish in those acrylic fish cages. These cages are all one system. Look through those fish cages. I've NEVER been to a LFS that has a fish cage and didn't see at least one fish in there that has ich. Not counting dead fish in these cages. You are telling me that it is a good idea to introduce a fish directly to your main display that is being exposed to disease?
pmui, I hope your treatments work and your fish make it through this. I see you set up a hospital tank for them. Good move. Hopefully people will read and learn from your experience and QT's will become more common. So far, this is the second member in 2 months that has set up a QT due to disease. People who set up QT's should not be looked down on as amatures. They are the ones who are following proper husbandry techniques. Those under the influence of impulse buys and instant gratification and those who are just so good at spotting disease haven't been any help to people having problems with disease, especially people newer to the hobby who may not know exactly what to look for and possibly miss something. Set up a QT!!!!